Obvious 3D printer technology based on 04. Asymmetry
(Redirected from Obvious 3D printer technology based on 4. Asymmetry)
Azw (talk) 07:19, 1 December 2015 (PST) Djchopp (talk) 07:19, 1 December 2015 (PST)
- Change nozzle geometry for tighter corners/ better edges
- make drive gear geometry asymmetric to allow faster speeds with the same motor. Align geometry with part to be printed.
- additional infill on edges, leave middle hollow
- add flats to shaft for drive gear
- mix filaments in print head for color combination
- mix filaments in print head for combination of material properties
- make printer asymmetric to allow better access to print bed
- Change firmware to allow tolerances for asymmetric construction, then vastly increase assembly tolerances
- Texture print bed for better adhesion
- change control rods to linear actuators to allow for additional motion control
- add cutout to nozzle to allow other materials to be injected into print stream
- shiftable transmission on drive belts
- make drive gear geometry asymmetric to allow the extruder motor's force to be better used. Align geometry with part to be printed.
- adjust symmetry of drive pulses to motor
- specifically shape print bed for object being printed (mass production?)
- bring nozzle to a point on one side, orient that side inward to allow better detail, shave off the additional plastic on the outside
- flip nozzle in previous point
- mount bed on cams, drive them until bed is a set distance from nozzle
- mount bed on cams, drive them until bed is level
- novel print head shape to increase range of movement
- overfill inside of part for increased strength (preloading part)
- different length control rods for printing on an angle
- flip print bed sideways and add rotational axis
- swap nozzle sizes during print to increase strength
- change firmware to not care about nozzle geometry, make nozzle from random trash
JBailey (talk) 07:13, 4 December 2018 (PST) Cjthormodson (talk) 07:26, 4 December 2018 (PST)
- swappable axis drives to easily change print area
- oval filament to get wider layer lines at the same layer height
- alter fan configurations to change cooling effects
- adjust axis positioning to allow easier print bed access on delta printers
- puzzle-like snap fits for some connections rather than nuts/bolts
- add slightly curled tab to slicer options for easier print removal from bed
- create spacers and code to allow for an angled bed
- add automated arm to be able to place an item inside the print mid-print
- Allow printer to become inverted mid print to enhance build volume.
- Asymmetric drive gears for more precise when you need it
- Asymmetric hotend to lay down material more precisely
- Mix filaments for better material properties
- Mix filament colors to make new colors
- Multiple hotends that print materials that react with each other to form a stronger bond
- Asymmetric bed that adjusts until it is level
- Liquid bed so that it is always level
- Cam driven motors
- Asymmetric print bed to increase build volume
- Tilted print bed to print overhangs vertical