Below is a list of Songs with and Environmental Theme - something to listen to while you are working on Appropedia:


Global Warming Blues

words & music Lenny Solomon

He loves to go out shopping in his SUV A car that large is rocking, fits him to a tee When he gets behind the wheel, hears that engine whine He doesn’t think of the gasoline he’s burning all the time Will it be now or later, when he gets a clue Global warming’s coming, babe, it’s gunna get you

I make so much money I could buy me a continent Gunna build me a trophy house with every complement A fridge as big a Venus, a stove as big as Mars With all the modern conveniences, you see I’m a star Will it be now or later, when he gets a clue Global warming’s coming, babe, it’s gunna get you

Glaciers are all melting, the Arctic’s turning green Polar bears have seen their lairs go floating down the stream Harp seals have changed color, they’re no long white They’re now bronze complected and extremely uptight Will it be now or later, when we get a clue Global warming’s coming, babe, it’s gunna get you




Folk Rock

Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell

"Living in Los Angeles, smog chocked L.A., is bad enough but the last straw came when I visited Hawaii for the first time. It was night time when we got there, so I didn't get my first view of the scenery until I got up the next morning. The hotel room was quite high up so in the distance I could see the blue Pacific Ocean. I walked over to the balcony and there was the picture book scenery, palm tree swaying in the breeze and all. Then I looked down and there was this ugly concrete car park in the hotel grounds. I thought "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot" and that's how the song "Big Yellow Taxi" was born."

Hagen - Mother Nature

This band originates from Sweden. Their musical style encompassas a mix of heavy metal with bluegrass/folk undertones..

Mother nature can comfort and lead us Can shelter and feed us But she doesn't need us Mother nature can cheat and mistreat us Destroy and defeat us 'Cause she doesn't need us

Mother nature can shelter and feed us Or kill and defeat us 'Cause she doesn't need us Mother nature doesn't need us Mother nature doesn't heed us Up and down and round and round we spin Like dust in the wind Up and down and round and round we spin Like dust in the wind--Hoffster 17:39, 4 September 2007 (PDT)


Heavy metal

Biotech is Godzilla by Sepultura

Another great song, "Biotech is Godzilla", by "Sepultura", featuring Jello Biafra from Dead Kennedys. This song is to me about technology rapeing nature, with no remorse or concern for the future of the planet. Take however much, by any means necessary, until there is none left, move on and repeat. It also mentions some factual information; such as Cubatao, Brazil, which is one of the most polluted areas in the world and The Rio Summit of 92'; which was a gathering in Rio de Janeiro with The United Nations to help goverments rethink economic development and to better conserve and use precious natural resouces. Great song, should be played at high volume.

Rio Summit 92', Street people kidnapped Hid from view "To save the earth" Our rulers met Some had other Secret plans

No... No... No... No...

Biotech Biotech Biotech Say what?

Strip-mine the Amazon Of cells of life itself Gold rush for genes is on Natives get nothing

Biotech Biotech Biotech Is Godzilla

Mutations cooked in labs Money-mad experiments New food + medicine? New germs + accidents! Like Cubatao "World's most polluted town" Air melts your face Deformed children all around Bio-technology Ain't what's so bad Like all technology It's in the wrong hands

Cut-throat corporations Don't give a damn When lots of people die From what they've made

Biotech Biotech Biotech Is A.I.D.S.?


--Dustin 12:13, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Steel Prophet- Environmental Revolt

We the people of this decimated planet called earth For twenty years have reaped only still birth My veins reflecting earth's rivers Filled with poison life they cannot support

People of all races on this planet know economic crash will mean so much woe Corporations in states of denial scream "our system's good pollution is not what it seems" But like all revolution before the throng of justice will break down the door People pleading reform are just the calm before the storm


Stand up for life of the future Destroy the way that's ruined us Bring environmental killers to trial End their reign with a smile

Inventions coming onto the scene Their effects on health remain to be seen But once profit begins to flow Corporate vultures seize the control

Once jobs and livelihood is on the line They rope you into their clutches like swine Revolutions gone down the drain Work for them you're just a pawn in their game

Then they tell you cut back conserve Our way can live if our rules you observe But you know the whole system's decayed To the corporate god our leaders have prayed


So you wonder what to do Their elections offer no one to you You arm yourself to destroy them The thought of bloodshed leaves doubt


They endorse the death penalty but abortion is a crime

Drugs that make you happy are not to be used But it's okay for profit to put poison in our food A system for the futures death our governments the crime--Hoffster 17:18, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Sepultura - Old Earth

