This directory contains information sources on various topics and businesses related to sustainable housing . Please add either external links, or links to relevant articles on Appropedia or related wikis.

Information sources by region



  • Greenlivingpedia:Sunpower Design - over 25 years experience specialising in integrated sustainable building design of homes that exceed the 5 star energy performance rating.
  • Star Energy Assessment can make your home the most comfortable for its environment. Have your home assessed using the 5 star energy performance rating and achieve more than 5 stars for your home.
  • Zen Architects
  • Lighter footprints is a climate change neighbourhood action group active in Surrey Hills and adjacent suburbs, Melbourne, Victoria
  • Families Facing Climate Change is a group based in Ashburton, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Greenlink Box Hill -- Local plants for local places.
  • Environment Victoria -- Victoria's peak non-government environment organisation, campaigning across Victoria for more than 30 years.
  • Bayside Climate Change Action Group -- formed by parents in the Bayside area, the group goals are to provide a collective voice for Bayside residents for both families and individuals determined to fight for a clean energy future.
  • Wren Industries -- makes of concertina foil bats and Renshade aluminium foil holland blinds for windows.
  • Going Solar -- provides innovative solutions for integrating PV solar power modules into buildings.
  • Building and renovating sustainably -- Sustainability Victoria, Victorian Government, how you can be energy and water efficient in all aspects of your project.
  • Solar Power Melbounre Solar power Melbourne, bringing the best Solar panels and systems in Victoria

Western Australia


New South Wales


  • Sustainable Living Tasmania -- community resource and education centre to provide a for the protection and restoration of the natural environment and the development of homes and cities for a sustainable future.
  • Greenlivingpedia:Core Collective -- is committed to the production of innovative architecture grounded in a sensitivity for its environmental, social, cultural and economic context.

United States


  • SCHOTT AG -- is one of the leading solar industry companies worldwide, offering a wide range of future-oriented products and solutions for almost all photovoltaic and solar thermal applications.

General information and topics


For a guide to this area of the wikisphere, see Green wiki and Green wikis and development wikis.

  • Appropedia is an active wiki in this area. Focused on reducing poverty through international development and increasing sustainability through the use of appropriate technology, it also covers housing in rich and poor settings, urban and rural.
  • Greenlivingpedia, primary focus on green architecture and green living for city dwellers.


  • Oil Depletion Protocol is an international agreement that will enable nations of the world to cooperatively reduce their dependence on oil.
  • -- information about clean power, polluting power, energy efficiency, climate change, oil peak, politics, energy efficient homes and transport solutions.
  • Renew News -- is a community-based resource about Renewable Energy

Wikipedia articles


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