Andean tubers
The potato was introduced to the world from its native Peru several hundred years ago and quickly spread to all corners of the globe. These days its importance as a staple food crop cannot be overstated. There are several other tubers from the Andes region of South America that have a promising future, including the mashua, yacón, ulluco, and oca.
Mashua[edit | edit source]
Country | Name/Nickname |
Peru | Mashua, mascho, añu |
Bolivia | Añu |
Colombia | Cubio |
Various | Mashwa, maswallo, mazuko, isano |
Yacón[edit | edit source]
Ulluco[edit | edit source]
Country | Name/Nickname |
Peru | Lisa, papa lisa, |
Colombia | Ulluco, chigua, chugua, ruba, melloco, olluco, camarones de tierra (ground shrimp) |
Venezuela | Rubia, ruba, mucuchi |
Ecuador | Melloco |
Argentina | Ulluma, olloco, ulluca |
Bolivia | Ulluco, papa lisa |
Culture | Name/Nickname |
Aymara | Ulluma, ulluco, ullucu |
Quechua | Ollucu, ulluco (Peru), ulluku (Peru), oca quina |