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|A building constructed using plastic bottles and concrete or ecoladrillo  
|A building constructed using plastic bottles and concrete or ecoladrillo  
|La Yuca, Santo Domingo
|La Yuca, Santo Domingo
| [[File:Billboard_Shade.jpg|thumb]]

Revision as of 17:19, 30 May 2012

Examples of Appropriate Technology from the Dominican Republic. This page was started by students in the HSU Dominicana Appropriate Technology Program.


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Uses sunlight and wind to save energy. Utiliza luz solar y viento para ahorrar energía. Santo Domingo Este, Alma Rosa I
Es una ventana. Es un technologio appropedia por que usar naturaleza para ventilacion y para un HVAC. Pero no es una technologio appropedia por que no es bueno ventalacion y neccesito ventalador por qaue permetir mosquitos y otra bichos entra la casa. Calle Santome, Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo
A prototype wind power system built and tested in La Yuca - La Yuca small scale renewable energy La Yuca del Naco, Santo Domingo


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The roof is utilized for ambient lighting instead of electrical lighting. El techo es utilizado como luz ambiental en lugar de electricidad. Casona, UNIBE, Santo Domingo
En la Republica Dominicana existe una excelente oportunidad con referencia a la energia solar, la insidencia del sol es de manera tal que nos brinda oportunidades innumerables, una muestra como tal es este calentador de agua que brinda servicio a una familia de 5 personas mas el area de lavado. In the Dominican Republic there are innumerable opportunities for using solar energy, especially to heat water as in this example. Santo Domingo Oeste
Santome Casa Passive.jpg
Es la construcio de la casa. Es technologio appropedia por que es solar passive. Cuando es mas sol, puede ver en la dormatorios y hace temprano, perso cuando es la noche, neccesita a luz y hace frio.Location Calle Santome, Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo Calle Santome, Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo
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Water is heated using converted energy from the Sun. Abundant sunshine year-round justifies the investment. "El agua para uso diario es calentada usando energía del Sol. La radiación solar constante justifica la inversión" Santo Domingo Oeste


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These are cement structures that are used to farm fish. There are many different types of containers that are used in this location. An individual that farms fish can increase income and their amount of food. Se trata de estructuras de cemento que se utilizan para cultivar peces. Hay muchos tipos diferentes de contenedores que se utilizan en esta ubicación. Un individuo que el pescado puede aumentar los ingresos de las explotaciones y su cantidad de alimentos. Av. Los Americas, Santo Domingo Este
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This is a flush-less toilet, or sometimes referred to as a waterless urinal. The design allows for the liquid to flow down the drain without the need for constant flushing, as the label indicates it will save 23,000 gallons of water per year. Las Americas Airport, Santo Domingo
This is a water reserve system which sits on the roof, it can recollect water from rain or while a water-pump is on. This system is very efficient because it needs no electricity to work when there water is reserve left, it only uses gravitational power to work. It works because it sits on a high point, then the water just flows down. Santo Domingo
This is an example of practical conservation of water while showering. It is quite common to see this type of appropriate technology is use in the Dominican Republic as water pressure intermittently decreases during the evening. A individual shower, using an average shower head, may use as much as 25-50 Gallons of water in 15-20 minutes, while the bucket method consumes only about 1-2 Gallons per use. This means by using the bucket method, an American family of four can save $140-280 per year on water utility bills when figuring the average cost per gallon of water is ~$0.004. Santo Domingo
Rainwater catchment system for the Escuela Basica in La Yuca - La Yuca rainwater catchment La Yuca del Naco, Santo Domingo


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Passive cooling 109.jpg
Passive Cooling of a house without the use of electricity. Using a renewable resource (tree), and intelligent design strategies, the windows of the room are protected against direct sunshine, and thus heat. "Enfriamiento pasivo de una casa sin el uso de electricidad. Usando un recurso renovable (árbol), y estrategias de diseño inteligentes, las ventanas de la habitación se protegen de la luz solar directa, y por ende del calor." Santo Domingo Oeste
The city of Santo Domingo has taken advantage of green landscaping and reflective “light-colored” building paints in order to reduce the heat sink caused by concrete buildings. By utilizing standing water, the area becomes insulated since water has a higher heat capacity than the earth. Trees and shrubs are used not only for shade, but also retain a large amount of water to insulate the city further. Many of the city’s buildings are painted white or a light-color. This reflects the energy of the sun away from the buildings so that the concrete or structural material will not absorb additional heat. These factors contribute to a cooler city during the mid-day heat with very little additional expenditures for maintenance when compared to conventional methods. UNIBE, Santo Domingo
This is a photo of palm trees lining the street near Av. Maximo Gomez and Av. 27 de Febrero in Santo Domingo. Planting trees near roadways in cities helps improve air pollution by absorbing pollutants and CO2. Trees and other plants also help people connect with nature in an urban environment. Esta es una foto de algunos arbustos en una de las aceras de la av. Maximo Gomez casi esquina 27 de Febrero, en Santo Domingo. Plantar arboles en las avenidas y calles de las ciudades ayuda a contrarestar la contaminacion ya que absorben contaminantes y CO2. Ademas de esto, los arboles ayudan a las personas a conectarse con la naturaleza en un ambiente urbano. Av. Maximo Gomez cerca de la Av. 27 de Febrero
Planter Boxes.JPG
Where the earth is covered by concrete people have created places to grow plants. These planter boxes sit on top of a wall, and are created from different objects, from water jugs cut in half to buckets to rusted metal containers. Using items that can be found, these people have created a place to grow medicinal plants, increase carbon sequestration, and enhance quality of life through the presence of nature. Ave. 25 de Febrero, near the intersection of Ave. de Las Americas.


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The use of bicycles for transportation reduces the need for fossils fuel and also they can transport their goods. El uso de bicicletas para el transporte reduce la necesidad de combustible fosil y tambien pueden transportar sus utensilios. C/ Pedro Henriquez Ureña con Av. Máximo Gomez, Santo Domingo
Reduces the use of fossil fuels. Reduce el uso de combustibles fósiles. Near Pontificia Universidad Madre y Maestra, Av. Sarasota, Santo Domingo
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This is a mosquito net. It reduces the need for keeping fans on and the use of pesticides to keep mosquitos off of someone at night. Santo Domingo Este
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This is a uniquely shaped overhang that not only keeps the area underneath shaded, but allows the area to still be cooled with a breeze. La Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), Santo Domingo
Gas Natural.jpg
This is a society AT because is more difficult to change people's mind. Natural Gas is from the waste of gasoline and it reduces the use of fossil fuels. Anali's car, Santo Domingo.
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A building constructed using advertising materials. Using alternative building designs such as this one are beneficial because waste and building costs are reduced. Santo Domingo, Est. Ozama, Av. Las Americas


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A building constructed using advertising materials. Using alternative building designs such as this one are beneficial because waste and building costs are reduced. Santo Domingo, Est. Ozama, Av. Las Americas
Building a bottle wall3.JPG
A building constructed using plastic bottles and concrete or ecoladrillo La Yuca, Santo Domingo
Billboard Shade.jpg
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