About Me

Nicole Caputo
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Interests in Appropriate Technology

  • Plastics
  • Energy
  • Water
  • Mining
  • Soil
  • Agriculture
  • Food
  • Life
  • Transportation
  • Planning

Experience in Appropriate Technology

  • currently designing program to address plastic proliferation in watersheds (including marine environment)
  • bio-dynamic farming/living
  • San Gregorio House [San Gregorio, California]

Favorite Appropedia Page(s)

  • Ocean Pollution - Great Pacific Garbage Patch - Describes Phenomenon of Marine Debris (Plastic/Garbage Pollution in our Global Ocean). (I have some edit suggestions to help make this page more accurate)
  • Arcata plastic bags - Explores impacts (embedded energy/C) of single-use plastic bags in Arcata, California (great sections on policy and justice).
  • User:RichardF/Index of environmental articles- Index of environmental articles.
  • [[1]]- Amazing page! Plastics recovery manual (created by ISF-IAI, Ingénieurs sans Frontières - Ingénieurs Assistance Internationale).
  • [[2]]- Comprehensive review of wood-plastic composites.

Experience and Resources

I have the following experience, skills or resources to share with Engr370:

  • UN/NOAA-sponsored 5th International Marine Debris Conference Participation and workshops including: Nets to Energy Program (NOAA/Schnitzer Steel) and Waste to Energy Facility/Technology Tour (Covanta Energy)
  • exposure to Commercial Recycled Cooking Oil Biodiesel Plant
  • currently designing plans for marine plastic/marine debris repurposing and conversion (as well as for land-based unsorted plastics)

[[Category:Engr305 Appropriate Technology][Category:Engr370 Energy, Technology and Society]]

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