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The development of newer anti malarial drugs was necessitated by the drug resistance of plasmodium. '''The World Health Report 2006''' says in other places “anti malarial drug resistance is a major public health problem which hinders the control of Malaria” ... “Malaria & HIV are two of the most devastating global health problems of our time. Together they cause more than 4 million deaths a year”. “The main problems in malaria control are shortages of resources and resistances to pesticides and drugs” (WHR 1996 pp48)
The development of newer anti malarial drugs was necessitated by the drug resistance of plasmodium. '''The World Health Report 2006''' says in other places “anti malarial drug resistance is a major public health problem which hinders the control of Malaria” ... “Malaria & HIV are two of the most devastating global health problems of our time. Together they cause more than 4 million deaths a year”. “The main problems in malaria control are shortages of resources and resistances to pesticides and drugs” (WHR 1996 pp48)


=== Dengue fever ===
=== Dengue fever ===

Revision as of 05:41, 18 November 2017

George E M alias Georgedappilly


Welcome to Georgedappilly User page. Details of some mosquito related problems are included. Soon you will see material on energy conversation, waste disposal etc in this page.

In the recent past

GEM Mosquito control was quoted in an online discussion


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girishso 342 days ago | parent | favorite | on: Let's Kill All the Mosquitoes

This reminds me of GEM Mosquito control. I believe this is the only real eco friendly solution for mosquitoes menace. But corporates milking money out of mosquitoes control devices, won't let this be mainstream.

> GEM technology is a process of achieving sustainable mosquito control in an eco friendly manner by providing artificial breeding grounds utilizing common household utensils and destroying larvae by non-hazardous natural means such as throwing them in dry places or feeding them to larvae eating fishes.

Process in short - http://www.appropedia.org/GEM_mosquito_control#Modus_operand....

To see full discussion go https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11536074


Why do I run after all these?

I do all this out of my love & concern towards my fellow beings. About love Bible says that it is above all and without it all are useless. (http://bible.oremus.org/bible.cgi?ql=68968667)

I am aware that I know only very little. Much much less than what anybody else world over know. Knowledge & information are oceans and I might have seen a droplet of it or probably less than that. But in spite of that it is The Holy Bible ( http://bible.oremus.org/bible.cgi?ql=68968227, http://bible.oremus.org/bible.cgi?ql=68968374, http://bible.oremus.org/?ql=69177324 ) that gave me courage to speak like this.

Praise The LORD

God is great! HE has done great things for us! HE must have greater things for us in store yet to be found out! This mighty & magnificent mosquito control technology was designed & developed by God almighty when HE created mosquito[[1]] 170 million years ago. HE then embedded it in the life-cycle of mosquito itself so that it will be readily & freely available wherever mosquito is available. HE created human beings[[2]] after 169.8 million years. It appears to me that HE then selected this worthless individual named E M George (George son of Mathew of Edappilly family of Kottanalloor Village of Thrissur district of Keralam state of Country India of Continent Asia) to popularise it after such a long time - the last quarter of 20th century AD onwards - for the benefit of HIS beloved children (the human beings). Otherwise how could a Renewal Retreat Preacher could show & tell me at the first encounter itself the Biblical [[3]] quote [[4]]Luke.13:34-36 (Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! See, your house is left to you. And I tell you, you will not see me until the time comes when you say, 'Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.'), a second one (again an evangalist), to whom I said about some accidents I survived, quote [[5]] Isaiah.43:2,4,10 (When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flames shall not consume. Because you are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you. I give people in return for you, nations in exchange for your life. you are my witnesses, says the LORD, and the servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me.) & I could hit on quote [[6]] John.3:32,33,34 (He testifies to what he has seen and heard, yet no one accepts his testimony. Whoever has accepted his testimony has certified this, that God is true. He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for he gives the Spirit without measure.).

Again after half a decade from those days (and after almost an year of uploading the rest of this page)today (30Dec2007) when I opened the Holy Bible (randomly after a prayer) HE revealed those same words (The Lament Over Jerusalem which were shown by the evangalist Br. Jose Kanatt) written in another place by St. Matthew [[7]]. I see this incident as a re-confirmation of the fact and words uttered through Br. Jose Kanatt.

