Zoning is of great concern to everyone interested in Intentional Communities. Zoning regulations are imposed by a locality, usually a city, and control a wide range of land-use issues, including:

  • Minimum Lot Size
  • Buildings Per Lot
  • Minimum distance Between Buildings
  • Minimum distance from Street
  • Families Per Building
  • Definition of a Family
  • Number and type of animals permitted

Living in violation of zoning is risky - keeping a low profile will only work for so long. A single complaint from a disgruntled neighbor can lead to a $1000 per day fine or even a 30 day eviction notice. The time to settle zoning issues is before the community is established.

Changing zoning can be a lengthy and expensive process. A land-use attourney is often required, and a six month process is not uncommon, leading to an extra up-front $10,000 expense, and the zoning board might still say 'No'.

See also

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