The following is a short example of the heading structure for a literature review that we went over in class. Remember in your literature review to not editorialize or make design decisions. Include only referenced information. For help with making citations on Appropedia, please see Help:Footnotes.

Literature Review

This is a review of the available literature pertinant to the 2014 Practivistas innnitiative to begin construction on a police station for the community of Las Malvinas in Santo Domingo. Topics will range from building materials to general information on construction.

wheather Conditions in Santo Domingo/Las Malivinas


Soil types condusive to building

Building a foundation


Building into a hillside or un-even ground

Retaining Walls

Building Codes in Santo Domingo

Requirements for a Police Station In Santo Domingo

Types of materials used

Short introduction to types of composting. [3]


Make sure to include description [4], advantages and disadvantages, and/or have a comparison matrix. 


 Make sure to include description, advantages and disadvantages, and/or have a comparison matrix. [3]


Make sure to include description, advantages and disadvantages, and/or have a comparison matrix.

Designing interpretive materials

According to ______ interpretive materials for composting should include....



  1. This is an example of footnotes.
  2. Another example of footnotes.
  3. 3.0 3.1 This is an example of a named reference. You can use these named references to repeat citation content throughout the document.
  4. This is a third example of a plain footnote.
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