
Net Metering Definition

Net Metering is the process in which a grid connected consumer may utilize other sources of energy,such as renewable energy, to offset the total energy provided by the consumers utility company.

Simplified version of the step-by-step process

  • If consumer is connected to the grid, the utility company provides an energy meter to monitor energy used by consumer
  • Consumer's additional energy sources (i.e. wind turbine) is ran into the same meter and spins the needle backward as personal modes of energy production are created
  • The end product of net-metering is =
                               Energy used via utility company - energy produced at the home 
  • If a consumer produces more energy at the home than what is used through the utility company, some companies will purchase the excess energy .... resulting in a negative balance to the consumer.

-> SEE ALSO: Net Excess Generation, or NEG

More explicitly, "net metering" means that a unit of electricity in from the utility is the same as that which the consumer produces, i.e, the meter goes forward or backward at the same rate under the force of the same unit of electricity, regardless of the direction.

Sources of renewable energy

States within the U.S. that offer net-metering incentives

current information as of 11/2007

  • AZ * GA * MD * NH * OR * WA
  • AK * ID * MA * NJ * PA * WY
  • CA * IL * MN * NY * RI
  • CO * IN * MT * ND * TX
  • CT * IA * NV * OH * VT
  • DE * ME * NH * OK * VA


*Green Power Network - "Net Metering Policies" http://www.eere.energy.gov/greenpower/markets/netmetering.shtml

See also

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