This Open Source 3D sample rotator accepts a variety of tube sizes and mixes them horizontally, vertically, or any position in between. Changing the mixing angle is easy simply turn the rotisserie. No tools are required. Complete 360° rotation Adjustable 0-90° mixing angle Interchangeable rotisserie options for all common lab tubes. Independently adjustable rotisseries Interchangeable rotisseries accept tubes from 1.5 ml to 50 ml. Each rotisserie is split into two halves. Each of the halves can be exchanged to mix more than one tube type at the same time. Each rotisserie half can be rotated independently from a center point on the shaft. Placing the halves in line with the shaft produces an end over end tumbling motion, similar to that used to mix blood tubes. Rotating the rotisserie at a right angle to the shaft produces a gentle mixing motion, ideal for delicate samples. Any position in between these two extremes may be selected to achieve the desired mixing action. Rotation speed is fixed. - See more at:

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