
News and comment


Siena starts the New Year as Europe’s first carbon free city, January 22 [1]


The historical importance of the Italian referendum and victory for the water commons, [2] November 27

Can Italy carry off its plastic bag ban? [3] January 3


Italy to begin ban on plastic bags in shops, [4] December 31


Sustainability initiatives

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Initiatives by topic


LIPU, the Lega italiana protezione uccelli (En. “Italian League for Bird Protection”) is an Italian charitable organisation, founded in 1965 and devoted to the protection of the country’s wildlife with a particular focus on birds. It has a membership of 42,000 and is the Italian partner of Birdlife International. wikipedia:LIPU


Critical Mass bicycle rides in Italy


Farmers Market Italy

Green purchasing

Cohousing in Italy - Wikipedia: Fairtrade settlements in Italy


The Emilia Romagna region of northern Italy has more than 15,000 co-operatives, which contribute over one-third of the region’s GDP. [1]

Low carbon communities

Siena carbon free 2015

Sustainable energy

RESEDA, una ecocoperativa solidale dove possono lavorare anche persone disabili. La RESEDA opera nel settore della sostenibilità ecologica e sociale, per la diffusione delle fonti di energia rinnovabile e le tecnologie appropriate.

wikipedia:Renewable energy in Italy

Trees, woodland and forest

petition: Help Save Grandma Oak! www.salviamononnaquercia.com

Interwiki links

Wikipedia: Italy, Italy, Environment

External links

Cittaslow Italy, (slow cities)

Template:Attrib sca wiser


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