- Assisted Living
- Cohousing (often typed “co-housing”).
- Densely clustered housing
- Green roofs; rooftop gardens
- Passive House (Passiv Haus) construction practices
- Rachel Carlson Ecovillage, Pennsylvania. https://rachelcarsonecovillage.org/
- Solar energy
- Active solar
- Passive solar
- Trombe Walls
- Tiny Houses:
- Appropedia Tiny house movement
- Appropedia Tiny house search and Tiny houses search
- Zero Energy Homes (Net Zero Energy, and Zero Energy Ready Homes)
- U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Zero Energy Ready Home Program, ZERH Education Hub [Web page, retrieved June 2024], https://www.energy.gov/eere/buildings/zerh-education-hub