Background Information[edit | edit source]
Cal Poly Humboldt (HSU) experienced a bookstore buy-out by Follett, a large corporate bookstore entity, which have bookstores at many Universities across the United States. In 2012, the Alliance to Save Energy's PowerSave Green Campus Program interns heard of the Follett take-over of the campus bookstore, and were determined to make energy efficiency a priority in the 2012 bookstore remodel. With the help of Cal Poly Humboldt's Director of Sustainability, TallChief Comet, PowerSave Green Campus interns were able to arrange a meeting with Follett Managers and Designers to discuss the energy use of the new remodeled bookstore. PowerSave Campus interns united Follett with Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA)'s Energy Watch Program, which provides energy efficiency upgrades and rebates for small businesses in the area.
Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA)[edit | edit source]
RCEA's mission is to develop and implement sustainable energy initiatives that reduce energy demand, increase energy efficiency, and advance the use of clean, efficient and renewable resources available in Humboldt County. The Redwood Coast Energy Watch is one of several RCEA programs to fulfill its mission of saving energy in Humboldt County. The Redwood Coast Energy Watch is a local government partnership of the Redwood Coast Energy Authority and Pacific Gas and Electric Company, which was created in 2006 to help Humboldt County utility customers lower their energy bills and enjoy a cleaner environment. RCEW provides funding for residential services, non-profit organizations, public agencies, and businesses. The RCEW Business Energy Efficiency Services help businesses to reduce operating costs and improve their bottom line through energy efficiency projects. The program offers free, start-to-finish technical assistance and instant rebates to help reduce the cost of installing efficient lighting, refrigeration improvements and other energy efficiency measures.
The Retrofit[edit | edit source]
After meeting with concerned students and HSU's Director of Sustainability, Follett agreed to make energy efficient improvements during the renovation process. In order to make this happen, RCEA's Lou Jacobson performed a thorough audit of the bookstore before the renovation process began. During his walkthrough, he identified areas where T-12 and HPO (High Power Output) T-8 linear lights could be removed and replaced with new electronic ballasts and LPO (Low Power Output) T-8 linear bulbs, which decrease energy consumption by a significant amount.
Results[edit | edit source]
The renovation of the Follett owned bookstore at Cal Poly Humboldt was successfully completed in December, 2012. The project is estimated to save the University $4,513.71 per year in electricity costs, with a payback of approximately 1.6 years. With a 62% return on investment, this project will reduce the carbon footprint of the bookstore by 13,085 lbs of CO2 per year!
Special Thank You[edit | edit source]
Thank you to the following people for helping to make this collaborative project successful! Lou Jacobson, RCEA - Dave Nakamura, HSU UC Center Building Manager - Cory Adamski, HSU Bookstore Manager, Follett - TallChief Comet, HSU Director of Sustainability - Candis Mary-Dauphin, HSU PowerSave Campus Lead - Maxime Tanti, HSU PowerSave Campus Project Coordinator, Intern - Jenna Bader, HSU PowerSave Campus Project Coordinator, Intern - Adrienne Spitzer, HSU PowerSave Campus Team Manager, Intern -