Working Invitation Draft

Your work indicates that, like us, you believe strongly that sustainable solutions should be shared whenever possible. We are gathering together a large community of like-minded groups and people, called the Open Sustainability Network (OSN), to work on overcoming barriers to openness and collaboration. Our first conference will be at San Francisco State University on 10/18-19 and admission is free. Your support for OSN can range from simply joining and offering passive support (granting permission to use your name and logo in our list of supporting members) to very active support (attendance at the conference and promotion of OSN via blogs and newsletters). Participation in the conference is important, and we will enable virtual attendance for those who cannot attend physically.

We would love to have at least one delegate from your organization attend in person or virtually via live video feed.

Join us for the first Open Sustainability Network unconference as we explore free content and knowledge sharing in sustainability, international development, appropriate technology and solutions to poverty.

For more information and to register see: OSNCon/Registration or

Please contact me with any questions.

To Invite

After you have contacted the following - please tag it with a signature.

We want representatives from many groups that are inspiring or who might get inspired about open sustainability. It's particularly important to get word out to folks overseas for whom travel is big factor. Some ideas include:

representation from such places.

    • Latin American orgs and people - is there a possibility of

sponsored travel & billeting?

    • Foreign students, especially in relevant disciplines.
    • Some, e.g. Asian Appropedians, could be represented by others (does

Mel want to do a presentation on the [[Home biogas system (Philippine BioDigesters)]]? Chris on GEM mosquito control?)

  • influential green bloggers, e.g.:
    • WorldChanging
    • (Boston based)
    • Little Devices that Could (Boston-based)
  • AIDG
  • Paul Polak
  • Practical Action
  • Agroinnovations, Frank
  • IDDS
  • EWB (all countries)
  • ESW
  • SolarCooking.Wikia
  • Village Hope
  • LeapingStone
  • American Rivers
  • IRN
  • Errsons
  • Technology for the Poor
  • Garrett Connelly
  • Greenlivingpedia
  • Howtopedia
  • Demotech
  • Ekopedia
  • SD Wiki
  • TipThePlanet
  • P2P Foundation
  • Open Source Ecology
  • The Lighting Project
  • Kickstart
  • Inveneo
  • Doctors Without Borders - David.reber (talk · contribs) has started a dialogue with DWB who also happens to be having an event in San Francisco on the same weekend

This list is not meant to be comprehensive (it could go on forever).(Please forgive us if we miss your name or your group...this list is being developed ad hoc and subject to human error, so please don't read any intention into our omissions or the sequence! Thanks, and particular thanks to Olivier Chaput for beginning this list.)

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