Requirements for graduation from Ph.D at Queen's University[edit | edit source]

  • Completion of courses
  • Sucessful completion of Part A comprehensive exams
  • Completion and defence of Part B- Research Proposal
  • Completion and defence of thesis

Courses[edit | edit source]

Direct to Ph.D[edit | edit source]

4 Courses

[edit | edit source]

7 Courses

  • At least one outside of the department, which can be a 400 level course
  • All others must be masters level or above

Part A comprehensive exams[edit | edit source]

  • Must be taken within the first 4 months of registration in Ph.D
  • Focus on three major categories chosen by student. A list of possible topic areas can be found here
  • Exams are oral and typically all three are taken in the same week, but never on the same day.
  • A failure of comprehensives means they must be re-taken at the next sitting of the comprehensives (another 4 months)
  • A failure of the second round of comprehensives means removal from the program.

Part B research proposal[edit | edit source]

  • Must be submitted within 16 months of registration in Ph.D
  • Outlines proposed research for the Ph.D, it must not exceed 40 pages. Outlines and writing hints are found here
  • Defended to a committe determined by the supervisor, not neccesarily the same as the thesis defence committe
    • One from students department
    • One from external department
    • One defence chair (Head of department or delegate)
    • Any other members of supervisory committee
  • Proposal must be submitted to committe at least two weeks before the defence
  • The time of the defence is at the discretion of the supervisor and Supervisory Committee
  • A Pass or referred decision will be made within an hour of the defence. If referred, the proposal must be defended again within three months

Defence of Thesis[edit | edit source]

  • The thesis committee must consist of
    • Committee Chair-appointed by School of Graduate Studies
    • Academic External to University
    • External to Department
    • Internal to Department
    • Supervisors
  • Thesis must be submitted 25 working days (typ. 5 weeks) prior to thesis defence
  • Thesis can be submitted in hard copy or digitally, at the discretion of individual members of the thesis committee

Ph.D awards and deadlines[edit | edit source]

  • NSERC & OGS- Typicical deadlines are October of the year before funding.
    • eg. For funding in Sept. 2012, deadlines are in Oct.2011
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Authors Rob Andrews
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 0 pages link here
Impact 23 page views (more)
Created June 22, 2011 by Rob Andrews
Last modified October 12, 2022 by Irene Delgado
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