Operational Instructions for PhotoVoltaic and Trigeneration Optimisation  Model (PVTOM)


PVTOM was developed to simulate and optimize hybrid photovoltaic and trigeneration energy systems based on technical, economic, and emissions performance. The theory and development of the model is documented in Nosrat, A.H. (2010) "Simulation and Optimization of Hybrid Photovoltaic (PV) and Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power Systems", Master's Thesis Dissertation submitted to Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department. Queen's University, Kingston, ON. Submitted on Dec. 24, 2010.

The following page are basic instructions on how to operate PVTOM.

The following page contains basic instructions on how to operate PVTOM. Currently, PVTOM requires MATLAB 2008 or later to operate. Additionally, you will require the optimization toolbox containing the multiga optimization tool. NOTE for reader: You CANNOT work with .xlsx files. Save all Excel spreadsheets in .xls format.

Step 1- Collect and Organize Input Data

Explanation: According the flowchart defined in the original thesis (Figure 4.1), PVTOM requires 6 inputs for every hour of the year to simulate and optimize a PV-Trigeneration. Additionally, it requires a set of characteristics for each of the three different technologies (PV, CHP, and batteries) subject to optimization. While PVTOM can upload this data for its use, it cannot provide the data beforehand. There are three primary sources for collecting input information: Generated hourly solar irradiation accessed by PVSyst 4.36, as high as 5-minute resolution data for temperature, space cooling, space heating, domestic hot water, and electric end-user requirements for a case study through the CHREM, and technology specifications through literature and commercial documents. There is no ‘clear’ set of instructions on obtaining this and would require some diligence from the developer to obtain pertinent information. There are instructions made available by PVSyst for exporting hourly irradiation data for different locations. The current structure for organizing data is certainly not set in stone and was developed to shifting priorities and information. Therefore, the user must ensure compatibility between organizing data and PVTOM’s uploading capabilities. It’s important to know that any ‘xlsread’ function in MATLAB is collecting data from an Excel (97-2003) file for a particular input parameter required for the operation of PVTOM. Therefore, understanding how the ‘xlsread’ function works and how it collects data is critical in preventing erroneous data collection. It is recommended that the input data be stored in Excel in the current format until such time the user is comfortable in altering the structure of the information.

Because there are a multitude of ways for collecting input data, it is near impossible to offer a step-by-step checklist on how to collect and organize input data.

NOTE: Currently, PVTOM cannot calculate tilted global irradiation for sloped surfaces from horizontal global irradiation. Therefore, the user must ensure global tilted irradiation for the optimum inclination angle of the given geographic region. Developers of PVTOM can include the capability of calculating tilted global irradiation from horizontal global irradiation based on Equation 19 of the original thesis.


Step 2- Make sure all important files are in one folder

 Explanation: All of PVTOM`s critical m-files and data files must be place in one folder. This folder is referred to as the directory folder. A quick way to view or change the current directory is by using the current directory field in the desktop toolbar. If you know or have copied the path for the new current directory, enter it in the field and press Enter. To look for a folder, click the Browse for Folder button.


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