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Rain catchment systems can be constructed in many areas, both to increase the regeneration of the local aquifer with rainwater and to reduce the soil erosion from rainfall. Rain catchment during wet periods can also help full fill needs during dry periods. Rainfall can be used for drinking water, but here at Pedregal it is mainly used for irrigation and use in aquaculture. This is one project in a series of soil conservation, groundwater recharge, and farming demonstration projects at Pedregal a Permaculture Demonstration Center in San Andres Huayapam, Mexico.

Utilizing Sloped Terrain

System Components of Sloped Terrain Catchment

Storm water or creek water is guided to the place by gravity flow, but rather then following its natural path,  artificial basins, channels and ditches are dug so that the rainwater is diverted from its natural path and into the tank.  Tanks can be made of a shallow pan of rammed earth, an artificial pond, or a cistern of ferrocement.  The tanks at Pedregal are artificial ponds where they have added plant cover to synthesize a pond habitat.  

Utilizing Roofs

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Possible System Components

The system design should include a sloping roof with a fixed gutter of PVC, galvanized steel laminas, or some other materials in the lower part, so you can collect the water that falls on the roof. This gutter must have a small slope and its lower end should lead into a hose or tube which will allow the water to flow into a storage tank. To find the slope of your gutter, first figure out the slope of your land, do not rely on the slope of your roof to tell you this. A small self cleaning filter can be installed between your gutters and your PVC to prevent problems of leaf litter or other things from clogging the system, however Pedregal does include this component. The system can also include a first flush in order to clean the roof of unwanted accumulated debris, leaves, and bird excrement, without having to store it in you tank. This first flush allows the first ten to fifteen minutes of rain to pass your system without going into your storage tank. The remaining water goes to the tank, which in this case is made of ferro-cement. If the end use is drinking water, then some type of extra filter should be added. At Pedregal they created a carbon filter, with alternating layers of sand and charcoal for the drinking water. The rest of the water is used for drip irrigation and aquaculture ponds.

Components of Pedregal System

  • Canals both of galvanized sheeting and of PVC
  • PVC tubes
  • First Flush
  • Ferro-cement Tank
  • Carbon Filter
  • Drip Hoses for Irrigation


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