Here's how to make your community government.

There is a balance of power between 3 or 4 branches (Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Press).

  • Executive: Term lengths starts at 1wk and doubles everytime they are re-elected on a positive fractional ballot (no "NO" votes are allowed). Must approve of any laws by Legislative. Appoints one Judge, if slot is available, per consecutive term.
  • Legislative: direct democracy of anyone who shows up. Majority vote sets rules, quorum of two is all that is required. This means only two people are required to make a bill and send to Executive.
  • Judicial: number of Judges set by majority vote by Legislative (quorum equal to size of present Judicial Branch). They get to set the ratio, not the number of judges. A starting ratio of 1 Judge per 50 community members might be good. Can stay for as long as they wish or until ratio is lowered and they are voted out.
  • Press: your local billet that lets everyone know what awesome things you're doing!!

You can pay for your government with a small income tax in your local currency. Executive gets paid an agreed upon amount set by the Legislative.

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