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     "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi  
     " Be the change you want to see in the world " - Gandhi  

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== Academic Background  ==
== Academic Background  ==

Currently finishing Master's of Environmental Studies (MES) at Queen's University, Kingston. I completed my undergraduate at Carleton University, Ottawa also in Environmental Studies with a minor in Political Science.   
Currently at University of British Columbia (Canada) pursuing a PhD program at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability ([http://www.ires.ubc.ca/personnel/students/ IRES]) studying with Dr. John Robinson.
My research interests are in applied sustainability, appropriate technology, barriers to sustainable development, power of Information and Communication Technologies (internet, access to knowledge etc), open source/ open access and innovation through collaboration, technology and society, as well as the theory of common good and morality.  
Completed Master's of Environmental Studies (MES) at Queen's University, Kingston, and an undergraduate from Carleton University, Ottawa also in Environmental Studies with a minor in Political Science.   
My thesis topic is on [[Open Source Appropriate Technology]] and will be done under the supervision of [http://www.appropedia.org/User:J.M.Pearce Dr. Joshua Pearce].  
Research interests are in applied sustainability, appropriate technology, barriers to sustainable development, power of Information and Communication Technologies (internet, access to knowledge etc), open source/ open access and innovation through collaboration, technology, environment and society, as well as the theory of common good and morality.  
Master's thesis topic was on [[Open Source Appropriate Technology]] under the supervision of [[User:J.M.Pearce|Dr. Joshua Pearce]].  

Just as we are all connected, so is everything co-related and the key to understanding world's problems is in comprehension of all of the elements that influence them. This means study of the entire social, technological, cultural and political factors that affect our lives as well as our relationship/ effects in them.  
Also worked with Let's Talk Science, Queen's University chapter as one of the coordinators for community High School engagement in things science related, as well as Engineering for Change (E4C) on drafting appropriate technology evaluation platform for a workshop conference held in New York 2012.

== Campus Involvement and In the News ==
== Appropedia Contributions ==

I am the Sustainability Coordinator for the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS). If you would like to get involved with the Sustainability Committee or apply for the SAF Grant contact sustainability@sgps.ca
Pages Authored

In the News:<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/sustainability-advisory-committee-formed Involvement with the Queen's Sustainability Advisory Committee]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/students-make-statement-eco-art-display Our Eco Art project 2010] <br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/recycling-mania-queens Facilitating Recyclemania 2011 ]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/sites/default/files/assets/gazette/gazette20100125.pdf Gazette Article - Queen’s: The First Solar Powered University?]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/recycling-mania-queensStudent Coalition for Solar Powered Queen's Article]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/principal-champions-banning-sale-bottled-water-campus Comment on Bottled Water Free Campus]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/media/hottopic/nuclear-power-not-worth-risk-canada-queens-university-study Nuclear power not worth the risk in Canada - Our Nuclear Insurance Subsidy paper in Queen's media release]<br />
[http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/954262--solar-power-outshines-nuclear-power-study Solar power outshines nuclear power: Study, Toronto Star, 2011]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/putting-tap-water-test Bottled Water Free Day March 10, 2011]

== Thesis Research Topic ==
* [[Barriers to Appropriate Technology Growth in Sustainable Development]] [[File:Graph_keyOSAT_barriers.jpg‎|thumb|right]]

'''Open Source Appropriate Technology and Sustainable Development'''
Summary and results page from my Master's research paper published in the [http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/jsd/article/view/12176 Journal of Sustainable Development]

Can we improve development of appropriate technology (smart/ efficient/ relevant tech) using the paradigm of open access/ open source/ knowledge commons where information, technical know-how and general knowledge is shared and improved by working together as a community? What are the barriers to development, AT and open source? Is one of the solutions to establish rich interconnected networks/ website/ database/ wikis for all A.T. related needs? How can we speed it up and scale up? What role are ICTs and Internet playing and what is their impact on appropriate technology and development in general? What are some example of the benefits of open source/ open access paradigm, innovation through collaboration + crowd-sourcing? How have the internet and ICTs already been used to spur innovation faster in new and creative ways?

