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Monte Cerro Solar Power Village

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Monte Cerro Peace Education and Solar Power Village are two major projects of the Peace Research Center and Ecovillage Tamera in Portugal.

Monte do Cerro
7630 Colos
Ph 00351-283-635 306 (office times)

"Those who don`t want war need a vision for peace"

What is Tamera?

The "Healing Biotope 1 Tamera" in southern Portugal is an international training and experimental site for the development of peace research villages and healing biotopes worldwide. Under the motto "Think Local, Act Global", about 200 people live, work and study in Tamera. Tamera´s aim is to build up an example of a pilot model for a nonviolent co-existence of people and between people and nature. The main tasks of Tamera are: the education of young people in the peace study "Monte Cerro", the building up of a village model called "Solar Village" which produces its own food and solar energy, and in the global political network under the name of GRACE. More: [1]

The Solarvillage: Solar Intelligence for the 21st Century

One of the main activities of Tamera is building the Solarvillage on a 5 hectare part of the property at Tamera. The technologies exist, and we can start building.

A Solarvillage is a settlement model for a future community or peace village. It can be generalised and can be established at any place on earth that has a fair amount of sunshine. The model that has been planned so far is a largely self-sufficient settlement for 50 people. It guarantees a self-sufficient supply of water, self-sufficient food production and a self-sufficient energy supply. These energy technologies, which are being used for the first time, go far beyond today's commercial solar systems. The spectrum of the further research and the possibilities for its use is so enormous that we are discussing building a special Technical School specifically for this. Here, people from all over the world could be trained. More: [2]

Monte Cerro Peace Education

"Monte Cerro Peace Education" includes comprehensive studies in peace work and the creation of peace villages. At its core lies the knowledge about community and the development of trust, truth and transparency including the areas of love and sexuality. An essential part of the education is the study of the political theory of a global change through local actions.

Based on the experience developed during the first three years of the Monte Cerro Peace Education program with more than 80 international students we now start a flexible study program.

From now on we offer our studies in Tamera in modular form and in short-stay courses. This means that long-term-residence in Tamera will no longer be necessary, which also makes it possible for people from other projects and from crisis areas to take part in our education. The further curriculum you (will) find here under events.

Basis semester 4.5. – 15.8.2009 - facilitated by: Juliane Eckmann, Jana Mohaupt and Team

More: [3]

Sources: [4] [5]

Permaculture[edit | edit source]

One of the major works of Tamera in the last years was the building of a permaculture water landscape. It is a system of water retention basins in natural shape created to store the winter rain and to bring fertility back to a dry and devastated region. The Permaculture water landscape was designed by Sepp Holzer, a mountain farmer from Austria, as a model for landscape healing and for growing organic food and to create food autonomy.

Summer University[edit | edit source]

Global Grace Village

Creating Models for a Future without War

Summer University Tamera / Portugal July 29th to August 7th 2009


Survival is no longer a private matter, it has become a global issue.

This is an invitation to take part in a think tank and to build a vision for a future without war.

Planet Earth was meant to be Paradise. However, people seem to have forgotten it. Today we live in a time where extensive parts of humanity live in misery and destruction and ever more beings experience comparable fate on an every day basis, so it has become a question of survival to remember the grand original dream of a healthy planet, home to everything that lives.

Do we know our true power? Do we know what a small group of people following a clear vision of the future can change? Those who want to end war need a vision for peace.

After three years of peace research of the Monte Cerro Peace Experiment, Tamera Peace Research Center invites to a summer of vision building.

The vision of a Global Grace Village

How do future societies that are not based on fear, domination, and violence, but instead built on trust look like? Which kind of technological, ecological, architectural, and social structures will societies, resonating with the cosmic order of life, display? How will future societies, where children fully trust their parents again and where lovers never have to leave each other ever again, come into being? Which professions will they have and how will young people learn how to invest their strength for peace?

We call this vision of peace Global Grace Village. We assume that when the first planetary peace model is fully realized in all its depths, it will be a decisive contribution to a future without war.

Next steps of realization: Peace Research Village Middle East

Currently a group of Israelis, Palestinians, and Internationals are preparing the concrete construction of the first peace model. They will present themselves and their project. After the Summer University they will head off to the Middle East and check if the first Peace Research Village can be built there. We will also host representatives from the Peace Village of San José de Apartadó, Colombia, as well as many other guests.

Visionaries, scientists, youth activists, love adventurers:

With global crises overlapping, it is becoming evident that we are close to facing a paradigm shift; so let´s get together and learn to SEE!


External links[edit | edit source]

Page data
Authors Leila Dregger
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 2 pages link here
Impact 144 page views (more)
Created October 12, 2008 by Anonymous1
Last modified June 1, 2024 by Kathy Nativi
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