We gamble with life fighting tribes after tribes Colors and races misplaced in the spaces We're falling, we're crawling, we're crying, denying Heavy rain shaking ground, no roots will be found Hate from my mother, the limits of mankind We're lying, we're dying, destroying The earth is rotting, the earth is rotting Rot old old earth The earth is growing, it keeps on growing Rot old old earth Believing in gods and spirits that can save us Shout to the skies and disturbing the peace We're rioting, we're shouting, we're killing, denying Involved in our minds but not by our own actions Consume all the wealth, there's no hope for redemption We're burning, we're cutting, destroying Can you feel? Can you feel it leave! The earth is rotting, the earth is rotting Rot old old earth The earth is growing, it keeps on growing Rot old old earth--Hoffster 17:18, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Hip hop

New World Water by Mos Def

This song to me is about the condition of our nations water supply and the worlds. It's by Mos Def entitled, "New World Water", off the albulm "Black on Both Sides". This is only part of the song, but I thought this part had the most to say. Enjoy!

Fluorocarbons and monoxide Push the water table lopside Used to be free now it cost you a fee Cause oil tankers spill they load as they roam cross the sea Man, you gotta cook with it, bathe and clean with it (That's right) When it's hot, summertime you fiend for it (Let em know) You gotta put it in the iron you steamin with (That's right) It's what they dress wounds and treat diseases with (Shout it out) The rich and poor, black and white got need for it (That's right) And everybody in the world can agree with this (Let em know) Consumption promotes health and easiness (That's right) Go too long without it on this earth and you leavin it (Shout it out) Americans wastin it on some leisure shit (Say word?) And other nations be desperately seekin it (Let em know) Bacteria washing up on they beaches (Say word?) Don't drink the water, son they can't wash they feet with it (Let em know) Young babies in perpetual neediness (Say word?) Epidemics hopppin up off the petri dish (Let em know) Control centers try to play it all secretive (Say word?) To avoid public panic and freakiness (Let em know) There are places where TB is common as TV Cause foreign-based companies go and get greedy The type of cats who pollute the whole shore line Have it purified, sell it for a dollar twenty-five Now the world is drinkin it Your moms, wife, and baby girl is drinkin it Up north and down south is drinkin it You should just have to go to your sink for it The cash registers is goin "cha-chink!" for it Fluorocarbons and monoxide Got the fish lookin cockeyed Used to be free now it cost you a fee Cause it's all about gettin that cash (Money)

--Dustin 12:20, 4 September 2007 (PDT)


Another song I have is by "Atmosphere", off the album "Seven's Travels". The song is "Shhh" and to me it's about his love from where he's from and grateful that his city doesn't have all the problems of others; pollution, overpopulation, ext. Here's a clip.

I wanted to make a song about where I'm from You know? Big up my home town, my territory, my state But, I couldn't figure out much to brag about Prince lives here, we got 10,000 lakes But wait, the women are beautiful, to me they are And we're not infested with pretentious movie stars And it hit me, Minnesota is dope If only simply for not what we have but what we don't It's all fair, it ain't out there, it's in there It's in the mirror, behind the breast under the hair Follow the dream doesn't mean leave the love Roam if you must, but come home when you've seen enough I love New York and Cali, but I ain't movin' Too overpopulated saturated with humans And I'm not big on rappers, actors, or models If I had to dip, I'd probably skip to Chicago None of this is to diss no one, nowhere Like damn, I'm from Minnesota, land of the cold air Too many mosquitoes and our fair share of egos But like my man Sabe says, that's where my mommy stays

[Chorus:] So if the people laugh and giggle when you tell em where you live Say shhh, say shhh And if you know this is where you wanna raise your kids Say shhh, say shhh If you're from the Midwest and it doesn't matter where Say shhh, say shhh If you can drink tap water and breathe the air Say shhh, say shhh

Got trees and vegetation in the city I stay The rent's in the mail and I can always find a parking space The women outnumber the men two to one Got parks and zoos and things to do with my son The nightlife ain't all that, but that's okay I don't need to be distracted by the devil every day And the jobs ain't really too hard to find In fact, you could have mine if you knew how to rhyme This is for everyone around the planet That wishes they were from somewhere other than where they standin' Don't take it for granted, instead take a look around Quit complaining and build something on that ground Plant something on that ground, dance and sleep on that ground Get on your hands and knees and watch the ants walk around That ground Make a family, make magic, make a mess Take the stress, feel your motivation and build your nest It sucks that you think where I'm from is wack But as long as that's enough to keep your ass from coming back And with a smile and a hint of sarcasm, he said "I beg your pardon but this is my secret garden"

All right (In the land of ice and snow) Well okay (In the land of ice and snow) Well all right (In the land of ice and snow) Well okay (Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minneapolis)

[Repeat Chorus]

If the playground is clear of stems and syringes Say shhh, say shhh If there's only one store in your town that sells 12-inches Say shhh, say shhh If no one in your crew walks around with a gun Say shhh, say shhh And if you ain't gonna leave cause this is where you're from Say shhh, say shhh

Michael Franti & Spearhead - Is It Love Enough?

