- Composting toilets
- Rancho Mastatal, Costa Rica. https://ranchomastatal.com/appropriate-technology
- Grey water filtration and use. Water-retention landscaping. Bioswales.
- Living Machines for water purification and for wastewater management and treatment.
- Rainwater harvesting
- Curtis J. Richardson, Neal E. Flanagan, Water quality and wetland vegetation responses to water level variations in a university stormwater reuse reservoir: Nature-based approaches to campus water sustainability, Science of The Total Environment, v948, 2024, 174616, ISSN 0048-9697, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174616.
- Wartalska, K., Grzegorzek, M., Bełcik, M. et al., 2024, "The Potential of RainWater Harvesting Systems in Europe – Current State of Art and Future Perspectives," Water Resource Management. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-024-03882-0
- Muhammar Khamdevi, Robi Dany Riupassa, 2024, "Opportunities for Implementing Low-Tech Dew and Fog Harvesting Architecture in Indonesia: A Narrative Literature Review," MARKA (Media Arsitektur dan Kota) : Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian. https://doi.org/10.33510/marka.2024.8.1.1-10
- Water use efficiency
Resources[edit | edit source]
- Back to Main Page:Ecovillages & Intentional Communities Energy and Climate Action Research Project
- Wastewater Disposal and Treatment Manual, Allegria Village, Costa Rica.