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=====Rice & Clay Slip=====
=====Rice & Clay Slip=====
Rice slip a building material made from waste rice material that is dipped in clay slip. This mixture is packed into wooden forms and let dry for a period of days or weeks depending on the climate. Once dry, the forms are removed and the wall can be finished with clay plaster.<ref></ref>
[[Image:Construyen_casa_co_paja_de_aroz.JPG|Photo of a rice and clay slip building constructed in Nicaragua]]

Revision as of 02:26, 18 July 2011


Students from both Humboldt State University and UNIBE, RevArt, and the neighborhood of La Yuca completed this project for the Escuela Basica Nurys Zarzuela in La Yuca, del Naco, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The school was facing pressure to increase the size of the school due to limited space and high enrollment. By building a new room at the school we could both increase the amount of space and explore the effectiveness of alternative building techniques.


The goal of this project was to explore cost-effective, environmentally appropriate alternatives to traditional building methods in the Dominican Republic while creating additional space for the Escuela Basica Nurys Zarzuela.

Criteria and Constraints

The following criteria were decided upon for this project. Criteria are weighted with "10" being of greatest importance and "1" being of least importance.

Criteria Weight Constraints
Safety 10 Does not contain toxic chemicals that will cause harm to occupants. The structure is built to code and will not cause physical harm to occupants.
Durability 9 The structure will withstand the elements of Santo Dominingo. This includes potential earthquakes and hurricanes, humidity, high temperatures, and heavy rains.
Reproducability 8 The structure could be reproduced by local builders without outside assistance.
Cost 8 The project is less expensive to construct than traditional building styles.
Construction time 8 The structure can be completed before July 8.
Educational Value 8 The project instructs builders and future occupants on the alternative building technique used in construction.
Reduction of carbon footprint 7 Materials should represent a lower carbon footprint than traditional building methoda. Materials should be obtained locally when possible.
Comfort 6 The structure is comfortable for occupants. Room temperature should be similar to that of other structures at the site.
Aesthetics 5 The structure is pleasing to look at.

Literature Review

The following is a summary of research done prior to the build process to gain information on possible solutions to the problem and determine which might be the most feasible.

Climate and Conditions

This project is heavily influenced by local climate and therefore the local climate needed to be addressed before informed design decisions could be made. The following was considered when designing the new structure:

  • Humidity: The average relative humidity in the Dominican republic is 64%.
  • Rain: The Dominican Republic receives nearly sixy inches of rain annually. Downpours are frequent and can be heavy. Tropical storms and hurricanes are common.
  • Heat: The average temperature in Santo Domingo is 78F, with average highs at 87F. The temperature climbs above 90F frequently and can make living inside structures unbearable. The temperature fluctuates relatively little over the day/night due to constant humidity. Seasonally there is also little variation.
  • Wind: Wind speeds are typically very low in Santo Domingo, but again, hurricanes are not uncommon
  • Earthquakes: While earthquakes are less common in Santo Domingo than in other parts of Hispaniola, they are still a very real threat and needed to be addressed as such.

Building in the Tropics

Building design must reflect the aforementioned conditions in a way that creates an inhabitable and comfortable environment for the occupant. A number of steps can be taken to ensure this:

Alternative Building Methods

Many possibilities were considered as alternative building materials, with only a select few considered as potentially feasible based on available materials and climatic variables. The following is a summary of these potential options.


Advantages Disadvantages


Eco-ladrillo (eco-brick) is the term applied to a method of building in which used plastic bottles are recycled into building blocks for constructing the walls. There are many methods to building with bottles, but the most common method follows the picture below.


Bottles can be stuffed with trash, therefore increasing the number of airpockets and increasing the R-value of the walls. Alternatively, bottles can be filled with dirt/adobe/etc to increase the thermal mass of the walls. For spaces to let light in, bottles can be cut and stacked without fill. Below are examples of two types of eco-ladrillo.

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Error in widget YouTube: Unable to load template 'wiki:YouTube'


  • Can be adapted either for high R-value or high thermal mass. Bottles are a flexible building material and provide comfortable habitation in a range of climates.
  • Bottles are abundant and completely free. Structures can be built for a much lower cost than many traditional building techniques.
  • Using recycled bottles eliminates plastic from the waste stream
  • If built properly, eco-ladrillo structures can withstand seismic activity well.


