About Me

I am a third year Mechanical Engineering student at Queen's University, currently enrolled in the Thermo-Fluids option of the program, while taking electives from the Materials Procession option. My interests in Engineering lie in design, development, implementation and operation that maximize efficiencies, particularly in the automotive and energy sectors of industry. I am undecided about what to do upon completion of my B.Sc. and I am currently contemplating either a Master's in Engineering or going to contribute my skills to and gain some experience in industry.

Interests and Experience

From the Engineering perspective, my interests lie in the energy and transportation sectors of engineering but more generally I am interested in how people interact with technologies, and how to make the integration of technology into everyday life more seamless.

On the personal side, I enjoy sports and fitness, learning through trial and error, research and reading, interacting with people with different perspectives than myself, and listening to music.

Connections to Appropedia

This is the first sort of 'wiki' project I have contributed to, and was introduced to Appropedia by my Principles of Materials Processing professor, Dr. User:J.M.Pearce as the medium in which we will deliver the final project for his course, MECH370.

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