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I am pursuing a graduate degree in Manufacturing Strategy and Applied Sustainability at Queen's University with research in optimizing manufacture processes for energy and carbon dioxide emissions reduction. I graduated from Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Materials Option in 2009 at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada . I also attained a minor degree in Economics in 2010. Since being a student in a secondary school (St. Joseph’s Convent P.O.S) in Trinidad and Tobago, I have been interested in sustainable energy solutions. I hope to apply my passion for problem solving in sustainable development, energy systems and materials to a challenging and innovative career that utilizes my aptitude in engineering and my interpersonal skills.

Kadra Branker
Kadra alaska 2.jpg

You can email me or write me a note on the discussion page.
email: 5kb3@queensu.ca


Main Research Project

Strategies for greener/ more sustainable manufacturing

Things to Work on

  • update Appropedia pages
  • P2P paper
  • Econ Model- IMechE paper-expanded with example? CIRP paper (W)
  • prepare CIRP presentation (W for JJ)
  • Write SPIF paper 1 (submitted - W)
  • Write SPIF paper 2 (W for JJ)
  • SPIF paper 3 optimization
  • write 461 paper
  • SL book chap - do revisions and submit (W for review)
  • supervise green ITS student (May 2010 -?)
  • MECH 461 experiments
  • Analyse data
  • model (doing inputs for experiments, started matlab)
  • carbon paper

Other Projects

Levelised Cost of Solar PV

Lifespan and Reliability of Solar Photovoltaics - Literature Review,
Levelised Cost of Electricity Literature Review,
Review of Solar Levelized Cost

Queen's Green IT ECMs

Queens Green IT ECMs

Peer to Peer Lending/Banking for Solar PV/ RETs

Peer to Peer Lending and Microfinance for Solar - Lit. Review
Banking for Solar Investment - Lit. Review
Peer to Peer Finance Mechanisms to Support Renewable Energy Growth

Governement Support of Solar PV

Government support of photovoltaic manufacturing

Interesting Read


Resource Management/ Risk Communication:

  • McDonough, W. and Braungart, M., (2002) Cradle to cradle ,North Point Press
  • Ali, S. H. (2009), Treasures of the Earth - Need, Greed and a Sustainable Future, Yale
  • Powell D.; Leiss W. (1997). Mad cows and mother's milk: The perils of poor risk communication. Montreal, Quebec,Canada: McGill-Queen's University Press

Useful QAS Resources

QAS tasks
How to make a figure to publish
Library: http://library.queensu.ca/webeng/
Dissertation Calculator: http://www.lib.umn.edu/help/disscalc/date.php?monthone=6&dayone=17&yearone=2010&monthtwo=8&daytwo=1&yeartwo=2011
Journal Citation Reports: http://admin-apps.isiknowledge.com/JCR/JCR?PointOfEntry=Home&SID=2D6iKn5hDDcGhL2KIPb

Schedule and Activities

MASC Activities 2010 - 2012

  1. Commenced graduate work Jan 2010
  2. Became a member of SWITCH
  3. Got BA in Econ (minor) June 2010
  4. Literature Review: Green manufacturing
  5. Winter 2010 - TA for Mech425, Mech425 GreenIT Project

6. Contributed to Guest Speech at RET Workshop based on Green Energy Act: Feb. 25th, United Church, Elginburg
7. Mech 836 Lit. Review, Levelised Cost of Electricity Literature Review 8. Did MEE 505, MPA 847, MECH 810

Work Schedule May - Sept 2011

Office: 9 am - 5 :30 pm

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
10:30 - 11:30 am
Meeting Jeswiet (Skype)
[8:00-10:00 am -
SWITCH (monthly)]
12:00-1:30 pm -
CMAS 897 seminars
5:30 - 11:00 pm Busy - Ultimate Frisbee 6:00 - 9:30 pm Busy - Toastmasters 5:30 - 10:00 pm Busy - Ultimate Frisbee 7:00 - 9:00 pm Busy Send Progress Report
  • If I am not in the office, I am in the library, the lab or in meetings other than the activities above.

Conferences & Events

  • 2010 Queen's School of Business - Innovation Summit March 20th, 2010 [1]
  • NAMRC 38 Conference May 26th -28th 2010 [ http://www.queensu.ca/conferences/namrc/]
  • The 3rd Annual Conference on Biomass for Energy - The Great Lakes Bio-Region: Market Opportunities and Carbon Pricing

May 30 – May 31, 2010 [2]

  • CEEA: Queen's Conference Jun 7th - 9th 2010 [3]
  • Matariki Conference 2010 Nov 5-7th [4]
  • 1000 Islands Energy Research Forum Nov 12th-14th[5]
  • CME 2010 Sustainable Manufacturing Summit Nov 24th, 2010 [6]
  • GreenProfit, March 20-21, 2011, [7]
  • Solar 2011, May 17-21, 2011 [8]
  • The 4th Annual Conference on Biomass for Energy, June 6, 2011, Biomass and Ontario's Green Energy Act [9]
  • CIRP 2011, August 2011 (International Academy for Production Engineering Research)[10]


  • WHMIS - (original 20 Sept., 2005), re-certified May 2009, 2010, 2011, (refresh annually [11])
    WHMIS FAQs [12]

The Occupational Health and Safety Act protects you in the workplace unless you are a farm worker, or a domestic. Federal workers are covered under a separate piece of legislation.The Act gives minimum requirements to protect everyone else from health and safety hazards on the job. It gives workers three rights. The Right to Know, The Right to Participate, and The Right to Refuse Unsafe Work.