Barriers to sustainable development and appropriate technology are complex as there are a lot of variables involved - but as it's been said before: the complexity of the matter must not paralyze us into inaction! Identifying problems leads to finding solutions, and the more hands and eyes working on it together the faster the process of development evolves. "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow" - Raymond.
* [[Diverting indirect subsidies from the nuclear to the photovoltaic industry: Energy and financial returns]] [[File:Nuclear_vs_solar_Power_over_years.png|thumb|right]]
Summary of a paper that came out of a project for MECH 836 - Applied Sustainability class. Published in Elsevier's Energy Policy

== Publications  ==

*  [[WASH Tech water technology evaluation]]
This is a summary of the WASH Tech report by Parker, A. et al., (2011) that I came across while working with E4C on appropriate technology evaluation project


* I. Zelenika and J. M. Pearce., “[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2011.02.031 Diverting Indirect Subsidies from the Nuclear to Photovoltaic Industry: Energy and Economic Returns]”. Elsevier Journal of Energy Policy. 2011

Paper summary can be found here - [[Diverting indirect subsidies from the nuclear to the photovoltaic industry: Energy and financial returns]]
Pages Co-Authored

* Amy J. Buitenhuis, Ivana Zelenika and J. M. Pearce,. "[http://nciia.org/sites/default/files/pearce.pdf Open Design-Based Strategies to Enhance Appropriate Technology Development]" Proceedings of the 14th Annual National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance Conference: Open, March 25-27th 2010, pp. 1-12.<br>
* [[Open_Source_Appropriate_Technology_Literature_Review|Open Source Appropriate Technology Literature Review Page]]

This is a literature list for key works in open source appropriate technology; it features links, summaries and key points

* Jacqueline Corbett, Jane Webster, Koray Sayili, Ivana Zelenika, and Joshua Pearce,. "[http://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2010/194/ Developing and Justifying Energy Conservation Measures: Green IT under Construction]" (2010). AMCIS 2010 Proceedings. Paper 194.

== Publications  ==

* J. M Pearce, C. Morris Blair, K. J. Laciak, R. Andrews, A. Nosrat and I. Zelenika Zovko, “[http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/jsd/article/view/6984 3-D Printing of Open Source Appropriate Technologies for Self-Directed Sustainable Development]”, Journal of Sustainable Development
* I. Zelenika and J.M. Pearce, (2012). “[http://idv.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/11/19/0266666912465742.abstract  The Internet and other ICTs as Tools and Catalysts for Sustainable Development: Innovation for 21st Century]”, Information Development. Published online November 2012, DOI: 10.1177/0266666912465742
* Pearce J., Albritton S., Grant G., Steed G., & Zelenika I. 2012."[http://sspp.proquest.com/archives/vol8iss2/1012-067.pearce.html A New Model for Enabling Innovation in Appropriate Technology for Sustainable Development]". ''Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy'' 8(2), Published online Aug 20, 2012.
* I. Zelenika and J. M. Pearce., “[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2011.02.031 Diverting Indirect Subsidies from the Nuclear to Photovoltaic Industry: Energy and Economic Returns]”. ''Energy Policy''. 2011
**  '''Summary and figures'''  - [[Diverting indirect subsidies from the nuclear to the photovoltaic industry: Energy and financial returns]]
* Amy J. Buitenhuis, Ivana Zelenika and J. M. Pearce,. "[http://nciia.org/sites/default/files/pearce.pdf Open Design-Based Strategies to Enhance Appropriate Technology Development]" ''Proceedings of the 14th Annual National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance Conference: Open'', March 25-27th 2010, pp. 1-12.<br>
* Jacqueline Corbett, Jane Webster, Koray Sayili, Ivana Zelenika, and Joshua Pearce,. "[http://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2010/194/ Developing and Justifying Energy Conservation Measures: Green IT under Construction]" (2010). ''AMCIS 2010 Proceedings''. Paper 194.
* J. M Pearce, C. Morris Blair, K. J. Laciak, R. Andrews, A. Nosrat and I. Zelenika Zovko, (2010) “[http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/jsd/article/view/6984 3-D Printing of Open Source Appropriate Technologies for Self-Directed Sustainable Development]”, ''Journal of Sustainable Development'' [http://mtu.academia.edu/JoshuaPearce/Papers/1566597/3-D_Printing_of_Open_Source_Appropriate_Technologies_for_Self-Directed_Sustainable_Development open access]
* Ivana Zelenika Zovko and Joshua M. Pearce, “[http://www.isdrc17.ei.columbia.edu/?id=submission Examining Social Barriers to Open Source Appropriate Technology and Innovation through Collaboration with Information and Communication Technology]”,  Presented at the 17th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. May 8-10, 2011 Columbia University, NY
* Zelenika, I. and J.M. Pearce. 2011. [[Barriers_to_Appropriate_Technology_Growth_in_Sustainable_Development|Barriers to Appropriate Technology Growth in Sustainable Development]]. [http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/jsd/article/view/12176 Journal of Sustainable Development]. Vol 4, Number 6