Watched/Listened to Franti perform this song at en environmentally focused music festival in Cali. -This is just a small excerpt- Generally, the band spread out music relaying messages of social unification and opposition of the US governments environmental policies...But, like all art, these lyrics are open for for personal interpretation...

"We want freedom of speech But we all talking at the same time We say we want peace but nobody wants to change thier own mind"

"And it goes on and on and on For a thousand year And it goes on and on and on What language are your tears"

"Everybody wants to live the life of kings and queens But nobody wants to stay and plow the fields Everybody wants to tell thier neighbors how to live But nobody wants to listen to how they feel"

"And it goes on and on and on...."..... --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Ozomatli- Coming War

From the album, "Ozomatli." This band has deep Hispanic roots... lyrics have been translated from Spanish to English using a computer program. This band often speaks out about political opposition and international concern for unification and environmental consciousness.

Chorus] We see a coming war We see a coming war Now Can you imagine this world with no oppression? And no need to dabble in greed and transgression The solution for murder and prostitution Never glorify this pollution on television Corrupt an entire nation Explicit images Never freeing Mumia regardless of proven innocence Turning to crime and not using intelligence What makes me wonder sometimes are we in hell or Inches away from confronting the powers that be Saw in seconds what has taken some hours to see Temps is hot enough to melt a bullion More than a million people are ready For rebellion This shit is ill Sun set to the crack of dawn If you're black or blonde Uncle Sam is robbing you blind and putting shackles 'pon The minds of your children for real son Beware this system and go to war with this institution. They see a coming war They see a coming war They expect those of us who peep to not see Medical benefits should be cheap if not free (right?) The richest people are those without morals Cuz once they get inside they tend to keep the door closed Lord knows they killing us quick and clean >From baseheads to people addicted to nicotine Man-made diseases where skin cells corrode To ones where if infected you die from common colds Economical foes they pose the true threat Using your tax dollars to sell and produce death What's left? We got guns and drug trafficking Government will be backing And blaming Latin and African brothers for dirty work done The shit they do not only hurts young But it's provoking revolutionary circum- Stances Slow like molasses This is a message to the masses Never ass kiss [Chorus] Emergency, emergency, evacuate the premises immediately Emergency, emergency Now Open your ear Cause slavery will appear When corporate cutthroats control your career The treats of life are toned and ain't no way the ripple fix Beware the microchip that replaces the triple six Which one? Are you a soldier who fights against fraud Or pawns in this game on this government's chess board? The signs are clearly defined It's merely your mind state Wars coming my people so stay awake --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Earth Song by Michael Jackson

What about sunrise What about rain What about all the things That you said we were to gain... What about killing fields Is there a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've shed before Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores?

Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah

What have we done to the world Look what we've done What about all the peace That you pledge your only son... What about flowering fields Is there a time What about all the dreams That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the children dead from war Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores

Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah

I used to dream I used to glance beyond the stars Now I don't know where we are Although I know we've drifted far

Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah

Hey, what about yesterday (What about us) What about the seas (What about us) The heavens are falling down (What about us) I can't even breathe (What about us) What about apathy (What about us) I need you (What about us) What about nature's worth (ooo, ooo) It's our planet's womb (What about us) What about animals (What about it) We've turned kingdoms to dust (What about us) What about elephants (What about us) Have we lost their trust (What about us) What about crying whales (What about us) We're ravaging the seas (What about us) What about forest trails (ooo, ooo) Burnt despite our pleas (What about us) What about the holy land (What about it) Torn apart by creed (What about us) What about the common man (What about us) Can't we set him free (What about us) What about children dying (What about us) Can't you hear them cry (What about us) Where did we go wrong (ooo, ooo) Someone tell me why (What about us) What about babies (What about it) What about the days (What about us) What about all their joy (What about us) What about the man (What about us) What about the crying man (What about us) What about Abraham (What was us) What about death again (ooo, ooo) Do we give a damn

