
Idea and initial details stolen from [User:Vinay_Gupta/The_Gupta_Shop].

The concepts

Threat model

  • Vinay suggests "Start by figuring out what you need to stay at home for 30 days with your family".
  • I'm not sure what I want to do, but it's a start. I want to get closer to [MACC], really. More "WOOO" (we're on our own) than "YOYO" (you're on your own). This will evolve, I'm sure.


Too Hot

Generally speaking not a problem in the Canary Islands.

Too Cold

Definitely not a problem in most of the Canaries. If it's a problem, there are clothes and the possibility of moving to somewhere that's warmer, a few kilometers away. These things are of course useable if needed, but generally overkill:

  • poly underwear, ideally two pairs per person (needs washed regularly!)
  • sleeping bag, can be cheap+big it's not for travel right?
  • tent, to put up inside your bedroom.
  • foam mats to insulate you from the floor.
    • ideally, a cheap inflatable camping mat with a foam mat on top - much more comfy.
  • stove - very difficult to manage smoke issues in urban areas, houses don't have chimneys etc usually.


Surveys show we eat 1.25 kg of food per person per day. So in general, for the average family group of 3.25 people (not making this up, but can't find the source right now), it would be like 1.25 * 3.25 * 7 kg per week, or * 30 if you're thinking a month. You do the maths, but it's probably a cupboard and a hundred euros of really cheap storable food? If it's too cheap it will be food you won't eat, and that's not good.

Also, stocking up before a crisis may be counted among the many wise things individuals and families can do. The same once the crisis has started is hoarding, frowned upon, and makes things worse. If you're going to do it, do it before the crisis.


I guess it's use the tap while it's there, and fill up your deposits. How much? To be on the safe side, 10 liters per person and per day (this covers thirst, cooking, and part of health). So 10 * 3.25 * 7, or 10 * 3.25 * 30, which would be ... 1 m³. A month is a lot, but a week seems doable. Or you can do a week and if things look bad then you end up stinking like a bad mannered pig.


To be considered: Water filters, sewage/toilets, medication?


The best way to avoid injury, other than not being a fool on the road, is to try and keep everyone else well fed, watered and medicined.


Then figure out what you need to ensure you can stay in contact with and reach your friends, family and community.



Bikes are ok, if you have them. Consider distances. 10-15 km uphill is a lot. Downhill, not so much.

Work Space

Done. I mean, in said circumstances, you don't work, in order to save your calories, right?

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