* Ivana Zelenika Zovko and Joshua M. Pearce, “[http://www.isdrc17.ei.columbia.edu/?id=submission Examining Social Barriers to Open Source Appropriate Technology and Innovation through Collaboration with Information and Communication Technology]”,  17th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference (accepted. Conference May 8-10, 2011 Columbia University, NY)

<br />

* Pearce, J.M., Albritton, S., Grant, G.,  Steed, G. and Zelenika, I. . "Enabling Innovation in Appropriate Technology for Sustainable Development". Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy. (in print 2011)
== Campus Involvement and In the News ==
* I. Zelenika Zovko and J. M. Pearce., "The Internet and ICTs as Tools and Catalysts for Sustainable Development: Innovation for 21st Century". Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. (under review, submitted December 6, 2010)

In the News:<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/sustainability-advisory-committee-formed Involvement with the Queen's Sustainability Advisory Committee]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/students-make-statement-eco-art-display Our Eco Art project 2010] <br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/recycling-mania-queens Facilitating Recyclemania 2011 ]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/sites/default/files/assets/gazette/gazette20100125.pdf Gazette Article - Queen’s: The First Solar Powered University?]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/recycling-mania-queensStudent Coalition for Solar Powered Queen's Article]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/principal-champions-banning-sale-bottled-water-campus Comment on Bottled Water Free Campus]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/media/hottopic/nuclear-power-not-worth-risk-canada-queens-university-study Nuclear power not worth the risk in Canada - Our Nuclear Insurance Subsidy paper in Queen's media release]<br />
[http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/954262--solar-power-outshines-nuclear-power-study Solar power outshines nuclear power: Study, Toronto Star, 2011]<br />
[http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/putting-tap-water-test Bottled Water Free Day March 10, 2011]

* Nasser Saleh, Joshua M. Pearce and Ivana Zelenika Zovko. "Usability of Information Access for Appropriate Technology in Sustainable Development: A Study Design". JCDL Conference 2011. (under review, submitted February 6 2011)
<br />
<br />

== Outline - aka work in progress<br>  ==
== Thesis Research Topic ==

===== * insert title here → coming soon to an open access library near you! =====
'''Open Source Appropriate Technology and Sustainable Development'''


The Thesis will be available for free open access on [http://qspace.library.queensu.ca/handle/1974/6652 Queen's University's QSpace Thesis Repository]

