The following are proceedings from a breakout group at the Community Created Humboldt event on January 23rd, 2010.
Principled Community Managed Resources Proceedings[edit | edit source]
Convener: unknown
- Community Forestry/ Arcata Community Forest
- Redwood Forest Foundation, Programatic Timber Harvest
- Fisheries/ Near shore ocean
- Watershed Restoration
- Ecotourism
- Community Agriculture
- Open Spaces
- Water & Watershed scale planning
- Materials management; re-use highest and best use of forests & resources
- Local knowledge is intellectual capital
- Alliances within communities and between resources establishes principled ground rules: (Triple Bottom line is Environmentally responsible, economically sound and socially just)
- Non exploitative
- Mimic natural systems – resiliency
- Transparent honest assessments of negative impacts
- Organic watch CO2 releases, carbon conscious, limit burning