Inpex Corporation is a Japanese Oil Company that was established in 1966. Their goal is to eventually become an integrated energy company that helps serve the global community. They promote renewable energy and reinforce research and development for future generations. Inpex continues to explore synergies with oil and gas development such as geothermal energy.
Geothermal Energy[edit | edit source]
Geothermal power generation systems produce electricity while leaving a smaller environmental footprint. It does so by emitting low amounts of carbon dioxide emissions, while having no influence from the weather as compared to other clean energy methods. Japan being a volcanic country is said to be rich in geothermal energy potentials of approximately 20 million kilowatts, the world's third largest country after Indonesia and the United States. But the current amount of power in Japan being used via geothermal energy is only about half a million kilowatts. The reason being is that a lot of the sources for geothermal energy lie beneath national parks and hot springs, so in order to access it they would need to abide by the environmental regulations laws. Inpex also increased geothermal development by joining the Sarulla Geothermal Independent Power Producer (IPP) Project in Indonesia in 2015.
Main Focus of Inpex[edit | edit source]
Inpex's main project is the Minami-Nagaoka Gas Field, which is located in Nagaoka, Japan. The field has been in production since 1984, after the completion of the Koshijihara Gas Plant. The gas field to this day accounts for about 40% of Japan's total natural gas production.
Inpex Employment[edit | edit source]
The Indpex Corporation staff's over 2100 employees along with over 700 temporary employees. The Inpex Labor Union seats over 1000, and have created a labor management council that meets regularly.