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Location Kingston, Canada
The Stephen J.R. Smith Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Faculty of Applied Science
Queen's University
MECH 425 Engineering for Sustainable Development
(Winter 2010)



Tues. April 13th, 12.00-1.00
Wed. April 14th, 12.00-1.00

  • Marks must be picked up in person.

Green IT Project TAs

Only send Kadra your business via email -- do not post here!

  • email: (You must resubmit your group member names along with business)
  • Emails should contain "Mech425" in the subject line before other words
  • -Amir Nosrat
  • Any appropedia related queries go to me. princevictory [at]
  • Any PV related Green IT project questions and equipment borrow


Mech425.jpg This is the main page for Mech425, a Queen's University class on Engineering for Sustainable Development.

Please leave comments using the discussion tab.

MECH 425 Engineering for Sustainable Development[1]F 36-0-6 42

This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of engineering for sustainability and sustainable development. It covers aspects of appropriate technology, green engineering and materials, resource conservation, renewable resources, and design for extreme affordability. Another emphasis of the course is to introduce students to a range of engineering problem solving methods: methods to identify and select sustainable solutions to design problems; methods of improving existing engineering solutions; and methods of systems thinking. Technical, economic, and social consequences of engineering practices and processes will be examined to better delineate the complex engineering decisions related to social and environmental issues. The goal of this course is to assist students in the application of science and innovation to meet human needs while indefinitely preserving the life support systems of the planet. (0/0/0/21/21)


Students will gain an understanding of the social and environmental responsibilities of a professional engineer and the role of sustainability in engineering design and product life cycles, and advance the body of knowledge related to appropriate technologies in both Canada and in developing regions of the world. The course hopes to improve education resources and technology transfer to increase the effectiveness of student projects working towards the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Students will also improve their problem solving ability, written and oral communication, and teamwork skills.

Course Material

Required Course Materials

  • None but put aside ~$30 for project costs

Additional Materials

  • Citizen Engineer
  • Sustainable Development for Engineers: A Handbook and Resource Guide, Edited by Karel Mulder, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Greenleaf, 2006.
  • Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering, by Graedel and Allenby. Prentice, New York, 2010.
  • Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (Paperback)by William McDonough and Michael Braungart, 2002.
  • The Natural Advantage of Nations. Hargroves and Smith, eds. Earthscan: London, 2006.
  • Becoming Part of the Solution: The Engineer's Guide to Sustainable Development by Bill Wallace, ASCE Publications, 2005.
  • Field Guide to Appropriate Technology, Hazeltine, Barrett and Christopher Bull, editors. Academic Press, New York, 2003.
  • Gaviotas: A Village to Reinvent the World 1999 by Alan Weisman
  • Assorted Journal Papers will be referenced in class and made available on the Mech425 schedule

Course Organization

Lectures will concentrate on the presentation of theory with some simple examples. Problem solving and design experience will be gained from assignments and tutorial sessions.

See Mech425 schedule

Course website:

Course Marking

Projects Percent
Mech425 Open Access Project 5 +5
Mech425 GreenIT Project 35
Mech425 D-Lab Project 5
Mech425 Microfinance Project 5
Mech425 AT Project 35
Final Exam 10
Total 100

Late Penalty

  • Deduct 10% per day, up to 5 working days, then 0 mark. Only exception is for documented illness – Reg. 5d) – missed projects are penalized by the negative square of the percent total.

Policy on Academic Dishonesty – Plagiarism:


Additional Resources

  1. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs and aspirations of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Winter 2010

Weekly Schedule: (note change to printed schedule in bold)

day time Place
t 930 Jef 126
w 1130 MIL 105
th 830 Jef 126
f 1030 Jef 126

Safety Training

The Department of Environmental Health and Safety is offering several WHMIS training sessions. The courses will be held in the Faculty and Staff Learning Facility, Macintosh Corry, Room B176, Lecture Theatre.

The courses are open to all Queen's students, graduate students, staff, and faculty. The session will be approximately two and a half hours in length and will include an on-line quiz. You must have Queen's Netid to access the on-line quiz. For those people who do not have a Netid, a hard copy quiz will be available. The quiz will be marked and certificates issued upon successful completion.

The course dates are:

  • Tuesday, January 12, 2010 (1:30 pm - 4:00 pm)
  • Thursday, February 11, 2010 (1:30 pm - 4:00 pm)
  • Wednesday, March 10, 2010 (9:00 am - 11:30 am)

You may register for this course by going to

You need to take the refresher quiz every year - go here

Past students

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Keywords coursework, service learning courses
SDG SDG09 Industry innovation and infrastructure, SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Organizations Queen's University
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 18 pages link here
Aliases Mech425, MECH425
Impact 306 page views (more)
Created July 14, 2009 by Joshua M. Pearce
Last modified July 8, 2024 by Kathy Nativi
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