Noyemberyan Armenia composting toilet
This page should contain more details. Hopefully there is some more content in that willd has access to. Maybe we can ask Dan (dan_retzyahoocom) for more content as well. If we can not contact Dan for more information, we can just include some more general information. --Lonny 11:49, 22 April 2008 (PDT)
- Designed and Built by Peace Corps Volunteer, Dan Retz, April, 2004
- Details available on request: dan_retz
Images[edit | edit source]
Picture of the house
View Showing location of composter
Composting Chamber in basement/storage area
Urine line to be linked with gray water system, Screened air inlets.
Detail showing movable lid to remove and install the barrel.
Detail of a "bag" made from flour sacks designed to support and maximize ventilation of compost (bag is to be mounted inside of barrel).
Picture of the installed toilet stool and ventilation pipe. Fan is installed inside the pipe just above the ceiling.
Detail of urine diversion funnel. The funnel is plumbed to a 1" pipe which exits the toilet chute via a 90 degree fitting, and later is plumbed to a gray water system.
Detail of vent pipe attachment.
Another view of the composting bag.
Picture showing foam mattress used as a air gasket and protection from flies. Detail of urine line combined with gray water system. Later project will be to divert this combined system for usage in the garden.
Design drawings
Design drawings
Design drawings
Excel Cost schedule[edit | edit source]
Powerpoint presentation on situation in Armenia[edit | edit source]
Related projects[edit | edit source]
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