<br /> '''Chapters in the work'''  
'''Thesis Poster''' - School of Environmental Studies Research Day, April 28th 2011.
[http://www.appropedia.org/images/f/fa/MES_Ivana_Zelenika.pdf Barriers to OSAT for Sustainable Development]
<br /> '''Importance of the Appropriate Technology for a sustainable development'''
<br />Schumacher: Small is Beautiful: Intermediate non-violent technologies a must
<br />Less strain on environmental resources - global population expanding, resources finite, climate destabilization etc.
<br />Creative, engaging and meaningful work for people
<br />Using technologies, resources and tools wisely
<br />Necessary in Developing countries as well as everywhere: we are all in the same boat
<br />Sustainable development/ development studies: feedback and engaging people from all levels important
<br />
<br /> '''Open Source, Open Access and Knowledge Commons - the future of innovation'''
<br /> Two heads are smarter than one: feedback and exchange of knowledge expands richness and wisdom
<br /> Faster innovation and development is objective; working together and sharing, collaborating will speed up innovation
<br />Academia, Science Commons, Seti@home, YouTube, Wikipedia, user feedback (news, media etc) - open source gaining steam
<br />Continuity: building on knowledge faster - facilitates development – exchange of ideas/ sharing, feedback
<br> Design: purpose, sustainability and simplicity main objective
<br> Variety: having a choice/ right to choose, alternatives, richness, experience, independence and empowerment
<br /> Open Libraries, Open Government, Open Everything - providing information for all people of the World
<br />The Power of numbers + Sharing, Innovating, Collaborating - changing the world one click at a time.
<br />Jeremy Rifkin: empathic civilization - internet bringing us together, connecting more with each other, understanding, and optimism (Yes We Can!) - knowledge/ news/ facts/ possibilities under our fingertips
<br />
<br />'''Methodology'''
<br />a) Literature Review barriers to OSAT
<br />b) Interviews identified barriers to OSAT: discussions and results
<br />
<br />'''Barriers Explored'''
<br /> How are they similar, analysis and interpretation etc
<br />
<br />'''Breaking down the Barriers to Open Source Appropriate Technology Collaboration with Information and Communication Technology'''
<br />
<br /> '''Success of Open Source Software: Can a similar paradigm be adopted for OSAT facilitation?'''
<br> OS – success of open source software – how and why: robust, relevant, affordable technology build by people for the people
<br> Again: if the idea is faster and better innovation then non-proprietary solutions a way to go
<br> Internet the great catalyst of OSAT: speed, ease, inter-connectedness: making it happen - the time is now!
<br /> OS / OA examples are all around us: people just need to recognize its use, purpose and join the cause
<br> Online OSAT Database needed: the go to place to find OSAT solutions (i.e. Appropedia, ATC, etc)
<br />What is needed? What are the barriers? Formation and organization? More participation?
<br />
<br /> '''Further research - discussion'''
<br />
<br /> Taking it to the next level and how? Academic/ Service Learning + Gov't + Civic Engagement
<br /> Results of the interviews: What are people saying- what is needed? 
<br /> Service Learning aspect - students and professors laying out the groundwork through on hand projects
<br /> More internet + Wikis + Collaborative work use in classrooms, NGOSs, Gov'ts + Companies - share the knowledge + build upon it
<br /> General public / volunteers lending a hand - feeling involved, community building etc
<br /> Government agencies providing funding, means and tools while public does the work - Everyone wins!



<u>Key Points by Eric Raymond in ''The Cathedral and the Bazaar''</u><br>
Can we improve development of appropriate technology (smart/ efficient/ relevant tech) using the paradigm of open access/ open source/ knowledge commons where information, technical know-how and general knowledge is shared and improved by working together as a community?
What are the barriers to development, AT and open source? How do we establish rich interconnected networks/ website/ database/ wikis for all A.T. related needs to facilitate self-directed development? How can we speed it up and scale up? What role are ICTs and Internet playing and what is their impact on appropriate technology and development in general? What are some example of the benefits of open source/ open access paradigm, innovation through collaboration + crowd-sourcing? How have the internet and ICTs already been used to spur innovation faster in new and creative ways?
What role do social, cultural and economic barriers play in sustainable development? How much can biomimicry and small scale systems improve energy and development challenges.

