Perform, before it is needed, the required change of an object (either fully or partially). • Pre-pasted wall paper • Sterilize all instruments needed for a surgical procedure on a sealed tray.

Pre-arrange objects such that they can come into action from the most convenient place and without losing time for their delivery. • Kanban arrangements in a Just-In-Time factory • Flexible manufacturing cell

make it easier to assemble (self) make it easier to maintain (none, unbreakable, self healing) make fully assembled products (anything - computer, car, smartphone, dinner) use functional printing materials (e.g. electronics) reduce waste (zero) use less energy (zero or ambient) quieter printing (soundless) ubiquitous printing (everywhere) print smaller (nanoscale) print bigger (apartment complex, Great Wall of China, planet?) enable auto calibration enable auto leveling enable auto monitoring enable quality control enable real-time feedback make it safer (infant approved) make is smell good (designer imposters?) make it from current waste products (CO2, flyash, spent fuel rods?)

  1. Collect recycled parts to build printers. Hjhunt (talk) 06:56, 3 December 2015 (PST)
  2. Combine moving parts to a central drive. Hjhunt (talk) 06:56, 3 December 2015 (PST)
  3. Use better motors motors on the printer, has more steps then 200. Hjhunt (talk) 06:56, 3 December 2015 (PST)
  4. Use a smaller print head, to improve print resolution. Hjhunt (talk) 06:56, 3 December 2015 (PST)
  5. Use a plastic that will not clog the print head. Hjhunt (talk) 06:56, 3 December 2015 (PST)
  6. Print in a clean chamber, where there is no moisture or ambient temperature fluctuation. Hjhunt (talk) 06:56, 3 December 2015 (PST)
  7. Make a print bed, which is easy to remove parts Hjhunt (talk) 06:56, 3 December 2015 (PST)
  8. Consolidate the programs to a central platform, so three programs are not needed to print something, make it just one. Hjhunt (talk) 06:56, 3 December 2015 (PST)
  9. Print assemblies of parts to make the assembly more simple. Hjhunt (talk) 06:56, 3 December 2015 (PST)
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