  • Employment Equity: Queen's Appointments and RTPC Training- June 9th 2010 (Equity Office)[13]
  • Accessible Customer Service (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act) - June, 2011


  • TA (Teaching Assistant) Training (Sept. 2009)
  • Professional Development Day for Teaching Assistants (TA Day) (Sept. 2009)
  • Effective Reading in Graduate School (QLC) (Jan 2010)
  • Safety in Field Research (Apr, 2010)

Legal obligations, environmental health and safety, emergency response protocol and certification, risk assessment and resources.
-Queen's Emergency procedures: http://www.queensu.ca/security/emergency.html
-Queen's Environmental Health and Safety: http://www.safety.queensu.ca/newsletter.htm
-Checklist for students going abroad and Emergency Support Program (ESP):http://quic.queensu.ca/outgoing/checklist.asp


  • Light Motor Vehicle (unrestricted) - Trinidad & Tobago
  • G2 - Ontario, Canada
  • Pleasure Craft Operator Card(PCOC) - Boating Safety, Canada & U.S.

Past Projects


  • K. Branker, M.J.M. Pathak, J.M. Pearce, A review of solar photovoltaic levelized cost of electricity. Renew Sustain Energy Rev (2011),


  • K. Branker, J. Jeswiet, I.Y. Kim, Greenhouse Gases emitted in manufacturing a product – A new economic model, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 2011, 60 (1) 53-56
  • K. Branker, J.M. Pearce, Accelerating the growth of photovoltaic deployment with peer to peer financing, Solar 2011 Conference Proceedings (2011) – In press
  • K. Branker, J.M. Pearce, Financial return for government support of large-scale thin-film solar photovoltaic manufacturing in Canada, Energy Policy, 38 (2010) 4291-4303, Available online 13 April 2010,.[14] Related Appropedia Page
  • K.Branker, J.M.Pearce, J. Corbett, J. Webster. Engineering Service Learning with Green Information Technology Systems Projects, Conference Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (Inaugural), June 7th - 9th, 2010 - [15] (peer-reviewed).
  • K.Branker, J. Corbett,J. Webster, J.M.Pearce. (2010). Hybrid virtual and field work-based service learning with green information technology and systems projects, International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 44-59.-[16]

Conference Publications/ Presentations

  • K. Branker, J. Jeswiet, I.Y. Kim, Greenhouse Gases emitted in manufacturing a product – A new economic model. CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology (2011), 61st CIRP General Assembly (Annals of CIRP), August 20th -27th, Budapest, Hungary.
  • K. Branker, J.M. Pearce, Accelerating the growth of photovoltaic deployment with peer to peer financing, Solar 2011 Conference Proceedings (2011), American Solar Energy Society, May 17th – 21st, Raleigh, NC.
  • K.Branker, J.M.Pearce, J. Corbett, J. Webster.Green Information Technology and Systems (IT/S) Projects facilitated by Hybrid Engineering Service Learning (POSTER)Matariki Network of Universities Conference,Renewable Energy and Society, Nov. 5th -7th, 2010.
  • K.Branker, J.M.Pearce, J. Corbett, J. Webster. Engineering Service Learning with Green Information Technology Systems Projects, Conference Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (Inaugural), June 7th - 9th, 2010 - [17] (peer-reviewed).
  • K. Branker,L. Liao. Application of Nano‐Structured Ceramics to Gas Turbine Components – Material and Fabrication Process Selection , Inquiry@Queen’s 3rd Annual Undergraduate Research Conference, March 5-6, 2009 [18]
  • K.Branker. Inquiry into Extending the Life of Valve Rocker Arms in High Performance and Large Capacity Engines ,Inquiry@Queen’s 2nd Annual Undergraduate Research Conference, March 6-7, 2008 [19]

Summer & Fall 2009 Activities

  1. Started Using Appropedia
  2. Admittance Day Volunteer - Applied Science (May 2nd 2009)
  3. Research Assistant - Queen's Applied Sustainability Group (May - August 2009)
  4. Course: Econ 222 (Tues. & Thurs 1 - 4 pm for May and June 2009)
  5. Convocation (June 2nd 2009, 2:30 - 4:30 pm)
  6. MiniU Hospitality Ambassador (May 22nd 2009, 4 - 8 pm)
  7. Sustainability Summit 2009(May 25 to 29)- Kingston Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP)
  8. EPA Webinar: "Climate Leaders: Opportunities for Implementing On-site Wind and Solar Energy to Reduce Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions" (June 3rd, 2009)
  9. Tour to Renewable Energy of Plum Hollow
  10. Tour to Renewable Energy Home
  11. SWITCH meeting July 3rd - Presentation done by Dr. Pearce and K. Branker
  12. OPA FIT Webinar - 21st July, 2009
  13. Met with contact in Ministry of Environment Canada in Toronto
  14. Patent Week
  15. Solar Photovoltaic Cells for the Kingston Home FAQ- to review/ pass on to next group to monitor
  16. Government PV Investment
  17. Banking for Solar/ Innovative Finance mechanisms
  18. InGaN solar cell price - did estimate
  19. Submitted Paper: P2P paper
  20. Submitted Paper: Gov Paper

Kadra09 16:18, 12 January 2010 (UTC)

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