  • Unless filled with earth, bottle walls are not load-bearing structures. Alternative framework must support the roof and other loads.
  • Extremely labor-intensive. This is not always a bad thing; in many places there is an ample supply of labor and time available. [3]
Wattle and Daub

Wattle and daub consists of two components. The first, the "wattle," is made of flexible wooden strips woven between vertical wooden poles. The "daub" is a kind of plaster (similar in composition to cob) which is used seal this framework. The makeup of the daub depends on location and available materials, but it commonly is a mix of some of the following ingredients:

Binders: Clay, mud, lime, chalk, limestone

Aggregates: Sand, earth, gravel

Reinforcement: Straw, hay, flax, grass

The binder holds the daub together, the aggregates give it bulk, and the reinforcement gives it tensional strength and flexibility. [4]


  • Requires very few tools. Construction can be done with little experience.
  • Made of naturally occurring, abundant materials that can be found almost worldwide.
  • Highly durable if properly constructed.
  • Historically proven method of construction. Failure points well known and repair methods have years of practice.
  • Long-term sustainability.
  • If properly designed, the high thermal mass of these buildings can keep the building comfortable.

Disadvantages Most problems arise from improper design or construction, which can be avoided with good initial planning.

Although construction simple, it requires a lot of labor. Drying of the daub can take days or weeks, depending on the climate. Daub can degrade if exposed frequently to water.[5]

Rice & Clay Slip

Rice slip a building material made from waste rice material that is dipped in clay slip. This mixture is packed into wooden forms and let dry for a period of days or weeks depending on the climate. Once dry, the forms are removed and the wall can be finished with clay plaster.[6]

Photo of a rice and clay slip building constructed in Nicaragua

Advantages Disadvantages

Final Design

Community-HSU Dominican Program Joint Decision

There were a few meetings prior to the beginning of the design process and design decision making. In these meetings, community involvement was essential. They had more knowledge relating to what was needed, where it was needed, and how problems could be solved. Having in mind that our focus was alternative building, we presented the community with some options. In class, we had learned about alternative building techniques. These were wattle and daub, bamboo, adobe, papercrete. cob and bottle wall or eco-brick. The community and the building team of the HSU Dominicana Program came to a joint decision. This decision was based on availability of materials, cost and building method. All methods based on purely natural materials, or grown materials, like wattle and daub, bamboo and adobe were dismissed, because these materials are simply not available in the urban setting of the community.

In the meeting, the conclusion was that the most accessible materials were plastic bottles and paper. The roof would be made of a wooden frame and corrugated metal plates, as is the norm in the Dominican Republic. Both the members of the community involved in the meeting and the building team students committed to establishing a way of collecting bottles and paper. Boxes labeled with Please Recycle signs were placed around the UNIBE campus and in a convenience store (colmado) in la Yuca. There would also be some collecting days, where we would go out and find bottles in garbage cans, and just anywhere all over the city.

Paper was collected in our homes, and in just a couple of days, about 50 pounds were collected.


The building project was constructed in La Yuca del Naco, a small barrio located in Santo Domingo. It was built on the second floor, behind the classrooms of Escuela Basica Nurys Zarzuela primary school. The decision was based mostly upon where space was available, which was limited. Structural analysis proved the site would support a room if it were first reinforced.


We constructed a number of prototypes/tests to get a feel for what would work best for our plastic bottle walls. Things we took into consideration were: how to orient the bottles, how to prevent bottle movement within the wire mesh, to fill or not to fill the bottles with trash, what mix of sand to cement to use, and how to attach the wire mesh to the wood frame.

Description Picture #1 Picture #2
Prototype #1: For this prototype we learned that a 1:1 sand to cement ratio was not ideal due to costs. We filled the bottles with plastic trash and foam trash, and learned that the process of filling bottles and finding trash takes a lot of time. Also, we connected the wire to the frame by pounding over nails to hold the wire in place.
La Yuca Ecoladrillo Prototype -1.jpg
La Yuca Ecoladrillo Prototype -1.b.jpg
Prototype #2: In this second edition test we shifted to a mixture of 4:1 sand to cement on one side, and 5:1 sand to cement on the other. To prevent the bottles from moving around we used found wire to tie the two surfaces of wire mesh together. We also placed trash in the holes between the bottles so that we used less cement than the fist prototype. Staples were used instead of nails to hold mesh to frame.
La Yuca Ecoladrillo Prototype -2.jpg
La Yuca Ecoladrillo Prototype -2.b.jpg
Prototype #3: The main changes to this test round was a new orientation of the bottles in an attempt to reduce empty spaces that would either be filled with plastic or more concrete. Also, a new chicken wire situation was tested by connecting the wire inside of the wood frame instead of on the outside of the frame. This prototype was not plastered due to the poor performance of the new wire configuration, which did not hold the bottles in place.
La Yuca Ecoladrillo Prototype -3.jpg
Prototype #4: This final prototype incorporates the new orientation of bottles from prototype #3, however this time they are connected at the neck by a scrap piece of chicken wire to provide more stability.
La Yuca Ecoladrillo Prototype -4.jpg


Materials Unit Price (Pesos) Quantity Total
Bags of Cement $ ? $
Sand $ ? $
Chicken Wire $ ? $
Metal Wire $ ? $
Nail $ ? $
Roofing Nail $ ? $
Staples $ ? $
Wood $ ? $
Rebar $ ? $
Gutter $ ? $
Zinc $ ? $
Varnish $ ? $
Total Cost = $

Construction Process

Process: Building Columns

The first step we took in the on-site construction process was to build columns. We decided to go with traditional concrete columns as the main support for our structure because of their strength, local knowledge available to help us build them, and their prevalence regionally in current construction makes them trusted by the community.

