Suitability of native crops

Native crops can be expected to fit the ecology of the region, and be able to grow in the climate and soil of the region. However, they may not yield well or be desirable to the population.

Native crops should always be considered in agriculture and food security, but are not automatically the most suitable choice.

Crops by region

Indigenous staple, secondary and tertiary crops map. Map key required.

Types of crops indicated

Primary crops: divided in primary crops carbohydrates (PC_C_) and primary crops protein (PC_C_). Both abbreviations are followed by a number to indicate the region.
Secondary crops: abbreviation SC_ followed by a number to indicate the region. These are generally herbs, spices (most widely used kitchen herbs/spices) or crops for making beverages
Supplementary (or tertiary) crops: TC_ followed by a number to indicate the region. These crops are generally sweet crops or sweeteners


Region 1: East-Asia
Region 2: Oceania
Region 3: Central-Asia
Region 4: West-Asia & South-Europe
Region 5: North-Africa & South-Africa
Region 6: Central-Africa
Region 7: North-Europe, North-Asia & North-America
Region 8: Central-America
Region 9: South-America (north)
Region 10: South-America (central)
Region 11: South-America (south)

Names of the crops

PC_C_1: rice, foxtail millet [1][2]
PC_P_1: soybean [3]
SC_1: tea bush [4]
TC_1: monk fruit [5][6]
PC_C_2: yam[7], swamp taro [8]
SC_2: great morinda [9], common nutmeg[10]
TC_2: sugarcane [11], gomuti [12], Borassus flabelliformis [13], Nypa fruticans [14]
TC_2-1: coconut [15]
PC_C_3: taro [16]
SC_3: black pepper [17], Hibiscus sabdariffa [18], lemon grass [19], Ceylon cinnamon [20], basil [21]
TC_3: Indian date palm (for palm sugar production)[22], Caryota urens [23]
PC_C_4: wheat, rye [24][25]
PC_P_4: oat [26][27], wild pea [28], chickpea[29], lentil [30]
SC_4: rosemary [31], spear mint [32], dill [33], coriander [34], saffron [35], anise [36], black and white mustard [37]
TC_4: Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) [38][39]
PC_C_5: pearl millet, barley [40][41]
SC_5: Kola nut [42]
PC_C_6: Sorghum bicolor, teff [43][44]
SC_6: coffee plant (coffea arabica, coffea robusta)[45]
PC_C_7: buckwheat [46][47]
PC_P_7: Amaranthus hypochondriacus [48][49][50]
SC_7: sassafras albidum [51], Ephedra [52]
SC_7-2: rosa canina [53], small-leaved linden [54], valerian [55], chamomile [56], garlic/Allium longicuspis [57]
TC_7: birch (Betula papyrifera var. humilis and Betula neoalaskana)[58], sugar maple[59]
TC_7-2: honey (from Apis mellifera mellifera)[60][61][62], sweet cicely root[63],licorice [64]
PC_C_8: maize [65]
PC_P_8: Amaranthus cruentus [66][67][68][69]
SC_8: vanilla [70]
TC_8: sugar pine [71], Agave salmiana, Agave tequilana [72]
PC_C_9: potato [73]
PC_P_9: quinoa [74][75][76], Amaranthus caudatus [77][78][79][80], lima bean [81], peanut
SC_9: Capsicum annuum [82], guarana [83]
TC_9: Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni and other species [84][85], yacón syrup [86]
PC_C_10: cassava [87]
PC_C_11: sweet potato [88][89]
SC_11: yerba maté [90]

See also




  • Sugar beet wasn't included as it is a selected species from Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima

Kombucha not mentioned as it can be made anywhere without danger of introducing a exotic species to the area (uses a bacteria or yeast)

  • Coca (for coca maté) and kava not mentioned neither, despite being a important local drink. This, as they're mostly mind-altering substances rather than true drinks (unlike yeasted beverages (containing ethanol), they can cause vomoting, ... even when consuming small amounts)
  • Finally note that many beverages (ie lemonade, ...) require fruit juice (often from citrus such as lime or lemon). Refer to the Fruits and nuts map for this, not btw that these too have low caloric contents (other citrus crops have higher caloric contents)

