My article will continue to develop as the growing season begins. I went public to get the info out for others to use this year, in the hopes that someone would ask questions or express interest. I'm still waiting! Big O (talk) 13:42, 12 February 2016 (PST)

Can someone tell me how to go public please?

Hi! It looks like you're off to a good start. I'm not sure what you mean by "go public"? If you want, this page can be moved to something like Semi-automated gravity fed drip irrigation. I see it's a work in progress, though, so maybe you want to leave it here for awhile? I like that you have included information on trial and error and thought out a lot of questions. One recommendation, since you state that low cost is important, is to list the cost for parts; for example. If you need anything, please message me. --Ethan (talk) 20:21, 21 February 2016 (PST)
Thank you for the kind words, at least I know now that I'm on the right track. I don't want to include costs, because I used parts meant for a pressurized system, this makes them overly expensive. I'm searching for 3D printed alternatives and will continue to update. :-)

Please feel free to comment, I'd love to know you're out there.

looking good


I will be suggesting this to students next semester to test, iterate and implement! --Lonny (talk) 12:58, 24 May 2016 (PDT)

OMG, thank you Lonny! That is my only real purpose in creating it. Please have them look at my web site also. It contains my ideas to change the world by combining simple tech with homesteading to create automated solutions. :-)

Are there any other professors who'd like to join us? There are so many simple answers to impossible questions, they're only waiting to be found.

Now that I know I've reached someone I'll continue adding to it! If you could only see the grin on my face atm.

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