The Womxn from Arts to Engineering (WÆ) Community was founded in 2021 during the disorders of the Corona pandemic by Stefanie Marker and Christina Völlmecke.
WÆ represents the collective we resulting from the fusion of knowledge gained by Womxn from Arts to Engineering. WÆ's overall mission is to create a platform for the open, cooperative and unbiased exchange for incorporating feminist viewpoints in science and academia in order to achieve gender equality, diversity and equity.
In solidarity with all groups and career stages in science, academia and beyond the WÆ community therefore seeks to act as a community of integrity and will bundle and disseminate information. Therewith we can build foundations together for joint efforts against patriarchy, abuse of power and negligence of the advantages of diversity.
The WÆ founders are organising a yearly, interdisciplinary festival with varying topics. Key elements of the festival are an all-female agenda of speakers to increase the visibility of womxn, panel discussion, virtual exhibition, workshops and networking. The main theme of the festival was
- 2021: Sustainable Future
- 2022: Equitable Future
WÆ is opening their findings and discussion to the general public and are teaming up regularly with other networks and groups.
All activities and gathered information can be entered herein by the community in a collaborative manner and can thus be disseminated directly.
Project 1: Collaborative literature collection[edit | edit source]
Please view our collaborative literature collection on including gender dimensions in research, teaching and innovations at the project page.
WÆ will update this page frequently.
Other associated efforts[edit | edit source]
- Module "Engineering for Equity Think Tank" at TU Berlin lectured by Stefanie Marker and Christina Völlmecke