Great words of visionaries

Some great (persons') words which I quote occassionally:-

On inventions

Prof.A.W.Bickerton on lunar mission

British Chemist (1926)

  • "This foolish idea of shooting at the moon is an example of the absurd lengths to which vicious specialisation will carry scientists working in thought-tight compartments. To escape the earth's gravitation, a projectile needs a velocity of 7 Mps(*). The thermal energy at this speed is 15180 cals. Hence the proposition appears to be basically impossible."

(* M denotes miles)

Arthur C Clark replying Bickerton.

Clark's Law propounded by the writer(science fiction) and scientist (discovered Geo-stationary orbit)

It states in effect that

  • If a respected senior scientist says a thing can be done, he or she is almost always correct; if the scientist says it cannot be done, he or she is almost always wrong.

Some philosophical thoughts

Vikram A Sarabhai

Father of Indian Space Programme

  • To create conditions for the application of Science and Scientists to the real problems of society, we have to encourage scientists to interest themselves in problems outside their fields of specialisation.

Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

Renowned space engineer, Bharat Ratna Awardee & Past President of India.

  • Those who aim high have to learn to walk alone too, when required.

On ideas

Last week (late Nov 2007) I got some quotations from our local news paper about ideas. I felt God Almighty sent it to me as I was in need of that then to clarify some of somebody's doubts.

Albert Einstein

  • "If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it"

Sri Buddha


  • "An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea"

George Bernard Shaw

  • "If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have an apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."

Mosquito menace

Mosquito is the one & only vector of dreaded diseases Malaria, Dengue fever, Yellow fever, Meninjo encephalitis alias Japanese encephalitis, Chikun guniya, Filariasis & half a dozen others. Most of these do not have medical treatment; cure is by nature or God. W H O says that vector control is the effective method to combat most of these diseases, epidemics & subsequent problems of health and wealth. Mosquito adversely affects tourism, real estate value, evening social gatherings & comfortable sleep in addition to spreading of those deadly diseases. The World Health Report 1996 said “The mosquito: public health enemy number one. … of all the insects that transmit disease, the mosquito represents by far the greatest menace” (pp46) ... It remains mankind’s most indomitable foe, resisting costly efforts to eradicate or even control it.” (pp46).

“The Asian tiger mosquito, which can transmit deadly strains of encephalitis virus as well as dengue and yellow fever, has been introduced into the United States, Brazil and parts of Africa in cargoes of rubber vehicle tyres shipped from Asia. In the United states alone, this mosquito is established in at least 23 states, and can survive winters as far north as Chicago.” (WHR 1996 PP47)


Out of the diseases mentioned Malaria is considered to be the most dangerous. It is the greatest killer of human history & is considered the oldest known infectious disease. Its parasite – the monocellular sporozoa of genus plasmodium – was isolated in 1880 AD. But even from 1700 AD onwards Quinine, extracted from the bark of Cinchona tree was in use for treatment of Malaria. Later on several natural as well as synthetic drugs were developed. In spite of that “Malaria continues to be one of the biggest contributors to disease burdens in terms of deaths and suffering” according to The World Health Report 1996 (pp47) & “Malaria is the most important tropical disease, remaining widespread throughout the tropics, but also occurring in many temperate regions. Malaria epidemics kill 100,000 people of all ages every year” says The World Health Report 2006. “Forty years ago there were hopes that malaria would be eradicated in a fairly short time, mainly through the intensive use of insecticides. However, malaria still remains a serious threat in endemic countries today” said The World Health Report 1996 (pp47)

The development of newer anti malarial drugs was necessitated by the drug resistance of plasmodium. The World Health Report 2006 says in other places “anti malarial drug resistance is a major public health problem which hinders the control of Malaria” ... “Malaria & HIV are two of the most devastating global health problems of our time. Together they cause more than 4 million deaths a year”. “The main problems in malaria control are shortages of resources and resistances to pesticides and drugs” (WHR 1996 pp48)


Dengue fever

Dengue affects more than 100 countries in all continents except Europe, and is spreading rapidly in many areas. It is caused by four distinct viruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Dengue is the world’s most important mosquito-borne virus disease. A total of 2 500 million people worldwide are at risk of infection. An estimated 20 million cases occur each year, of whom 500 000 need to be hospitalized. There is no cross immunity, which means that an individual who has recovered from one remains susceptible to the other three & end up in DHF & DSS ( WHR 1996 pp48 ).

