
This page is about the Hyper Visible Power Meter that was constructed for the Flock House Project in New York City by Team Stark Industries during the Fall 2011 Introduction to Design class Humboldt State University. We were tasked with the creation of a meter to provide information about the energy storage system on-board the Flock House. This meter will be utilized daily by the Flock House for the durration of its travels around New York City. The meter serves as both an educational tool for the public as well as a tool for the artists living aboard by presenting an alert when power levels are too low.



The Flock House Project

The Flock House is a self sustaining pod that will travel around the neighborhoods of New York City to teach the public about sustainability. It will serve as a home for two artists who will accompany the pod as it travels through the city.

Team Stark Industries

Team Stark Industries is a team of four students enrolled in Fall 2011Engineering 215 Intro to Design at Humboldt State University.

Problem Statement

The challenge for....

Final Solution

photo here The final solution...



Implementation Costs

The total implementation cost for ... update table!

Item Our Price ($) Market Value ($)
Fuses 1.99 1.99
Fuse Holder 2.49 3.00
Motor 5.00 50.00
Metal/ Aluminum 2.19 10.00
Diode 1.19 1.19
Bolts 4.75 4.75
Spring Pin Donated 1.50
Bike Trainer Stand Donated 75.00
DC-DC Step Down 60.00 100.00
TOTAL $77.61 $247.43

Maintenance Costs

Maintenance ...


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