Blogs and blog comments are an effective way of participating in a community discussion. If you keep a custom home page at one of the common portals (Yahoo, Google, etc), it's convenient to "subscribe" (using Atom or RSS) to a selection of blogs so you can see new posts effortlessly. Much can be learned from the variety of viewpoints, and by posting appropriate comments you can also raise awareness of Appropedia's mission as well.

Livejournal has a particularly lively community of bloggers and blog-readers interested in development issues, including development workers; it has "communities" or group blogs; and it also allows registered users to view blogs by all their Livejournal "friends" (i.e. favorite bloggers) on a single page (e.g. Chriswaterguy's friends page); it also allows comments to form threads, making conversations easier (and livelier) in comment sections.

Please add appropriate blogs to the table below, including your own if you author an appropriate blog.

Key[edit | edit source]

Key for Topics:

ApTech = Appropriate technology
IntDev = International development
Sust = Sustainability, Sustainable design, Sustainable technology.
Disaster = Humanitarian aid & disaster relief (emergency management).

In the License column, "CC..." signifies a type of Creative Commons open licenses. A ? signifies that the blog appears not to mention the license type, so it is copyright by default. Copyright means there is an explicit reference to copyright (the word or the ©). Blank means it hasn't been checked yet.

Table[edit | edit source]

Blog Topics Notes License?
Appropedia Foundation Blog ApTech, IntDev, Sust, Disaster Appropedia, open knowledge, knowledge sharing... CC-BY-SA
Agroblogger Ag, Aptech Frank Aragona (also at Agroinnovations) CC-BY-SA (see Agroblogger/license)
Agroinnovations Ag, Aptech Frank Aragona (also at Agroblogger) CC-BY
Appfrica ApTech, IntDev, Sust International incubator, Technology for Development CC-BY
A Humourless Lot ApTech, IntDev, Disaster Logistics for global health and aid, by Michael Keizer CC-BY-SA
EWB-SFP Appropriate Technology Design Team ApTech By the Engineers Without Borders Professionals Chapter in San Francisco, focused on stoves. ?
AIDG Blog ApTech By The Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group CC-BY
Afrigadget ApTech By Erik Hersman and Co. Focusing on appropriate technology solutions in Africa. CC-BY
Heavy Petal Ag, Sust Gardening: from a West Coast, urban, organic perspective. Andrea Bellamy, a home and garden writer based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada CC-BY-SA
Uprooted EcoTour, Sust Jessica Reeder. A girl on a mission: to travel the world learning about sustainability, organic farming, green building, and ecological innovation. CC-BY-SA
IntDev Raj Patel, author of the book Stuffed and Starved. About CC-BY
Sustainable Design Update ApTech, Sust By John Barrie. Appropriate technology and green design. ?
Little Devices that Could ApTech By Jose Gomez-Marquez. Appropriate technology and health. ?
Street Use ApTech By Kevin Kelly. Developing world tech hacks and mods. CC-BY-NC-SA
MAKE Blog ApTech Very broad scope, anything about making something by oneself. Occasionally has appropriate technology. Good place to put posts about good practical projects. On the Make Magazine website. Copyright
HungerMovement Blogs IntDev All the posts seem to be by Michael Haddigan, but presumably there's some other bloggers too? Copyright
Private Sector Development Blog IntDev, private enterprise Bloggers from the World Bank Group Copyright
My Heart's in Accra IntDev, Africa, Wikipedia By Ethan Zuckerman, who is somewhat involved in Wikipedia/Wikimedia stuff. CC-BY
Resolution IntDev, Sust, peace By Curt, who also contributes here... (definitely CC-BY-SA or compatible... need to confirm)
Urban Sprout Green Green news and opinion, and an organic eco directory of products. South African perspective. CC-BY-SA
Views from the Center IntDev Center for Global Development Copyright
Timbuktu Chronicles Sust, private enterprise Emeka Okafor (who posted on Village Earth's AT wiki back in May) ?
Grist Sust environmental news Copyright
Andrew’s Sustainapedia Sust Andrew Netherton blogging about his planned sustainability portal.
Pyjama Samsara IntDev By Vasco-Pyjama, focusing on development issues in Indonesia
No Average Days IntDev Teaching reproductive health and gender in rural Bangladesh. ?
Aid Workers Network IntDev Blogs by aid/development workers. Includes pages of posts listed by topics such as Advice for first-time aid workers. Disaster "because information can save lives"
World Wide Help Disaster Mentions disaster, sometimes adds information on how to help.
Far Togo IntDev, Africa Andy M, a Peace Corps volunteer, writes of his work in Togo.
Aaron In Africa: My Time in Togo IntDev, Africa Another Peace Corps volunteer in Togo, setting up a computer centre (described in his Project post).
Kevin in Liberia IntDev, Africa Kevin Fryatt... "to raise awareness of current social, political, ethical, and spiritual issues within a relief and development context in Liberia."
DC-10 Dairy IntDev, Health Celia Yeung, "travelling all over the world and working with a multi-national medical team and volunteer faculty onboard the world's only ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital... My main roles are PR and communications, and creating public awareness on prevention of blindness through advocacy and local media."
on adaptive reuse Sust (sometimes ApTech, IntDev) critical blog about the constant evolution and adaptation of human production and culture.
Global Voices Online Global issues, diversity "The World is talking. Are you listening?"
Green Options blog Sust "Greening The Good Life!" - covers "a broad spectrum of green topics."
Temas Blog IntDev, ApTech, Latin America Keith Ripley, "Musings about the Evolution of Consumer, Environmental & Health Policy in Latin America & the Caribbean" Sust High profile, focus on "Bright green" stuff.
TreeHugger Sust high profile, owned by Discovery Channel.W
Blood and Milk by Alanna Shaikh IntDev identifying what works in international development CC-BY-ND
Project Diaspora IntDev Africa CC-BY-SA 3.0
Green Collar Technologies Sust Supporting Green Collar Workers on Hawaii Island CC-BY-NC-ND
Akvo Blog ApTech, IntDev, Sust Akvo - the open source for water and sanitation CC-BY-NC-SA
Seven Generational Ruminations Seven Generations Technosanity Podcast Sust Exploring various aspects of long term thinking and applying it to our modern life
ColaLife Seven Generations Technosanity Podcast IntDev Campaigning for Coca Cola to use their distribution channels to distribute rehydration salts. CC-BY-ND on some posts, undefined on others.
Urban Green Survival ApTech, Sust Urban Green Survival - How to live a sustainable life in the city
Think 2100 Blog Sust Sustainability, sustainable technology. Quite detailed and analytical blog posts. [1]
Earth And Main Sust Environmental News, technology and climate solutions
Climate Home News Sust, IntDev, Disaster Mostly Environmental News, Good on Environmental Politics and Policy
Environmental And Energy Study Institute Sust, IntDev, Disaster Environmental News, Excellent on Environmental Politics and Policy CC-BY-SA 4.0

If you find it hard to edit the table[edit | edit source]

Just enter your blog address, title, subject area, byline/description and license here:

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Author has been known to give permission to use blog content - may be willing to share for Appropedia.
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Authors Chris Watkins, Curt Beckmann, Catherine Lainé, E.lecron
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 8 pages link here
Aliases Blogs, Blog roll, Blogroll
Impact 79 page views (more)
Created September 9, 2006 by Chris Watkins
Last modified October 21, 2024 by Kathy Nativi
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