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* DNA of the project
* DNA of the project
        - Define
** Define
        - Refine
** Refine
        - Share
** Share
* Aim = Usable Content
* Aim = Usable Content
        - Text
** Text
          - 200 pages
*** 200 pages
        - Video
** Video
          - 10 hours
*** 10 hours
        - TV
** TV
          - 200 hours, see Vinay's project
*** 200 hours, see Vinay's project
* License
* License
        - Template: ask for open license: what, Why, What, How
** Template: ask for open license: what, Why, What, How
        - If not, find open alternatives
** If not, find open alternatives
        - If not, re-invent, re-photo, re-video
** If not, re-invent, re-photo, re-video
* Ecosystem of cooperation (**)
* Ecosystem of cooperation (**)
        - Create content
** Create content
        - Compile
** Compile
        - Translate
** Translate
          - etc
*** etc
        - Use
** Use
        - All benefit
** All benefit
          - like linux developers
*** like linux developers
          - linux user groups = local geeks
*** linux user groups = local geeks
          - linux end users
*** linux end users

== Local ==
== Local ==

Revision as of 09:25, 22 July 2008

MindMap for this page. Click to enlarge.

I'll write the content as full paragraphs later. You can help by formatting the headings ;-) And adding categories, links to portals or whatever else needs doing for this page to be a proper member of appropedia (in the public domain). Nah, I'll do it. Thanks anyway. :-)

Please, use the "discussion" tab to add your comments and ideas. I just need some time to write all this done. Thanks for your patience.

Oh, and much thanks to L and V for their ideas, comments and support.

LucasG 11:21, 19 July 2008 (PDT)

This Map



  • 6 ways to die
    • Hunger and Thirst, directly
    • Too hot and Too cold, food gives shade, shelter and fuel
    • Disease, food gives nutrition and farmacy, and waste treatment is good for health
    • Injury, food gives shelter and more importantly one less reason to fight each other
  • Food just grows vs Food systems are ill
    • Globalised
      • External dependency
      • Just In Time = No Stocks
      • Economic efficiency = No Redundancy
      • Cheap food != Good for you
    • Outcome
      • Poverty
      • Bad health
      • Supply risk
  • Levels from individual to global
    • Individual, household, town (50% FAO?) < 10 km (walk, bike)
    • Region (25% FAO?) < 100 km (car, truck)
    • World (25% or less FAO?) > 100 km (boats, trains, planes)


  • Food: 2000 cal/person-day
  • Water: 15 liters/person-day
  • Irrigation: 100 liters/person-day?

Goal = Help

  • Assess
    • Present situation
    • Assetts
    • Distance to horizon
    • Blockage points
    • First steps
  • Change
    • Motivation
    • Design
    • Principles
    • Methods
    • Do
    • Help doers

Product = Deliverable

  • Open content
  • Text
  • Video
  • Translations


Food growth

  • Place
    • Land
      • Surface per yield
      • Surface per person
    • Containers
    • Square Foot Gardening
    • EarthBox
    • Bag Garden
    • KeyHole Garden
    • Vertical
  • Soil
    • Features
    • Mixtures
    • No-till
  • Nutrients
    • Companion plants, green compost
    • Compost, tea compost, humanure, chicken tractors, worms, algae
    • SolarCone, (sanitation)
    • Waste
      • Plants, Kitchen, Humans
  • Water
    • Rain catchment, Pyramid, (water)
    • SODIS, WaterCone, deep seawater (cold)
    • Pumps, Selfwatering methods
  • Seeds
    • Seedballing, networks, dry, store, select
    • Which crops?
      • Calories
      • Yield
      • Simple to grow
      • Robust crops
      • What do people use all over the world, and locally?
  • Protection
    • From
      • Sun, Wind, Pests, Excess water, Animals
    • With
      • Cover, other plants, chemicals, counterbugs, mulch
  • Time
    • 3-4 months or more
    • Seasonality - related to storage of food and seeds
  • Knowledge
    • Plants
    • Weather
  • Work
    • People
      • Attention
      • Bend back
      • Work seated
    • Tools
      • Simple
        • Cup, pencil, etc
      • Complicated
        • Irrigation system, LifeTrac, etc
      • Open design?
    • Kinds of work
      • plant, care, harvest, process
    • # Hours
    • # People
  • Climate-Weather
  • Non-plant food
    • What: eggs, meat (poultry, rabbits, pigs, cows), fish (sea, ponds, ferrocement tanks), fungi, algae
    • Nutrients, "housing" & care, process, market

Food system

  • Transport = catchment area
    • Walk <10 km (individual, town)
    • Bike < 30 km (individual, town)
    • Motor > 30 km (region, world)
  • Store
    • Cold
      • Pot in pot, deep sea water, in ground
    • Conserve
      • Solar dryer, Salt
  • Cook
    • Solar cooker, cushions, stoves
  • Economy
    • Price of food
    • Workers wages
    • Price of inputs
    • Taxes and subsidies
    • Local currencies
      • Buy local means Grow local
      • Fab Lab makes coins?
    • Futures markets = measure risk
    • Business oportunities
      • Grow, Food industries, Sell
      • Support with know-how, make tools, share tools
      • TTT = training, tools, trade
  • Regulations
    • Land
    • Food industries
    • Public health
    • Machinery
  • Mindset
    • Different people's points of view
    • I'm a farmer, I grow my food, We grow our food
    • Changes here are powerful (Donna Meadows)
    • Changes here may be beyond your sphere of influence



  • DNA of the project
    • Define
    • Refine
    • Share
  • Aim = Usable Content
    • Text
      • 200 pages
    • Video
      • 10 hours
    • TV
      • 200 hours, see Vinay's project
  • License
    • Template: ask for open license: what, Why, What, How
    • If not, find open alternatives
    • If not, re-invent, re-photo, re-video
  • Ecosystem of cooperation (**)
    • Create content
    • Compile
    • Translate
      • etc
    • Use
    • All benefit
      • like linux developers
      • linux user groups = local geeks
      • linux end users


  • Motivation = Energy for Change
        - Want to
          - Mindset shift
        - Have to
          - Urgent need
  • Grow
  • Teach
  • Business
  • Science
  • People
        - Available time
        - Skills
  • Ecosystem of facilitation (**)
        - Accelerate
        - Leverage
        - Business model(s)
          - Open franchising
        - Transition
          - From fossil-based fertilisers and pesticides
          - From global to local
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