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Founded 1997
Founders World Bank
Location Kuala Lumpur

From globalknowledgepartnership.org

Since its inception at the first Global Knowledge Conference in Toronto in 1997, GKP has grown from strength to strength and now stands as a internationally recognised network promoting innovation and advancement in Knowledge for Development (K4D) and Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D). GKP brings together Public Sector, Private Sector and Civil Society organizations with the goal of Sharing Knowledge and Building Partnerships in K4D and ICT4D. With 111 Network Members (as at 30 June 2007) spanning all continents, GKP embodies the definition of a multi-stakeholder partnership, one which is working effectively to share knowledge and build partnerships with the aim of realising the transformative potential of knowledge, communication and information technologies to improve lives, reduce poverty and empower people. Quick Insights to GKP Achievements, 2001 to 2007 First, moving the GKP Secretariat in 2001 from the World Bank Institute in Washington D.C. to Kuala Lumpur to make the work of GKP and its Network Members more attuned to the needs of the developing world. This is a demonstration of "Malaysia Boleh" and Malaysia's world class capabilities. Second, growing GKP into a vibrant network with a diverse membership base comprising government agencies including development aid agencies, private sector companies, agencies of the United Nations, academic institutions, media entities and grassroots civil society organizations. In 2000, most of the members were from developed countries. Now close to 70% are from developing countries. Third, in 5 years, GKP's knowledge-sharing activities worldwide have drawn nearly 60,000 participants for peer-to-peer learning across various development issues including poverty reduction, education, governance and access to knowledge. These activities take the form of conferences, forums, workshops, roundtables and debates. Fourth, establishing a Project Development Fund for nurturing and seeding ICT for Development (ICT4D) partnership projects across the globe in Africa, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East, Asia and Central & Eastern Europe. Fifth, launching a Programme and Fund for Young Social Entrepreneurs in 2006. Finally, with a 10-year track record, GKP is now well known in the international community, particularly those working on the Information Society development agenda.

Conferences[edit | edit source]

Publications[edit | edit source]

GKP publictions are available for free download (as pdfs) from their website. The publications do not appear to be licensed for others to copy, adapt or republish.

  • The outlook for using Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in international development assistance - Issues, trends and opportunities

by Mike Jensen

Commissioned by a GKP Task Force in 2009 and supported by Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) this report was intended to generate possible thematic foci for Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) in the next phase of its existence.

The emergence of the Internet along with low-cost computing in the late 1990's triggered new aspirations for the global community and to ensure that that South was part of this revolution in communication, information-use and knowledge sharing. Out of this, the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) was born in 1997, the outcome of the first Global Knowledge Conference in Toronto, initiated by the World Bank as a global effort to assist with this process. As an international NGO, the GKP was established as an independent multi-stakeholder partnership of all organizations interested in helping to further these goals - governments, the private sector, NGOs and grass-roots organizations.

Twelve years later, ICTs have evolved considerably and development priorities have changed. The pervasion and use of ICTs in developing countries has improved dramatically, especially through mobile phones, and aid has moved away from ICT focussed programmes, toward investments in key sectors such as education and health, often through increased direct budget support to governments in developing countries. As an ICT focussed development organisation, these new conditions, combined with the crisis in the global economy required the GKP to re-consider its role and the needs of its membership.

The study, carried out from March-May 2009, was based on personal interviews with representatives of the development community in the ICT4D field, augmented by additional information gleaned from web-based research, covering in total 70 agencies working in ICTs. Due to the high priority placed on Sub-Saharan Africa (the only region not expected to meet the MDGs), and owing to the consultant's work in Africa, the 42-paged report covers activities in this region to a greater extent than the other regions. Read more

Published in June 2009

  • Strategies and Structures of Global Networks: Learning for GKP3.0

by Steve Waddell, iScale/Global Action Network Net

Strategies for Global NetworksCommissioned by a GKP Task Force in 2009 and supported by Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), this report supports an investigation into possible futures of the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP). The future options are referred to as "GKP3.0".

This report "…provide(s) information about the trends in the landscape (of inter-organizational networks) that could influence choices about GKP's future and knowledge about strategies and structures of other global, multi-stakeholder networks. The goal is to provide the GKP3.0 Task Force with knowledge and options to help it in its recommendations to EXCOMM for the GKP's way forward."