--Fatima 16:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Ice MC - Look After Nature

Cu dem no seh dem a chop down tree di tree dem serve fi di human to breath di way dem treat nature is a idiocy dash weh glass bokkle you deh a country no badda nasty unu better clean look after nature and keep it green no badda nasty unu better clean look after nature an do mek it bleed A weh you ago do when the air it gone a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when the acid rain fall a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when you step pan glass a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when di nuclear blast a weh you ago do a weh you ago do Nuclear power is stupidity dem have it over yasso an have it over sea an when you tek a stop dem seh it a leak dem better watch di o.z.o.n.e. uno better start fi worry an start fi fret ca all dem kinda ting deh don't over yet seh disgrace seh shame pan you face unu better do so'um no fi help di humam race How come dem don't dash bokkle na di bin mi no no how come mi no no how come how come polution increasin' mi no no how come mi no no how come how come dem don't mek electric cyar mi no no how come mi no no how come how come you cya drink from di river Look after nature look after nature don't badda mek it spwyle look after nature look after nature respect the earth my child A weh you ago do when the air it gone a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when the acid rain fall a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when you step pan glass a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when di nuclear blast a weh you ago do a weh you ago do A weh you ago do when the air it gone a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when the acid rain fall a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when you step pan glass a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when di nuclear blast a weh you ago do a weh you ago do A weh you ago do when the air it gone a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when the acid rain fall a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when you step pan glass a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when di nuclear blast a weh you ago do a weh you ago do Splish splash pitney nah hear dat if polution continue an di sea turn black if you ketch a fish it have oil na di mout tink just like doo doo an you cya wash it out natural there's nothin' like it look after it an no badder spwyle it natural look after fi you country look after it and don't badder spwyle it A weh you ago do when the air it gone a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when the acid rain fall a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when you step pan glass a weh you ago do a weh you ago do a weh you ago do when di nuclear blast a weh you ago do a weh you ago do Look after nature look after nature don't badda mek it spwyle look after nature look after nature respect the earth my child Look after nature look after nature don't badda mek it spwyle look after nature look after nature respect the earth my child Look after nature look after nature don't badda mek it spwyle look after nature look after nature respect the earth my child Look after nature look after nature don't badda mek it spwyle look after nature look after nature respect the earth my child Look after nature look after nature don't badda mek it spwyle look after nature look after nature respect the earth my child --Hoffster 13:18, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Beastie Boys- Alright, Hear This

An excerpt from the song...

I Ask God For A Rhyme Or Two A Little Something For The Wise As Well As The Fool A Little Something To Affect A Little Taste Of Change For The Together And The Strong As Well As the Dearanged I'll Do You Right Like Bobby Knight And Then I'm Rapping On The Mic To The Broadway Light Stomp My Hands, I Clap My Feet And I'm Bugging Off Yusef Lateef I Got A Match To My Ass And I'm A Keep It Lit I Need To Get Some Cash, Call My Accountant Britt I'm Rushing Around Town Taking Care Of My Functions Always Got One More Thing So Forget About Function We Create This World And The Problems Go On Create Our Lives And The Things That Go Wrong So To The Deaf, The Blind, Look Around And Listen To What It Is You Want And For What You're Wishing --Hoffster 13:18, 4 September 2007 (PDT)



Nature Anthem

this is by far one of the catchiest, most lovable nature songs on planet earth. The Band is called Grandaddy and the song is called Nature Anthem. The lyrics are as follows:

"I wanna walk up the side of the mountain, I wanna walk down the other side of the mountain I wanna swim in the river, and lie in the sun, I wanna try to be nice to everyone"

This refrain is repeated and officially lodged in one's head for the next day or two. Here's the video for an even happier experience! --Kellygreen06 13:54, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

New Age

Progressive Rock

Rush- The Trees

There is unrest in the forest There is trouble with the trees For the maples want more sunlight And the oaks ignore their pleas

The trouble with the maples (and they’re quite convinced they’re right) They say the oaks are just too lofty And they grab up all the light But the oaks can’t help their feelings If they like the way they’re made And they wonder why the maples Can’t be happy in their shade?

There is trouble in the forest And the creatures all have fled As the maples scream `oppression!` And the oaks, just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union And demanded equal rights ’the oaks are just too greedy We will make them give us light’ Now there’s no more oak oppression For they passed a noble law And the trees are all kept equal By hatchet, Axe, And saw ...

