Trauma Triage[1] refers to sorting of the injured patients according to their individual need for emergency medical treatment. This process prioritises patient’s needs by a very brief observation based on Primary Survey[2] ABCDE principles. Its aim is to identify the victims in need of urgent treatment and to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of casualties by using available resources. It is a dynamic process with recognition that patients who are allocated to one level can change to another level.
Patients are prioritised in Triage groups as:
- RED - Require Immediate Treatment
- YELLOW - Require Urgent Treatment
- GREEN - Walking Wounded
- BLACK - Dead or Dying
Equipment and Supplies[edit | edit source]
A large number of stretchers or trolleys are needed at the entrance of the hospital. Blanket and sheets are required in the triage area and lines on which to hang infusion sets. Complete sets of supplies for triage should be prepared and stored in boxes or containers which can be easily carried to the triage area from a storage area.
Triage Boxes[edit | edit source]
Triage Boxes Should Include:
- Disposable gloves
- I/V Fluids: Ringers/ Saline
- Venepuncture equipment/ IV Cannula/ Intra osseous needles
- Dressing bandages/ Scissors
- Catheters, nasogastric tubes
- Drugs which are likely to be needed
- Standard Documentation charts and patient folders with a unique number
- Each folder should include a triage admission card, lab & X-ray request form
Preparation[edit | edit source]
The hospital team should regularly practice different triage scenarios. Clinical protocols and guidelines for the triage and patient management must be standardised and understood by all doctors and nurses. After every triage incident and when feasible, a general meeting (De-briefing) of the staff should be held to discuss what went well and how to improve.
Team Structure[edit | edit source]
Triage Groups/Nursing Teams[edit | edit source]
Such teams should be formed for the triage area, with responsibility for the following tasks:
- Setting up intravenous lines and taking blood for grouping and cross matching
- Administration of tetanus prophylaxis, antibiotics, analgesics and other medications as prescribed
- Dressing wounds and splinting fractures
- Bladder catheterisation, if indicated
- Arranging of on orderly flow of categorised casualties according to colour coding to the operating theatre or to designated areas for continuing resuscitation, delayed, or minimal treatment