This 29-paged report focuses upon questions related to purpose and entry which give rise to a series of developmental and structural issues. It is based upon interviews with 18 people in 12 networks, and review of network documents and web-sites. Read more

Published in June 2009

  • Fixing the Climate with ICT - A Guide to communicating the role of technology in addressing Climate Change challenges

by OneWorld South Asia and GKP

Produced by OneWorld South Asia in partnership with GKP, this advocacy guide is the result of the virtual GKP Forum on Climate Change held from 20 May – 9 June 2008 and captures in summary, key conclusions from discussions around the role ICT, partnerships and networks in promoting the creation and diffusion of knowledge in combating the effects of climate change. It also cites examples of ICT-related initiatives by GKP members and other organizations around the world in addressing climate change. Read more "..Keep an Eye on Community Development & Internet Governance in Your Country..."

This Guidebook is the result of a GKP Regional Partnership Programme project - Youth Leaders for Community Development through Internet Governance - supported by GKP and implemented by GKP members CMB Training Center and DiploFoundation; and project partners APTI Romania, RWCT International Consortium, Romania; Universities Dunarea de Jos, Galati; AEGEE Beograd, Serbia and the Better World JL Institute, LA, USA. It contains best practices and lessons learned on launching capacity building programmes in the area of Internet Governance and Community Development and acts as a guide for organizations interested in promoting capacity building programmes for multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary teams through development of workshops, and other capacity building activities, in which an experiential model of learning is employed.

The goals of this Guidebook are:

  • To provide a resource to organizations and their trainers for the development of training programs in the area of Internet Governance and Community Development;
  • To introduce a number of techniques which assist in the analysis and interpretation of research findings;
  • To serve as a guide for the development of workshops, and other capacity building activities, in which an experiential model of learning is employed.

Published in June 2008.

  • Towards Knowledge Society: A Handbook of Selected Initiatives in South Asia

by D.Net, Bellanet, CSDMS, Sarvodaya and GKP

South Asia is one of the most active grounds of ICT4D initiatives. In many instances, South Asia is the pioneer in creative ideas and their successful realisation on the ground. The instances of successes and failures are often discussed in various seminars, workshops and other forums organised in different parts of the world, and some times power point presentations and short write-ups are also available. However, there is a severe dearth of detailed information and insights about the initiatives. Such a situation leads practitioners replication or picking certain elements of initiatives, fail to get adequate information about them; repeat same mistakes in implementing similar kind of initiatives, which were already tested elsewhere; and try to re-invent wheel due to lack of information. The publication of this handbook is a step to meet the deficit and to share selected ICT4D initiatives of South Asia among practitioners, policy makers, development partners, academicians and students. Read more

Published in February 2008

  • Startup and Change the World

by S. Dev Appanah & Sunit Shresta, Youth Social Enterprise Initiative (YSEI), a GKP Programme

This guidebook is dedicated to young innovators who are equipped with great ideas and are intent on unleashing them to change the world. The book published by YSEI of GKP with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) offers tips and strategies from planning, SWOT analysis, funding and social communications to defining the concept of social entrepreneurship. Read more

Published in December 2007. Please visit http://www.ysei.org/?q=node/18 to download this publication

  • Handbook on Women-owned SMEs: Challenges and Opportunities in Policies and Programmes

by GKP and International Organisation for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development (IKED)

Declining costs of information and communication technology, globalization and changing conditions for innovation and entrepreneurship are bringing new opportunities as well as challenges for countries and business alike around the world. In this rapidly evolving playing field, the role of large and small firms is changing. Large firms are downsizing, outsourcing and off-shoring while raising productivity around a narrowing core business. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), on the other hand, account for a growing share of the work force in most countries. In parallel, they are becoming more important for economic growth, exports, local development and innovation. SMEs do not only constitute of enterprises, however, but are clearly led and strongly influenced by people, and most of all by the entrepreneurs behind them. Read more

Published in September 2007

  • Multi-stakeholder Partnerships and Digital Technologies for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, Three case studies

by Omar Dengo Foundation (Ed.), Acceso Foundation, ChasquiNet Foundation

Multi-stakeholder partnerships are a powerful tool to further development projects. They have become particularly critical to initiatives that promote the fruitful use of digital technologies to improve people's quality of life and development perspectives. Multi-stakeholder partnerships contribute to coalesce different types of knowledge, experience and resources that come together around common interests and goals. Read more

Published in 2007

  • Summary Results of GKP Consultation for UN Roundtable on Communication for Development (C4D)

by GKP


In advance of the 10th United Nations Inter-Agency Round Table on Communication for Development Roundtable, a limited consultation exercise was undertaken to obtain practitioner, civil society and other external perspectives on the issues highlighted in the Round Table agenda. The consultation was carried out by Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) and was extended to other network organizations involved in the C4D arena over a period of 17 days.

