I am currently (as of 2012) a full-time PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne, with the Australasian Center for the Governance and Management of Urban Transportation (GAMUT). If you're interested in my research, check out my Academia.edu page.

I have had a long-term interest in working towards sustainable societies more broadly, over recent years I've pursued this particularly in relation to human settlement structure and Urban planning, with the goal of moving towards sustainable cities and regions. In this respect I'm inspired by the long tradition of urban planning with a utopian tinge, from the likes of Ebenezer Howard and Lewis Mumford, thru more modern ideas like Chris Alexander's.

My PhD work focuses on how broader societal access to Open Source GIS capabilities and tools such as OpenTripPlanner could support envisioning and developing better Public_transport, as part of a more sustainable transportation paradigm. I like to see this work as contributing towards a long-term collaboratively developed informatics platform to support sustainable transportation planning - tentatively called OSSTIP.

This work can also be situated within an emerging discipline and movement called "Community Informatics" (CI). CI amongst other things is concerned with how new information technology approaches can support better access and participation by communities in decision-making and planning - see the CIRN Wiki.

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