About Me

Me in Ireland!

I am currently a student in the Environmental Resources Engineeringprogram at Humboldt State University.

Favorite Sites

My favorite site on Appropedia is the Arcata_Marsh_Current_Performance

Arcata marsh


  • For Engineering 215, our group, Team Evergreen, designed a human powered bicycle blender, Smooth Ridin'. This is the document we created while designing our bicycle blender: Design Document
  • This Gantt Chart shows a sample of the project planning software: gantt chart
  • This is a sample of an Auto CAD Drawing: ACAD 2
  • This is a Sample Memo that was written to turn in Section 4 of our 215 document: Section 4 memo
  • This is an example spread sheet that documents the hours spent on the ENGR215 class for both the project and course work:timesheet
  • These are other websites I have help create while in the ERE program:Public Health Bike Blender and RCEA Energy Audit Rookery Books
  • These are links to the instructional videos that describe the use and maintenance of

Smooth Ridin:how to make a smoothie disassembling Smooth Ridin

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