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Making deodorising foot powder

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Authors Felicity
Uses deodorising
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Feet can sweat considerably, especially during warmer months and when enclosed in synthetics or shoes. There are homemade, sustainable solutions that you can make to assist in soaking up the sweat and deodorising your feet at the same time.

Rice flour and cornflour foot powder[1][edit | edit source]

  1. Place 1/2 cup cornflour and 1/2 cup rice flour into a paper bag. Fold the top of the bag down a couple of times to enclose the ingredients. Hold shut with your fingers and shake well to combine the two flours.
  2. Once the flours are combined, add 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil and 10 drops of cypress essential oil. Once again, fold the top of the bag down again and shake to combine well.
  3. Pour the powder mixture through a sieve into a glass container, such as a large cleaned spice or herb jar with a hole dispenser top. The sieve will remove any lumps caused by adding the essential oils. Place the lid on top to keep the ingredients inside. It may help to use a funnel to direct the powder into the jar.
  4. Label so that you remember what's inside.
  5. To use, shake out a little onto your feet and inside your shoes as needed. The powder will dry up the sweat, keep your feet dry and will deodorise both feet and shoes.

Cornstarch and baking soda foot powder[2][edit | edit source]

This recipe is based on a Mason jar sized container.

  1. Place 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and 3 tablespoons of baking soda into a paper bag. Fold the top of the bag down a couple of times to enclose the ingredients. Hold shut with your fingers and shake well to combine the ingredients.
  2. Open the bag ad add 15 drops tea tree essential oil, 15 drops eucalyptus essential oil and 10 drops essential lavender oil. Shut the bag again and shake to combine.
  3. Place the powder through a sieve to catch any lumps that may have formed after adding the essential oils. Tip into a large jar with lid. If possible, use a jar with a hole dispenser top to make distribution easier.
  4. Add a label so that you remember what's inside.
  5. Rub the powder into your feet whenever needed. Shake a little into your shoes as well. The powder will dry up the sweat, keep your feet dry and will deodorise both feet and shoes.

Kaolin clay and arrowroot foot powder[3][edit | edit source]

  1. Place 35g of kaolin clay and 45g of arrowroot powder into a paper bag. Fold the top of the bag down a couple of times to enclose the ingredients. Hold shut with your fingers and shake well to combine the ingredients.
  2. Open the bag and add 7 drops of tea tree essential oil, 6 drops of essential lavender oil, 5 drops of sandalwood essential oil and 2 drops of geranium essential oil. Shut the bag again and shake to combine.
  3. Place the powder through a sieve to catch any lumps that may have formed after adding the essential oils. Tip into a large jar with lid. If possible, use a jar with a hole dispenser top to make distribution easier.
  4. Add a label so that you remember what's inside.
  5. Rub the powder into your feet whenever needed. Shake a little into your shoes as well. It can also be used inside socks. The powder will dry up the sweat, keep your feet dry and will deodorise both feet and shoes.

Arrowroot and tea tree oil foot powder[4][edit | edit source]

  1. Place arrowroot powder (to the amount that will almost fill your container) and 10 drops of tea tree oil into a paper bag. Fold the top of the bag down a couple of times to enclose the ingredients. Hold shut with your fingers and shake well to combine the ingredients.
  2. Place the powder through a sieve to catch any lumps that may have formed after adding the essential oils. Tip into a large jar with lid. If possible, use a jar with a hole dispenser top to make distribution easier.
  3. Add a label so that you remember what's inside.
  4. Rub the powder into your feet whenever needed. Shake a little into your shoes as well. It can also be used inside socks. The powder will dry up the sweat, keep your feet dry and will deodorise both feet and shoes.

Tips[edit | edit source]

  • The amount of essential oils used may vary with the size of the jar; the recipes are provided based on a standard jar size except where otherwise stated. Experiment a little to find what works best for the containers you're using.
  • Have a shower or bath, then rub the powder on prior to dressing, for added freshness.
  • If you cannot find a jar with a hole dispenser top, you can either scoop out the foot powder with dry, clean fingers or you can use a powder puff.
  • Use a recycled food-safe jar for keeping the food powder in; just ensure that it's airtight.
  • Addition of tea tree oil may provide anti-fungal protection; however, don't rely on this solely but see a medical practitioner for advice if you have fungal problems.

Caution[edit | edit source]

  • As with all use of essential oils on the body, always read the contraindications of the oil and do not use if you are allergic to any of the contents of the oils.
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets. This is not meant for digestion; seek medical help immediately if consumed.

Sources and citations[edit | edit source]

Page data
Keywords deodorising, foot powder, green personal care, rice flour, cornflour, cornstarch, baking soda, kaolin clay, arrowroot, tea tree oil
SDG SDG03 Good health and well-being
Authors Felicity
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Translations Portuguese, Spanish
Related 2 subpages, 4 pages link here
Impact 1,211 page views (more)
Created January 2, 2016 by Felicity
Last modified June 9, 2023 by Felipe Schenone
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