This is a research project in partnership between Engr308 Technology and the Environment and the Fuente Nueva charter school, during Fall 2013. The project includes analyzing the waste profile and impacts of trash from the Fuente Nueva campus in Arcata, Humboldt County, California, as well as devising an implementable plan to ameliorate the impacts.


Physical Infrastructure Lab 1

Team: Michael Wold, Annika Ragsdale, Jeff Wastell,Gladys Arechiga

Objective: State the objective of your part of the project, e.g. The objective is to design a feasible plan for site infrastructure that reduces waste and waste impacts. The plan will include bins, bin placement, waste flows, and actual signage.

Physical Infrastructure Lab 2

Team: Christian Nielsen, Dylan Hills, Brittney Goldie

Objective: State the objective of your part of the project, e.g. The objective is to design a feasible plan for site infrastructure that reduces waste and waste impacts. The plan will include bins, bin placement, waste flows, and actual signage.

Education Lab 1

Team: Athena Vescott

Objective: State the objective of your part of the project, e.g. The objective is to design a feasible plan for site infrastructure that reduces waste and waste impacts. The plan will include bins, bin placement, waste flows, and actual signage. Make sure to include something about working with children, video for children and adults, and lesson plans.

Education Lab 2

Team: Jina Ayres, Beau Hopkins

Objective: The objective of our group is to research and implement an educational plan for zero waste at Fuente Nueva. We plan to develop lesson plans on waste reduction, recycling, and composting. We plan to work with the children of Fuente Nueva directly, interacting and teaching them about waste. We also plan to develop educational videos for the children and adults, as well as a video that documents the Fall '13 Engr 308 class working on the Fuente Nueva Waste Project.

Plan Lab 1

Team: Enter team names with links to user pages, e.g. Lonny Grafman , Everett Williams

Objective: State the objective of your part of the project, e.g. The objective is to design a feasible plan for site infrastructure that reduces waste and waste impacts. The plan will include bins, bin placement, waste flows, and actual signage. Make sure to include something about working with children, video for children and adults, and lesson plans. Make sure to include something about the entire phased site plan, methodology, client presentation and grant language.

Plan Lab 2

Team: Enter team names with links to user pages, e.g. Lonny Grafman Nathan Fisch

Objective: State the objective of your part of the project, e.g. The objective is to design a feasible plan for site infrastructure that reduces waste and waste impacts. The plan will include bins, bin placement, waste flows, and actual signage. Make sure to include something about working with children, video for children and adults, and lesson plans. Make sure to include something about the entire phased site plan, methodology, client presentation and grant language.


Team: Drew Harrington, Nick Hurn, Anthony Gordon, Bri Bachtell, and Casildo Perez.

Objective: The objective of this team is to; aid in project management, organize information on the wiki, create an excel layout for data entry and polish final information in spreadsheets generated by the other teams in order to have a final product that is effective, presentable, and accessible.


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Every team needs to research the embedded energy, CO2, mass and volume of typical waste materials from a grade school, e.g. those little milk cartons.

Physical Infrastructure Research

You will want research relating to: existing physical infrastructure such as bins and signage at schools in general; best waste practices in K-6 (or K-8) schools; costs and styles of waste bins that could be used; etc. Please come up with more topics and add your research here with the format listed above (under (#Research).

Education Research

You will want research relating to: existing waste curriculum for schools; existing waste education videos for school; information on how K-5 students learn; etc. Please come up with more topics and add your research here with the format listed above (under (#Research).

Beau Hopkins Interview with children about waste & recycling:

Q: What do you know about recycling?

A1: I don’t know anything about it.

A2: I know that when you recycle something, it can be used again in another item but different from what it originally was.

Q: Where do you think waste goes after you throw it out?

A1: It goes to the dump but I don’t know about places like that.

A2: I think waste used to go to the ocean, but now since we have garbage trucks it now goes to the dump and somebody goes through it and the useless stuff gets burned up.

Beau Hopkins Peer Review Article: The Social Context of Recycling

"The most important determinant of recycling behavior is access to a structured, institutionalized program that makes recycling easy and convenient" (The Social Context of Recycling) [1]

Beau Hopkins Book: Recycling, for the future: it's everybody's business

“Bellevue, WA enjoyed one of the highest single family recycling rates at 61% in 1997, and perhaps the highest multi-family recycling rate as well. In 1998, multi-family housing residents recycled 21.7 pounds of recyclables per month per household. Bellevue’s Neighbors for Recycling volunteer program trains residents to educate the community about recycling. More than 500 residents have participated in Bellevue’s personalized outreach activities and today, 97% of multi-family buildings in Bellevue participate in recycling.” (Recycling, for the future: it's everybody's business) [2]

"Students selected as Waste Ambassadors have designed posters to educate other students, teachers, parents and visitors about their zero waste efforts. The learning process for the 4th grade Holmes Waste Ambassadors has included field trips to the Educycle Recycling Center (a materials recovery facility); Chicago's Green City Farmers' Market to learn about the role of composting on farms; a local landfill; Whole Foods to learn about packaging through a scavenger hunt; and the Working Bikes Cooperative to understand reuse strategies. " -Launching Zero Waste Schools [3]

Plan Research

You will want research relating to: creating a waste plan; waste auditing; existing grants for waste or waste in grade schools (or maybe even environmental education in grade schools); etc. Please come up with more topics and add your research here with the format listed above (under (#Research).

What is in the waste?

On average 25% of lunch food is wasted [4]

Waste Education

Australian Waste Wise Schools Program is successful waste education program that has been ongoing since 1996. The program is cited to have been success because of the following factors [5] • The school administration are committed and supportive • The community is involved in the planning and implementation • Students are encouraged to take ownership of the project • The program is planned in committees or teams with audits, policies, targets, action plans and curriculum plans • Dynamic curriculum that changes with the current conditions • Good systems that are well maintained • the school community strives for change but understand change takes time • The project is continuously improving • At least some of the projects are enjoyable and there are times for celebration

Meta Research


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