Displaying a feed in Appropedia can be accomplished with a widget or with RSS tags.

Using RSS tags

See also Help:RSS tags.

Simplest example:



With set number of posts:

<rss number=3>http://feeds.feedburner.com/afrigadget</rss>

<rss number=3>http://feeds.feedburner.com/afrigadget</rss>

RSS tag options

You can add more than one feed in a single <rss> tag to have them display in columns. Do so by adding "|" between the feed urls. Thus, <rss>firsturl|secondurl|thirdurl</rss> will create a reader with 3 columns, displaying items from all 3 feeds. Inside the <rss> tag you can include optional settings, which are detailed below:

By default, the reader will display all the items in the feed. If you want to display up to a maximum of a certain number of items, then add number=n (where n is the max number) inside the rss tag: <rss number=10>http://www.appropedia.org/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=rss</rss> will display the last 10 stories from BBC World.
By default, the reader will take the value of $egCacheTime as the amount of time (in seconds) between each local caching of the RSS feed. If you want a certain feed to refresh its cache more or less frequently, then add time=t (where t is the refresh time in seconds) inside the rss tag: <rss time=7200>http://www.appropedia.org/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=rss</rss> will refresh the cache of stories from BBC World every 7200 seconds (2 hours).
The max and min time allowed for the time argument is governed by $egCacheTimeMin and $egCacheTimeMax in LocalSettings.php. If the specified time falls outside this range, then it will revert to the default $egCacheTime value.
Hides the description provided by the feed.
If set to a legal value (between $egWidthMin and $egWidthMax) it turns the RSS section into a floating div, alligned to the right, of the width specified (in pixels)
Hides the title (and description in desc=off of the feed.


E.g. 1 - the following code:

<rss number=5>http://www.appropedia.org/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=rss</rss>

Creates: <rss number=5>http://www.appropedia.org/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=rss</rss>

The feed works elsewhere, so it's not clear why it breaks here.

<rss number=5>http://blogs.appropedia.org/feed/</rss>

See also

Using a "widget"

BROKEN - use the RSS tag instead.

This method appears to be broken - no output is given. The code (Widget:Feed) relies on an external service which is possibly not working the same way now.

See also Appropedia:Widgets.




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