Some history

The discovery of Sir Ronald Ross in 1897 (that mosquito is the vector of Malaria) triggered a host of activities for Mosquito eradication. A complete century & a decade of intense & costly activities expending precious resources have elapsed since then. But even now (in this 21st century when people have reserved seats for Lunar tours & some have had outer space tour & MAN have cloned DOLLY) 100’s of millions contract mosquito borne diseases & millions die of it year after year! Mosquito successfully continues to retain its triumphant lead in the age old fight of MAN against it! How pathetic!

Why is it that the mosquitogenic problems keep growing from bad to worse? The logical answer is either the diagnosis or the remedial measures or both are wrong. Mosquito swiftly builds resistance to insecticides & larvicides applied on them, enabling future generations to survive. Problem gets compounded by the destruction of its predators as a result of indiscriminate use of chemical manures & insecticides in agriculture.

In order to tide over such lacunae what is needed is a technology devoid of such handicaps. The need of the hour is an appropriate technology capable of producing sustainable result in reasonable time frame at moderate & affordable cost and causing no adverse environmental impact.


I go around taking classes on mosquito menace, energy conservation, waste disposal, related problems & safe practical solutions.

Class at Pattom CentralSchool

On 4th Dec 2008 a talk was given to the students of primary section (standards I, II, III & IV) following the morning assembly. This was to create awareness among them about the problems caused by mosquito, need for effective as well as eco-friendly mosquito control and so on.

This class was arranged in connection with a mosquito control project in progress there. This project is being carried out by a select group of nearly 50 students of the primary school under the leadership & guidance of their teacher Smt. Jalajakumari. The Project is sponsored by INTEL Corporation.

The school has 2 shifts & the primary wing begins at 7 am. My class was arranged towards the end of morning assembly.

KVSPattom close up view of speaking.jpg KVSPattom students&me.jpg KVSPattom students to the left.jpg KVSPattom students in front.jpg KVSPattom students to the right.jpg KVSPattom students raising doubts.jpg KVSPattom students in Q to ask questions.jpg File:KVSPattom students seeing bottled larva pupa&mosquito.jpg KVSPattom vote of thanks.jpg KVSPattom interaction with small group.jpg


Book for children on mosquito control


Wrote a book in Malayalam (a vernacular language of India used by people of Kerala state) titled ‘Kothuku Naseekarana Margamgal’ (meaning mosquito control methods) & published by DC Books, Good Shepherd Street, Kottayam, 686 001 in June 2000 (ISBN 81-264-0174-5). Target group of this book is children. Style of presentation is selected to suit their taste. General editor is Dr.M.G.Sasibhushan and executive editor is Prof.S.Sivadas.



Clipping from Asianet 'suprabhaatham' (good morning) discussion http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7333261082179289798&hl=en

Demo1 of GEM Technology. Larvae & Pupae poured on dry land being taken away by ants within a short time! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5133444645146828997

Demo2 of GEM Technology. Mosquito larvae hatched in traps (artificial mini/micro water bodies), their lack of freedom & the ease with which they are handled!! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7836345069333565050

Demo3 of GEM Technology. Larvae hatched in traps being fed to Gambussia Affinis alias mosquito-fish. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5367206382076751104

Mosquito control: Asianet SUPRABHAATHAM 21 JUN 07. E.M.George being interviewed by Amaravila Satheesh. Part I of V.http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7706012061861526343

Part II of V. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4831357294085907834

Part III of V. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6775897133815405739

Part IV of V. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3177451456924799946

Mosquito control: appropriate technology. E.M.George talking to people of Calicut (Kozhikode, Kerala, India) through ACV http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=790631470196813532

Some other related videos by others

1. Mosquito stock footage 13 minutes shows egg hatching, imago emerging from pupa, etc http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1083967722048048994&pr=goog-sl

2. Know more about mosquito bites 4 minutes shows mosquitoe's biting preferences & immediate reaction on human body http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3547281337565851217&pr=goog-sl

3. Life cycle of mosquito 12 minutes B/W with detailed sketch of body parts, males sucking honey from flowers http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1086459546058817638

4. Blood sucking mosquito 2 minutes shows a mosquito filling belly with blood http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1342136439036100105

5. 2 min video from National Geographic http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1342136439036100105


http://traplarva.blogspot.com (this is bilingual)


Main page

If you have not visited GEM mosquito control page, please do!