Bjork- Earth Intruders

Earth Intruders

We are the earth intruders We are the earth intruders Muddy with twigs and branches

Turmoil! Carnage!

Here come the earth intruders We are the paratroopers Stampede of sharpshooters Come straight from voodoo

With our feet thumping With our feet marching Grinding skeptics into the soil

Shower of goodness Coming to end the doubt pouring over Shower of goodness coming to end

We are the earth intruders We are the sharp shooters Flock of parashooters Necessary voodoo

I have guided my bones Through some voltage And loved them still And loved them too

Metallic carnage! Feriocity! Feel the speed!

We are the earth intruders We are the sharp shooters Flock of parashooters Necessary voodoo

There is turmoil out there Carnage! rambling!

What is to do but dig Dig bones out of earth Mudgraves! Timber! Morbid trenches!

Here come the earth intruders Stampede of resistance We are the canoneers Necessary voodoo

And the beast With many heads And arms rolling Steamroller!

We are the earth intruders We are the earth intruders Muddy with twigs and branches

Forgive this tribe!

We are the earth intruders We are the earth intruders Muddy with twigs and branches

We are the earth intruders Muddy with twigs and branches We are the earth intruders

We are the earth intruders Muddy with twigs and branches Marching

We are the earth intruders Muddy with twigs and branches Marching

March March March --Hoffster 11:56, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Prince - Planet Earth

The only thing between us now is the truth we understand If Planet Earth was in the palm of your hand

50 years from now what will they say about us here? Did we care for the water and the fragile atmosphere?

There are only 2 kinds of folk And the difference they make The ones that give And the ones that take

Just like the countless bodies That revolve around the sun Planet Earth must now come into balance with the one, That caused it all to be Then we’ll see His kingdom come, So shall it be written, so shall it be sung

Imagine you could rid the Earth Of anyone you choose Which ones would you need the most And which ones would you lose?

Do we want to judge another Lest we be judged too? Careful now... The next one might be you --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)


Jamiroquai - Emergency on Planet Earth

The kids need education, And the streets are never clean, I've seen, a certain disposition, prevailing in the wind, Sweet change, if anybody's listening? Emergency on planet earth. Is that life that I am witnessing, Or just another wasted birth.

Now, we got emergency Oh, we got emergency on planet Earth Now, we got emergency Oh, we got emergency on planet Earth

Think we're standing for injustice, White gets two and black gets five years, Took me quite a while to suss this, But now I know my head is cleared And a little boy in hungry land, is just a picture in the news, Won't see him in that TV advertising, 'cause it might put you off your food

Now, we got emergency Oh, we got emergency on planet Earth Now, we got emergency Oh, we got emergency on planet Earth --Hoffster 17:05, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

U2- Peace on Earth

An exerpt from the song...

Heaven on Earth We need it now I'm sick of all of this Hanging around

Sick of sorrow I'm sick of the pain I'm sick of hearing Again and again That there's gonna be Peace on Earth

Where I grew up There weren't many trees Where there was we'd tear them down And use them on our enemies

They say that what you mock Will surely overtake you And you become a monster So the monster will not break you

And it's already gone too far You said that if you go in hard You won't get hurt This peace on Earth Peace on Earth Peace on Earth Peace on Earth--Hoffster 17:05, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Beck - The New Pollution

Perhaps this song refers to "She" as the earth, or mother nature- and it's/her experience with pollution, and the lack of social change needed to correct such problems.

She's got cigarette on each arm She's got the lilly-white cavity crazes She's go a carborator tied to the moon Pink eyes looking to the food of the ages She's alone in the new pollution She's alone in the new pollution she's got a hand on a wheel of pain She can talk to the mangling strangers She can sleep in a fiery bog Throwing troubles to the dying embers She's alone in the new pollution She's alone in the new pollution She's alone in the new pollution She's alone in the new pollution She's got a paradise caoflauge Like a whip-crack sending me shivers She's a boat through a strip-mine ocean Riding low on the drunken rivers She's alone in the new pollution She's alone in the new pollution--Hoffster 17:05, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Biohazard- World on Fire

Take a good hard look at yourself as the world that you live in you now destroy Don't cry, just ask yourself why you never cared until you started to die World on fire Give me one good reason to respect the laws that you obey Step back and watch it burn as the life you live just slips away Manipulate the ignorant hordes into hating each other and fighing your wars With no respect for the people who died and no assistance for the families that cry World on fire You expect me to believe that you shoot and kill in the name of peace? You fuel the hateful twisted minds of the wretched, cruel, diseased Give me one good reason to respect the lies that you obey, step back and watch it burn as the life you live just slips away Don't let it slip away Fill our minds with conspiracy they create the hate that we believe Pollute our lives with your lies and trechery, show our children who is their enemy While you sit in your oil fields and count all the money that you f**king steel--Hoffster 17:24, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Punk rock

Allister - Suffocation

From the album,"Before the Blackout." 2005.

