The History of Co-Generation

- The technology first came up at the start of the twentieth century when people realized that a steam factory or 'Powerhouse', could also produce electricity from its steam. - From 1940 on, the technology was spread throughout some of our cities but never fully implemented to the point it should have.

<a href="">Cogeneration - History Of Cogeneration</a>

Co-generation at HSU

- The unit here was constructed in 1987, and has been running 24/7 since then. - The Co-Generation Unit is located in the parking lot of the JGC - Unlike a majority of the other cogen units, the one here at HSU produces Hot Water and Heating instead of Energy and Heating. This seems most fitting to support a majority of the residence halls here on campus so students have the warm water they need as well as the heating. - It is constantly producing around 35KW(35000 Watts) - All of the hot water, heat and energy produced is used on campus - Under every residence hall that this system covers , is a boiler and a heating unit, except Canyon, which only has air heating units. ○ These boilers were set in place when the halls were made but since the Co-gen unit's construction, they are not being used. ○ These older boilers under the halls are only used when the system for some reason doesn't work ( which is near never).

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