Diabetes cured

My diabetes mellitus is cured. A few sample lab results are placed there. Some details (in vernacular language MalayalaM) are available there. English version of details is released there.


Scientific evidence corroborating Georgedappilly's claim (2009) on hypoglycemic efficacy of Long Wheat had been lying dormant for one and a half decades in a Scientific Paper [1]. Unfortunately the conclusion of the paper was in the negative on hypoglycemic effect of LW. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise for Georgedappilly. A staunch opponent of Long Wheat Mash Diet Regimen LWMDR who has branded Georgedappilly as a cheat, thug & what not dug out the 14 year old study paper to pull me down in an online discussion forum on Diabetes. To his ill-luck I followed the link & at the very first glance itself noticed the positive fact contained in the included data (TAble II of the paper) [1].

This paper has a real pearl lying hidden. It is a matter of great satisfaction that in spite of the facts that great experts carried out the study, wrote the paper & got it published in an appropriate international journal and many more experts studied & quoted the paper, it was only a "Tom-Dick-and-Harry-class of " layman who was destined to notice this. This is a panacea for Diabetics but a dust in the eye for some others!

The point that authors left unnoticed in the paper & caught my attention as very important is: the increase in blood sugar that happened due to the experimental diet in two fortnights was reverted by the next one fortnight in the case of Group I (who used Dicoccum whole Wheat flour) but not so in the case of Group II (who used Bread Wheat flour)!!!

This study also indicates that even LW flour in the form of unleavened bread works (not only mash!) in regulating the Blood Sugar of Diabetes patients.

The referred scientific paper is certainly a great encouragement to all those who are on LWMDR as well as those who are contemplating on trying LWMDR.

More than a decade ago God Almighty made experts prepare evidence for my experience to show the world.


More interesting thing is that HE made the one who fights LWMDR tooth & nail bring the evidence to my notice!!! THE LORD convinces me that I am on the right path. PRAISE THE LORD!

"Dhaanee dhaanee mee likhaa hee khaanee waalee kaa naaam" (English equivalent of this Hindi saying is: On each grain is written the name of the one who will eat it).

Four cases compared to show role of IR in trigger & sustenance of DM

Parameter Case1 Me

Diab cured

Case2 IFG Relative Case3 Wife of an acquaintant Case4 Friend on Insulin inj Remarks
Date 03Aug2016 26Sep2016 11Nov2016 ..Dec2014
FBS* 95 109 218 !! 150 * mg/dL
PPBS mg/dL 86 79 190.7** 200* * Average **eAG (A1C)
HbA1c % 5.0 ND 8.1 9+ ND=Not Done
FSI micro U/mL 5.41 11.2 15.6 200+ Range 2.6 - 24.9
TriG mg/dL 54 156 91.4 143 <150
HDL mg/dL 59 63 75 49 > 40
IR(1) 1.269 3.014 8.39 74 FSI×FBS÷405 <=1.0
IR(2) 0.915 2.476 1.218 2.918 TriG÷HDL range <=2.0
Insulin Inj Nil Nil ? 30-0-30
Tab1 Nil Nil ? Glucobay (50) 1-1-1
Tab2 Nil Nil ? Galvus met (50/1000)☆ 1-0-1 ☆>Vildagliptin 50 + Metformin 1000
Tab3 Nil Nil ? Nil


Some Diabetic Neuropathy Gangrene cases

Anxious waiting! Wondering what surprise this time? Fingers or foot!?

Report published by a vernacular news paper

Following is only a word-by-word translation of the Rashtradeepika feature http://www.rashtradeepika.com/shugar/




E. M. George who was a Scientist at I S R O landed at Thrissur Railway Station on his way to Irinjalakuda from Thiruvananthapuram. He was stalled by the sight of people with their foot-fingers even amputated due to Diabetes. Spent time with them.

Anybody may exclaim 'what is the relation between Space Scientist and Diabetes'. Discovery of ways and means to blow off Diabetes on sight from experience is the only relation George has with Diabetes. Because of that itself he feels sympathy for those suffering from Diabetes.

Special diet, that only is the means to beat Diabetes. By now itself it is many who have driven Diabetes away by George's diet. To those who ask 'what authenticity is there for a Space Scientist in health matters' there is only one thing to tell. There is absolutely no authenticity, but an erstwhile Diabetic himself has no Diabetes now is the evidence, says George.

