Postpartum Intrauterine Simulation Device
Problem being addressed[edit | edit source]
Poor birth spacing can have serious health implications for both mothers and newborns. Postpartum Intrauterine Devices (PPIUD) are inserted into the uterus postpartum to prevent pregnancy and the damages of poor birth spacing. However, the training models for PPIUDs can be large, expensive, and negligent of certain uterine positions. In low-resource areas, there is also a lack of provider confidence and number of PPUID trained health workers to provide care.
Detailed description of the solution[edit | edit source]
This new PPIUD simulation model is cheaper, more lightweight, and more realistic to the postpartum anatomy than more frequently used models. Training will be self-paced and the mobility of the device will allow trainers to take models back to their facilities for on-the-job practice. Practicing PPIUD use on this device allows for a more practical training approach to PPIUD insertion on real patients.
Designed by[edit | edit source]
- Designed by: Jhpiego Corporation
- Manufacturer location: Pakistan
When and where it was tested/implemented[edit | edit source]
2012 in Pakistan
Funding Source[edit | edit source]
Laerdal Global Health
References[edit | edit source]
Other internally generated reports[edit | edit source]
Saving Lives At Birth. (2012). Reinvigorating the Postpartum IUD Using a Low-Cost Simulation Model. Retrieved November 13, 2013 here.