*Feedback -&nbsp; very important; users are co-developers (works for open source software and same for O.S.A.T.)
Barriers to sustainable development and appropriate technology are complex as there are a lot of variables involved - but as it's been said before: the complexity of the matter must not paralyze us into inaction - identifying problems leads to finding solutions, and the more hands and eyes working on it together the faster the process of development evolves.
*Clearly established idea / project - can be several but clearly defined
*Leadership + Effective Coordination + Cooperation
* #1 ingredient - a tool as good as Internet!

''' Thesis Outline: Chapters'''

<u>Key Barriers discussed in the NCIIA&nbsp;2010 paper:</u><br>
''Chapter 1 - Introduction''
<br />
*Development Challenges
*Research Objectives and Overview

- Internet Access, Language and Culture, Funding, Collaboration Infrastructure, Business Model Types (altruistic, service based, franchise, pure open source)&nbsp;

''Chapter 2 - Literature Sources and Appropriate Technology Review''
<br />

<u>Other Barriers: </u>
*Literature Sources
*Appropriate Technology and Development
*Technological Design
*Open Source and Knowledge Commons
*Interview Basis and Methodology
*Development Matters: The Complexity of Sustainable Development
*History of the Appropriate Technology Movement
*Current Situation and Relevance: Making the Case for OSAT
*Literature Identified Barriers to AT
*Defining principles
*Technical Aspects
*Organizational Aspects
<br />

A.T. critical mass lacking - spreading the word on the concept, use and benefits (lead by example)
''Chapter 3 - Examining the Barriers to Open Source Appropriate Technology: Interview Methodology, Results and Analysis Goal and Purpose of the Study''
<br />

Formal Support by Mainstream Institutions - financing and incentives (not necessary but would certainly help)
*Data Collection
*Analysis Process
*Interview Results and Discussion
*Collaboration and Communication
*Technological Dissemination
*Defining Principles
*Socio-Technical Barriers
*Economic Relationship
*Open Source and Knowledge Commons
*Research Limitations
<br />

A.T. only has application in developing countries - In addition if only used in developing world further adds to alienation and industrial neocolonialism
''Chapter 4 - Breaking Down Barriers to Open Source Appropriate Technology Collaboration''
<br />
*Open Access, Knowledge Commons and The Future of Innovation
*The Openness Factor: Background on the Open Source Movement
*Examples of Crowd-Sourcing for Development
*Enabling Collaborative Innovation: Open Source AT
*The Role of Universities in OSAT
<br />
''Chapter 5 - Discussion: Obstacles and Issues to Consider and Future Work''
<br />

Technology Transfer of OSAT to current financial models, policies and infrastructure
*General Obstacles
*Building the Network
Facilitation of hardware application - OSAT&nbsp;involves hardware planning and building (very different from software development)
*Details, Dynamics and Components of Online OSAT  
<br />
Problem #1 - Capitalism (bigger is better even if it's un-necessary)
''Chapter 6 - Conclusions''<br />
<br />
Technological Momentum Critical

== Open Source Appropriate Technology Literature Review  ==
== Open Source Appropriate Technology Literature Review  ==

Revision as of 20:47, 19 January 2013

    " Be the change you want to see in the world " - Gandhi 

Academic Background

Currently at University of British Columbia (Canada) pursuing a PhD program at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) studying with Dr. John Robinson. Completed Master's of Environmental Studies (MES) at Queen's University, Kingston, and an undergraduate from Carleton University, Ottawa also in Environmental Studies with a minor in Political Science. Research interests are in applied sustainability, appropriate technology, barriers to sustainable development, power of Information and Communication Technologies (internet, access to knowledge etc), open source/ open access and innovation through collaboration, technology, environment and society, as well as the theory of common good and morality. Master's thesis topic was on Open Source Appropriate Technology under the supervision of Dr. Joshua Pearce.

Also worked with Let's Talk Science, Queen's University chapter as one of the coordinators for community High School engagement in things science related, as well as Engineering for Change (E4C) on drafting appropriate technology evaluation platform for a workshop conference held in New York 2012.