With the help of local engineer José García and visiting engineer Tressie Blue we assessed the current school structure and decided on the placement and design of our columns. Two columns would be located on the second floor directly above the preexisting columns below them. We drilled holes 20cm down into the existing columns, and then pounded rebar into them. These pieces of rebar stuck approximately 45cm above ground and were then secured to the rebar frame of the column with wire ties (Fig 4).

The big column: A third column was to be located in the SW corner of the building. After assessment of the lower level, we found that there was currently no column in that corner of the school building, so we decided to create one that would be two stories tall beginning on the ground level. This would increase overall structural stability for the school and provide the load-bearing column needed for the ecoladrillo room. In order to achieve a higher level of strength we chiseled a hole in the roof (Fig 3) where the column was to be placed so that we could lower down an entire two story tall rebar column frame without having to cut it in half.

Securing the big column: After much consideration it was decided that to secure the big column we would drill 20cm into the floor of the first level, and sink the rebar in there. However, after we began drilling we found that after only 8cm there was a pocket of airspace beneath the cement floor. This would not provide enough stability to for our column. Luckily there were two back up plans. One was to build a concrete footing above the ground (0.8m x 0.8m x 0.6m with a mesh work of short rebar pieces placed into the middle). The second idea was to drill holes on both sides of the wall at every 40cm interval that corresponded with the rebar rings on the frame of the column. These holes would be drilled at different angles into the wall and a 20cm piece of rebar would be placed in them, leaving 10cm in the wall and 10cm sticking out. The piece sticking out would be wired to the column frame. In the end, we chose option number two.

Attachment points for chicken wire: To create strong connection points for the chicken wire (which eventually creates the walls by holding in the bottles), we placed wire sticking out of the columns. The wires were spaced every twenty centimeters running up and down the column along two lines, each line 8cm apart (Fig 8). We chose the 8cm spacing because it was the size of our largest diameter bottle, and we wanted the chicken wire to fit snugly. This method actually turned out well, and we were able to attach the chicken wire easily and pull it relatively tight. We also used two different gauges for the wire connection points, which yielded differing opinions as to which was more effective. The thinner gauged wire was easier to manipulate yet required more tying to ensure a solid connection.

Column Materials & Budget

Materials Unit Price (RD$) Quantity Total (RD$)
Bags of Cement 267 RD$ 4 1068 RD$
Gravel and sand mixture Donated 12 wheel barrows 0
Metal Wire 36.21/lbs 3 lbs 108.63
Nails $ ? $
4'/8' Plywood Board $ 2 $
Rebar 3/8" by 20' 154.75 8 1238.00
Rebar Rings/Ribbing 18.10 32 579.20
Total Cost = $

Process: Building Frames

Process: Building Bottle Walls

Plastic bottles: As identified by the community as a resource, and as observed by our team, plastic bottles are abundant on the streets of Santo Domingo. In the beginning of the process we estimated that it would take about 1800 plastic bottles to complete our project. We obtained our bottles through a mixture of hunting bottles in the streets with 30-55gal plastic bags, locating signs and collection boxes at UNIBE and local colmados, and donations from La Yuca residents. When hunting for bottles we recommend looking in places where people tend to congregate. For example, in a matter of 1 hour, three people were able to collect approximately 500 bottles in a bottle-rich area called the Malecón in Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo.

Bottle recommendations: When collecting it is helpful to have the bottles be intact (not squished or broken) and with the bottle caps present. When building your walls it will be helpful to have bottles of similar sizes. We found that it helps to make at least two rows, one on top of the other, out of the same size bottles. This helps reduce open space between bottles and in-turn reduces cement use. We found that other bottle builders recommend that the bottles be cleaned and dried before placing them in your walls, however, due to a lack of time and abundance of rain, many of our bottles were neither clean nor dry.

To fill or not to fill: Something we asked ourselves and other bottle builders was “should we fill the bottles with plastic garbage, or not?” There are many bottle builders who do fill the bottles with plastic trash before inserting them into the walls. We quickly realized that filling the bottles with trash takes a huge amount of time, as does collecting the trash itself. Through talking with others who have used this construction technique before we found that the most common reason to fill the bottles with trash is to remove the trash from the community, not to ad structural integrity. As our walls were not intended to be load bearing and with the small amount of time we had, we decided it would be better not to fill the bottles. In the future more research could be done into how filling the bottles with trash relates to insulation value.

Process: Installing A Roof


A lot of learning took place through the development of this project, and there are many things that can be improved upon in the future.


The Good
The Bad
Next Steps


The Good
The Bad
Next Steps


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