Bench vice tool
Safe bench vice tool
Fig. 1: Common safe bench vice tool.
Unsafe bench vice tool[edit | edit source]
Millions of poorly designed bench vice tools are sold all over the world.
Problem 1: If people turn the handle, their fingers can get trapped between the handle and the movable claw part. The distance between the handle and movable claw part must be greater than the thickness of an adult human finger.
Problem 2: If people open the movable claw part all the way out, it can fall out, causing injury due to its weight.
Fig. 2: Finger stuck in bench vice tool.
Fig. 3: Unsafe bench vice tool.
Make a bench vice tool safer[edit | edit source]
Tools you will need:
- Metal file
- Paint
- Welding machine
To make the front of the movable claw part flat, you will need to do the following:
1. File off the bump.
2. File the edges and corners of the front face.
3. Paint the front claw part.
4. Weld a spot on the movable claw part so it cannot fall off.
Fig. 4: Common unsafe bench vice tool.
Fig. 5: Bench vice tool "before."
Fig. 6: Bench vice tool "after."