The Communication for Social Change Consortium was asked to amalgamate the conclusions of the consultation. These summary results are to be presented at the Round Table taking place on 12-14 February 2007 in Addis Ababa by Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Executive Director of the Global Knowledge Partnership Secretariat.

Published in January 2007

  • Beyond Tunis (BT) Publication Series

by GKP

The premise of Beyond Tunis is simple enough: take a snapshot of the state of ICT4D community after the WSIS process and try to look ahead to what might happen in the short, medium and longer-term. Do it in a series of publications that will lead into the next GKP global event.

Presenting Beyond Tunis 1.0: Flightplan, released May 2006; and Beyond Tunis 1.5: Flightplan, released November 2006.

Beyond Tunis 2.0: Horizon, released October 2007, is the companion publication to GKP's Event on the Future, Third Global Knowledge Conference (GK3).

Read BT online @ Here

  • Knowledge for Development (K4D) Publication Series

by GKP

  • Access, Empowerment & Governance
  • Making the Difference - ICT as key enablers for equitable and sustainable development
  • Media & the Information Society
  • Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships
  • ICT for Development Success Stories
  • ICT for Poverty Reduction in Asia

Published in 2003 - 2005


by Eduardo Gelbstein and Jovan Kurbalija

Internet Governance is not a simple subject. Although it deals with a major symbol of the DIGITAL world, it cannot be handled with a digital - binary logic of true/false and good/bad. Instead, the subject's many subtleties and shades of meaning and perception require an ANALOG approach, covering a continuum of options and compromises.

Therefore, this booklet will not attempt to provide definitive statements on Internet Governance issues. Rather, its aim is to propose a practical framework for the analysis, discussion, and resolution of the key problems in this field.


A review of experience with emphasis on low income countries in Asia and Africa by Richard Gerster and Sonja Zimmermann ICTs can make a difference in reducing poverty and reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This potential contrasts, however, with the relatively modest pro-poor ICT implementation level. What key barriers impede the implementation of declarations? How can we multiply, upscale and replicate successful pilot projects? The study on 'Up-scaling Pro-Poor ICT-Policies and Practices', a joint publication by the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), India, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) provides answers to such pertinent questions. The study contributes to a multi-dimensional poverty reduction agenda for the implementation of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Principles and Action Plan, to be closely linked to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The publication can be downloaded here or hard copies are available free of charge from ict4d@deza.admin.ch.

  • Information and Communications Technology for Development A SOURCEBOOK FOR PARLIAMENTARIANS

by e-ASSAP, GKP and SDC

This Sourcebook acknowledges the varying needs of parliamentarians in different geographic, social, economic and political environments and seeks to provide a broad overview of ICTs and their use as powerful tools for accelerating social and economic development. It highlights the key and fundamental ICT for Development (ICT4D) issues by emphasizing the importance of ICT4D policies, the development of national ICT agendas, the application of ICTs in specific sectors, and the role of government and members of parliament in the process of implementing ICT4D in their respective countries. Examples from the region are provided to demonstrate how different stakeholders have successfully applied ICTs to bridge the digital divide with concrete socio-economic benefits.

The Sourcebook is an output of e-ASSAP, a UNDP-APDIP project, supported by the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) and funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). These seminars aimed to sensitize parliamentarians who are responsible for debating development priorities and making decisions on the allocation of resources with government representatives and international agencies. The seminars also provided an opportunity for Asian parliamentarians to discuss and share their knowledge and experience in the various ICT4D initiatives.

  • GKP Recommendations on Issues of Bridging the Digital Divide

ISBN 983-2588-00-06

This publication is an edited and amended version of the GKP Recommendations to the G8 Digital Opportunity Task Force (G8-DOT Force). February 2002, edited by the GKP Secretariat, 48 pages.

  • "Frente a la pantalla" TICs en America Latina y el Caribe - Un viaje visual"
  • "Facing the Screen: ICTs in Latin America and the Caribbean - A visual journey".

This photo book was launched on GKP DAY during the ICT4D Platform @ WSIS, Geneva 2003. http://web.archive.org/web/20060722115555/http://www.facingthescreen.org:80/

FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Authors Joe Raftery
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 0 pages link here
Impact 179 page views (more)
Created December 13, 2009 by Joe Raftery
Last modified May 2, 2022 by Felipe Schenone
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