I have a todo list. It's public, and editable, so if you want to help with any of this, you can. You can also put stuff on it, responsibly.

To do


I am now officially Pretty Busy for the next two to three months. Lot of travel, couple of high-ish profile events, stuff like that. The big projects are:


  • ADHOCRACY info
    • see email
  • web maintenance
    • update hexayurt project's status on linked.in - add jay, razi, lucas etc
    • GAMA - what to do with this, linked.in to legitimise?
    • GAMA - link jay's PDF
    • link @thefwd to the amazon page
  • check on storage unit
  • update CV
  • Take a look at WikipediaPlus




current schedule

  • floating - BM ideas export meeting
  • 2013Dec17 Tuesday ISRS xmas party
  • 2013Dec12 Thursday 5PM conf. call re Warlord Entrepreneurs
  • 2013Dec11 Wednesday 12:30 lunch


  • 2013Sep28 NESTA futures gig
  • 2013Aug23 Green Foundation Ireland summer school (Point Festival) (Wexford - Caremsore, nr Rosslair port)
  • 2013Aug15 - 2013Aug19 Dark Mountain Festival
  • 2013Aug16 - New Forest w. Leo & co.
  • 2013Jun28 @dajbelshaw 4:30PM skype
  • 2013Jun27 @dajbelshaw 8:00PM skype
  • 2013Jun24 Meet @ntoll for drogulus chat sometime week starting 24th. Details TBC.
  • 2013Jun17 - 2013Jun18 Climate Gathering Dublin
  • 2013Jun14 - 2013Jun16 @Alberto_Cottica in Ireland
  • 2013Jun13 3PM @alexevansuk at Barbican

  • 2013May21 Hub Westminster, @fortyfoxes talk
    • Goldsmith's cryptoparty
  • 2013May20 Rob Pye, Victoria, 5PM
  • 2013May18 Opentech in London
  • 2013May14 3PM ISRS
  • 2013May9 ISRS morning meetin
  • 2013May8 Lunch w. AE, meet @gordon_white in the evening.
  • 2013May7 Andrew Clarke gig
  • 2013May5 Speaking at Electromagnetic Wave
  • 2013Apr29 - Alberto Cottica in the late afternoon, then show in the evening.
  • 2013Apr12-14 H4D2 Hackathon Birmingham http://h4d2.eu
  • 2013Apr11 @falkvinge in Ireland
  • 2013Apr10 :11am: Coffee with @cased - London Leather lane
  • 2013Apr9 Stafford Beer pilgrimage with @frabcus
  • 2013Mar23 - 2013Mar24 Euroburners / Nowhere burning man hexayurt workshops in London
  • 2013Mar15 11AM Hubwestminster with @quentinjohns1
  • 2013 March 6-9 Marie will be in Paris for IEA WEA special report workshop on redrawing the energy-climate map -- meet me there?
  • 2013Feb20 Talk for @benvickers_
  • 2013Feb14 - 2013Feb17 Ireland GP Event

  • 2013Feb21
    • thejaymos talk 'viewer discretion cannot be advised' at Lima Lulu PK night
  • 2013Feb6 @alberto_cottica in London?
  • 2013Jan19 Lunch & Go w/ James L, Brixton?
  • 2013Jan18 ISRS 12:30
  • 2013Jan17
    • Lunch with BenVic
  • 2013Jan16
    • Lunch with Charmer
    • Pint in Marlybone
  • 2013Jan15
    • dinner w. thejaymo?
    • lunch with PhilCon
  • 2013Jan11 3:30PM @semicharmedman hub WM.

  • 2012Dec30 - 2013Jan9 SPAIN!!! SPAIN!!! SPAIN!!!
  • 2012Dec6 to 2012Dec9 EdgeRyders 2 in Brussels
  • 2012Nov16 talk at Green Foundation Ireland event (re @eamonryan)
  • 2012Nov14/15 leave for Ireland
  • 2012Nov9-2012Nov10 Mozilla Festival in London #mozfest @bevangelist
  • 2012Nov8 - Noon with HT at Marlybone
  • 2012Nov7 Ethos First Wednesday 6PM
  • 2012Nov3 Global Sustainability Jam at Hub Westminster that weekend
  • 2012Nov2 leaving for UK from Cloughjordan

  • 2012Oct17 Seeing Jesus (and Tim Minchin!)
  • 2012Oct16 James Lewis, @marksimpkins

  • 2012Aug20 to 2012Sep3 Visit to Greece with @cbrewster
    • Map: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=218171180539423251566.0004c686608c351cf29ef
    • Google doc with additional planning data: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d11FyIszYaYIkME0yWK3cpqkQIBkZDIqh1njypGy498/edit?pli=1
    • The idea is to take a fairly substantial wander around in Greece, possibly spending four or five days in Athens, and then actually taking some vacation in the country with Chris. Are there people I should meet in Greece? What is worth seeing when I'm out there? I hear lots of interesting things happening in Greece at the moment in terms of local currency, food cooperatives and the like. Please put notes on anything you think is worth me seeing/doing and people to meet below. Thank you, V>
    • We will mostly be in Attika and the Peloponnese. Possible centres of civilisation include Corinth, Argos/Nafplio, Tripoli, Sparta, Kalamata, Pirgos, Patras. Anything interesting we should be visiting from a collapsonomics perspective? @cbrewster
    • @SpirosPengas
    • The Corinth Canal and Diolkos ought to be pilgrimage sites for any self-respecting engineer.
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