Apple trees
Apple trees are believed to be cultivated since the 3rd century BC, especially in Asia. Today, apple is maybe the most popular fruit. Its wide spread is caused partly because apple tree is very flexible and resilient. It can give fruits even in temperatures below -22 °F (-30 °C). Nowadays, apple trees are cultivated in diverse climate conditions, ranging from the cold of Canada to the tropical climate of Africa.
Apple tree (Malus pumila) is a member of Rosaceae family. It is a deciduous tree (it loses its leaves seasonally). It reaches an average height of 16 feet (5 meters). Standard apple trees can reach a height of 25-35 feet (7,5 – 10 m) or even more. Semi dwarf and dwarf trees reach a height of 6-20 feet (2-6 m). The blossoms are produced in spring. The fruits mature on shoots that are 2 or more years old. They mature in late summer or autumn depending on the variety. There are more than 7000 known cultivars.
The average apple tree is able to produce notable quantity of fruits from the 3rd to 6th year of its age and can continue to do so until the 35th-50th year of its age.
Nearly all apple trees are not self-pollinating. This means that if there isn’t any other apple tree close (80 feet or 25 m) to your backyard, you may have to plant at least 2 trees of different varieties in order to harvest fruits.
Some products made of apples
- Apple Butter
- Apple head dolls
- Apple Sauce
- Apple Cider
- Dried apple slices
- Apple Juice
More information on the history of apples and its cultivation can be found at Wikifarmer [1]