Appropedia Contributions

Pages Authored

Summary and results page from my Master's research paper published in the Journal of Sustainable Development

Summary of a paper that came out of a project for MECH 836 - Applied Sustainability class. Published in Elsevier's Energy Policy

This is a summary of the WASH Tech report by Parker, A. et al., (2011) that I came across while working with E4C on appropriate technology evaluation project

Pages Co-Authored

Wolfe Island.jpg

This is a literature list for key works in open source appropriate technology; it features links, summaries and key points


Campus Involvement and In the News

In the News:
Involvement with the Queen's Sustainability Advisory Committee
Our Eco Art project 2010
Facilitating Recyclemania 2011
Gazette Article - Queen’s: The First Solar Powered University?
Coalition for Solar Powered Queen's Article
Comment on Bottled Water Free Campus
Nuclear power not worth the risk in Canada - Our Nuclear Insurance Subsidy paper in Queen's media release
Solar power outshines nuclear power: Study, Toronto Star, 2011
Bottled Water Free Day March 10, 2011

Thesis Research Topic

Open Source Appropriate Technology and Sustainable Development


The Thesis will be available for free open access on Queen's University's QSpace Thesis Repository

Thesis Poster - School of Environmental Studies Research Day, April 28th 2011. Barriers to OSAT for Sustainable Development


Questions: Can we improve development of appropriate technology (smart/ efficient/ relevant tech) using the paradigm of open access/ open source/ knowledge commons where information, technical know-how and general knowledge is shared and improved by working together as a community? What are the barriers to development, AT and open source? How do we establish rich interconnected networks/ website/ database/ wikis for all A.T. related needs to facilitate self-directed development? How can we speed it up and scale up? What role are ICTs and Internet playing and what is their impact on appropriate technology and development in general? What are some example of the benefits of open source/ open access paradigm, innovation through collaboration + crowd-sourcing? How have the internet and ICTs already been used to spur innovation faster in new and creative ways? What role do social, cultural and economic barriers play in sustainable development? How much can biomimicry and small scale systems improve energy and development challenges.

Barriers to sustainable development and appropriate technology are complex as there are a lot of variables involved - but as it's been said before: the complexity of the matter must not paralyze us into inaction - identifying problems leads to finding solutions, and the more hands and eyes working on it together the faster the process of development evolves.

Thesis Outline: Chapters

Chapter 1 - Introduction

  • Development Challenges
  • Research Objectives and Overview

Chapter 2 - Literature Sources and Appropriate Technology Review

  • Literature Sources
  • Appropriate Technology and Development
  • Technological Design
  • Open Source and Knowledge Commons
  • Interview Basis and Methodology
  • Development Matters: The Complexity of Sustainable Development
  • History of the Appropriate Technology Movement
  • Current Situation and Relevance: Making the Case for OSAT
  • Literature Identified Barriers to AT
  • Defining principles
  • Technical Aspects
  • Organizational Aspects

Chapter 3 - Examining the Barriers to Open Source Appropriate Technology: Interview Methodology, Results and Analysis Goal and Purpose of the Study

  • Data Collection
  • Analysis Process
  • Interview Results and Discussion
  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Technological Dissemination
  • Defining Principles
  • Socio-Technical Barriers
  • Economic Relationship
  • Open Source and Knowledge Commons
  • Research Limitations

Chapter 4 - Breaking Down Barriers to Open Source Appropriate Technology Collaboration

  • Open Access, Knowledge Commons and The Future of Innovation
  • The Openness Factor: Background on the Open Source Movement
  • Examples of Crowd-Sourcing for Development
  • Enabling Collaborative Innovation: Open Source AT
  • The Role of Universities in OSAT

Chapter 5 - Discussion: Obstacles and Issues to Consider and Future Work

  • General Obstacles
  • Building the Network
  • Details, Dynamics and Components of Online OSAT

Chapter 6 - Conclusions

Open Source Appropriate Technology Literature Review

Anyone interested in the work and looking for the bibliography related to open source and appropriate technology can consult our OSAT Lit review list:

Open Source Appropriate Technology Literature Review

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