Further information

  1. Rice's origin= China, 3 locations along Yangtsekiang
  2. Foxtail millet origin=China (though somewhat more north than indicated)
  3. Soybean's origin=Korea
  4. Tea bush (var. sinensis) native to western Yunnan, while C. sinensis var. assamica is native to the warmer parts of Assam (India)
  5. Monk fruit native to china, near taiwan
  6. Luo han guo
  7. Yam's origin=Indonesia
  8. Swamp taro origin=melanesia
  9. Great morinda native to Southeast Asia (Indonesia) and Australia
  10. Common nutmeg native to the Banda Islands of Indonesia
  11. Sugarcane encompassing 37 species, indigenous to tropical South Asia and Southeast Asia. Different species likely originated in different locations, with S. barberi originating in India and S. edule and S. officinarum coming from New Guinea
  12. Gomuti palm native to tropical Asia, from eastern India east to Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines in the east.
  13. Borassus flabelliformis native along the entire northern shores of the Indian Ocean, from the mouth of the Tigris to New Guinea
  14. Nypa fruticans native within the Indomalaya ecozone - in southern Asia, Indochina, the Malesian region, and northern Australia-
  15. Cocunut's origin: somewhere between northwest-South america and Melanesia
  16. Taro origin=between India & Bangladesh
  17. Black pepper native to Western Ghats of Kerala State, India
  18. Hibiscus sabdariffa native to tropical Asia, from India to Malaysia
  19. Lemon grass species native to Southern India, Sri Lanka
  20. Ceylon cinnamon native to Sri Lanka
  21. Basil native to northeast India
  22. Indian date palm native to southern Pakistan, most of India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
  23. Caryota urens native to Sri Lanka, Singapore, Myanmar, and India
  24. Wheat origin=Fertile Crescent, Near East
  25. Rye origin=Fertile Crescent, Near East
  26. Oat origin=Fertile Crescent, Near East
  27. Oat having high comparitive protein content, thus usable as PC_P crop
  28. Pisum sativum elatius native to Bulgaria - Mediterranean basin, Near East. Earliest archaeological finds of peas come from Neolithic Syria, Turkey and Jordan.
  29. Chickpea native to the area around Persia and the Caucasus Mountains
  30. Lentils native to eastern Turkey, north Syria
  31. Rosemary native to the Mediterranean area
  32. Mentha cordifolia native to much of Europe and southwest Asia
  33. Dill native to southern Russia/East Europe
  34. Coriander native to southwestern Asia west to north Africa
  35. Saffron native to Southwest Asia, near Greece
  36. Anise native to the eastern Mediterranean region and Southwest Asia
  37. Black mustard native to southern Mediterranean region, white mustard (sinapis alba) native to the Mediterranean region and the Crimea
  38. Date palm native to Persian Gulf, near Syria
  39. Note that other data palms too exist, see yet not all are used for human consumption
  40. Pearl millet origin=West Africa, near the Sahel strip
  41. Barley origin=Egypt
  42. Kola nut native to the tropical forests of West Africa
  43. Origin sorghum bicolor= between Ehiopia & Sudan (also named Sudanese grass)
  44. Teff origin=Ethiopia
  45. Coffee native to Ethiopia
  46. Buckwheat origin=northern hemisphere
  47. Buckwheat origin=between Lac Baikal & Manchuria]
  48. Compararing protein crops
  49. Amaranth high in nutrients, useful as PC_P crop
  50. Amaranthus hypochondricus origin=North America
  51. Sassafras albidum native to eastern North America, from southern Maine and southern Ontario west to Iowa, and south to central Florida and eastern Texas
  52. Ephedra funerea, Ephedra viridis and Ephedra nevadensis native to Nevada, California
  53. Rosa canina native to Europe, including Britain, northwest Africa and western Asia
  54. small-leaved linden native to much of Europe and western Asia
  55. Valerian native to Europe and parts of Asia
  56. chamomile native to Europe and Western Asia
  57. Allium longicuspis native to central and southwestern Asia
  58. Betula papyrifera var. humilis and Betula neoalaskana native to Alaska, northern Canada
  59. Sugar maple (used to make maple syrup) native to the hardwood forests of northeastern North America, from Nova Scotia west to southern Ontario, and south to Georgia and Texas.
  60. Apis florea and Apis andreniformis native to South and South East Asia (including the Philippines)
  61. Apis mellifera mellifera native to East-Europe
  62. Apis mellifera having 14 subspecies, see and
  63. Sweet cicely native to Europe
  64. Licorice native to southeastern Europe, near Romania/Bulgaria
  65. Maize's origin=Mexico
  66. Compararing protein crops
  67. Amaranth high in nutrients, useful as PC_P crop
  68. Amaranthus cruentus origin=Central America
  69. Amaranthus cruentus origin=Central America
  70. Vanilla native to Mexico
  71. Sugar pine native to the mountains of the Pacific coast of North America, from Oregon through California to Baja California
  72. Agave salmiana and Agave tequilana native to central Mexico
  73. Potato origin=Peru
  74. Quinoa indiginous to Peru, protein content=14g/100g serving
  75. Quinoa origin=around Lake Titicaca
  76. Quinoa having high comparitive protein content, hence useful as PC_P_ crop
  77. Comparing protein crops
  78. Amaranth high in nutrients, useful as PC_P crop
  79. Amaranthus caudatus origin=Peru
  80. Amaranthus causates origin=south America
  81. Lima bean origin=Andes
  82. Capsicum species having a common ancestor which originated somewhere in the northwest Brazil - Colombia area
  83. Guarana native to the Amazon, in the region of Manaus and Parintins
  84. Stevia encompassing 240 species, native to subtropical and tropical regions from western North America to South America
  85. Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni is native to Paraguay
  86. Yacón native to lower Andes/Peru
  87. Cassava origin= west-central Brazil
  88. Sweet potato origin=South America
  89. Cassava's origin
  90. Yerba maté native to subtropical South America in northeastern Argentina, Bolivia, southern Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay
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