The courage to fight Diabetes with determination was gained from the ISRO job, says George. In case of encountering a problem in Rocket launching, examining and experimentations will continue till identifying the cause and uprooting it. Hence no problem repeats ever after. What will happen if same strategy is tried in the case of Diabetes? It was during this search the knowledge that 'Diabetes can be cured by harnessing Long Wheat diet' was understood from an expert. Decided to give a try. It was at the age of 57 that George became Diabetic. Took Long Wheat mash for breakfast and supper. Didn't skip rice for lunch. But completely avoided sweet items. Skipped Milk also. It was on understanding from experts that Long Wheat has some special factor capable of finishing off Diabetes, tried to find out whether taking this consistently can cure the disease. Though initially there was no much improvement, did not tire out. Proceeded with this diet consistently. Carried out tests also at regular intervals. After a certain stage Diabetes was seen to be coming down. Diabetes was expelled completely in three years by Long Wheat diet itself. George says 'am 67 now, Diabetes has not shown up again'.

This idea was presented at the Science Congress at Thiruvananthapuram. It was utilising the opportunity extended to the discoveries of non-experts that the participation was realised. It was numerous persons who took the details from here and did away with Diabetes, says George.

All details are ready at Google under the title 'George cured Diabetes'. Two gram Long Wheat for one kilogram of body weight is the measure. Common Wheat instead of Long Wheat is not effective, says George. The experimentally found out fact is already presented in more than 200 residents' association classes. The only doubt many have is whether there is any relation with the companies that trade Long Wheat. There is no such contact, nobody is compelled to do this, says George.

After leaving the job at ISRO now sharing this type of experiences with others is the aim of George hailing from Irinjalakuda and settled at Thiruvananthapuram. Has invented Gem Tech to solve mosquito menace.

But this was used by a South African national during the efforts for patenting it. The invented technology is to facilitate mosquito to lay eggs and then destroying it.

Sharing my experience & exposure with an elite group

The Institution of Engineers (India) KERALA STATE CENTRE

cordially invites you to attend

Technical Talk on

How I Cured My Diabetes

by Er. E.M. George Former Scientist/Engineer VSSC, ISRO Trivandrum

on 22 December 2010 Wednesday 5.45 PM

at The Institution of Engineers Hall Visvesvaraya Bhavan Opposite Kanakakunnu Palace Trivandrum-33

Open to Public. All are Welcome.

Topic: Diabetes is considered to be an incurable syndrome. But our speaker claims to have has a different experience by avoiding the beaten track. His novel route seems to have taken him to a virgin land. Statistics indicate that Diabetes kills six persons per minute (PPM?). The W.H.O. says that Diabetes is spreading like epidemic in India; it is one of the largest killers of the world. India is designated the WORLD CAPITAL OF DIABETES. SO, Come on! Let us scrutinize his tall & unique claim.

Speaker: Our speaker is Former Scientist/Engineer of Indian Space Research Organisation. One of his earlier ideas has won a US Patent (No.6338220).

JOINTLY ORGANISED BY: Aeronautical Society of India, Trivandrum Branch Computer Society of India, Trivandrum Chapter IEEE Kerala Section IETE Thiruvananthapuram Local Centre Indian National Society for Aerospace and Related Mechanisms, Thiruvananthapuram Chapter Project Management Institute- Trivandrum- Kerala Chapter Systems Society of India, Thiruvananthapuram Chapter Indian Society for Technical Education, Kerala Section

Website: www.ietvm.org e-mail: ieitvm@gmail.com / ietvm@dataone.in Tel:0471-2322991

People mistake me for a Long Wheat promoter

  • It is felt that many people mistake me for a Long Wheat cultivator, farmer, trader or researcher. They think that I am cunningly trying to promote the prospects of Long Wheat by misleading Diabetic patients, pretending to have cured Diabetes which is considered by modern science and medicine people as a syndrome & (hence) incurable. I pity them and feel that it is already explained for them in a book written twenty centuries ago; passage is there.

Shooter 07:48, 10 November 2013 (PST)

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UPLOADing a photo as well.


1 http://diabetes.org.in/journal/2001_july-sept/original_article5.pdf

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