This page contains a list of theme-based CANs, support organisations and initiatives. This list is used for populating the CAN support map, so edit with care. A companion page contain lists of place-based CANs: Latin America CAN/data.

Separate pages: Scotland CAN support/data, South West England CAN support/data, Rest of UK CAN support/data, Europe CAN support/data, North America CAN support/data, Latin America CAN support/data, Africa, Asia and Oceania CAN support/data

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São Paulo, Brazil

Good for Nothing Sao Paulo — Good for Nothing reúne pessoas para fazer o bem para causas sociais. Uma comunidade criativa com propósito, onde você faz o que você sabe, a favor de todos. Nosso lema é fazer acontecer.

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R. da Cachoeira, 345 - Santo Antônio, Duque de Caxias - RJ, Brazil

Sinal do Vale — "Center for the regeneration of ecosystems, communities, and individuals. We inspire relationships and learning experiences through our projects, hospitality services, and educational programs. We prototype solutions to regenerate food systems, forests, soil, and communities."

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Calca-Cusco, Peru

Association for Nature and Sustainable Development (ANDES) — non-profit Peruvian indigenous organisation that aims to improve the quality of life of Andean indigenous communities by promoting the conservation and sustainable use of their bio-cultural heritage through rights-based conservation-development

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Catalytic Communities — generate models for effective community-led and people-centered development of informal settlements in cities across the globe, based on the experience of Rio de Janeiro, with the city’s favelas achieving recognition of their heritage status and residents being served as equal citizens. Site includes a Sustainable Favela Network Map

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Authors Phil Green
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 3 pages link here
Impact 0 page views (more)
Created February 23, 2024 by Phil Green
Modified February 23, 2024 by Phil Green
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