There's something buried deep between these lines that you will never see It's something that they don't want us to figure out Were suffocating under all the lies and picture perfect smiles The presidents and photographs in magazines And no ones listening

We are the lives that will decide the state of desperation Divided by a sense of doubt We'll fight for you We'll break the rules We'll write this indignation Until it all comes crashing down

There's something wrong when television is the basis for our lives They want us to believe in everything we see It's getting harder now that all the innocence has passed us by Now everybody wants to get something for free And no ones listening

We are the lives that will decide the state of desperation Divided by a sense of doubt We'll fight for you We'll break the rules We'll write this indignation Until it all comes crashing down

And everybody wants the truth But they're too scared to face it They just don't accept what's happening We just sit back and watch the world destroy itself when We all know something's wrong

We are the lives that will decide the state of desperation Divided by a sense of doubt We'll fight for you We'll break the rules We'll write this indignation Until it all comes crashing down Until it all comes crashing down --Hoffster 11:57, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Skinny Puppy- Natures Revenge

weather turning towards a storm broken down road continue on coexistance imitating paradise unlike any seen moist has been dancing crazy overcast ash grey wording constantly pushing pulling pushes away drew back a rusty knife guilt ladle pour it understand i burn inside how to get out of here how do you get out of this natures revenge nature cage craving wonder the worth of it scream at the top of your lungs so many times tried not to wonder--Hoffster 17:11, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Bad Religion - The World Wont Stop Without You

Now that your road has been paved from conception to your grave. Enormous things to do, others' practices to eschew, To be better than you is impossible to do, But the world won't stop without you. No, the world won't stop without you. Your achievements are unsurpassed, you are highly-ordered mass, But you can bet your ass your free energy will dissipate. Two billion years thus far, now mister here you are, An element in a sea of enthalpic organic compounds. The world won't stop without you. The world won't stop without you. You're only as elegant as your actions let you be A piece of chaos related phylogenetically To every living organ system, we're siblings, don't you see? The earth rotates and will revolve without you constantly. Two billion years thus far, now mister here you are, An element in a sea of enthalpic organic compounds. The world won't stop without you. No, the world won't stop without you. I said the world won't stop without you.--Hoffster 17:33, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Rock and Roll

Beach Boys- Don't Go Near the Water

Don't go near the water... Don't you think it's sad, What's happened to the water? Our water's goin' bad.

Oceans, rivers, lakes and streams Have all been touched by man. The poison floatin' out to sea Now threatens life on land.

Don't go near the water... Ain't it sad, What's happened to the water? It's going bad.

Don't go near the water; Don't go near the water...

Toothpaste and soap will make our oceans a bubble bath, So let's avoid an ecological aftermath. Beginning with me, Beginning with you...

Don't go near the water To do it any wrong; To be cool with the water Is the message of this song.

Let's all help the water— Right away! Do what we can and ought to— Let's start today. It seems we're putting a lot of stuff in the water nowadays and after hearing this song it really puts a message out there and says we should do something now and fast. If you think about it, the Beach Boys have been known for so long and way back then they were singing about environmental issues.

Jethro Tull- Wond'ring Again

From the album,"Living in the Past." Lifestyle repercussions?....

There's the stillness of death on a deathly unliving sea, and the motor car magical world long since ceased to be, when the Eve-bitten apple returned to destroy the tree.

Incestuous ancestry's charabanc ride, spawning new millions throws the world on its side. Supporting their far-flung illusion, the national curse, and those with no sandwiches please get off the bus.

The excrement bubbles, the century's slime decays and the brainwashing government lackeys would have us say it's under control and we'll soon be on our way to a grand year for babies and quiz panel games of the hot hungry millions you'll be sure to remain.

The natural resources are dwindling and no one grows old, and those with no homes to go to, please dig yourself holes.

We wandered through quiet lands, felt the first breath of snow. Searched for the last pigeon, slate grey I've been told. Stumbled on a daffodil which she crushed in the rush, heard it sigh, and left it to die. At once felt remorse and were touched by the loss of our own, held its poor broken head in her hands, dropped soft tears in the snow, and it's only the taking that makes you what you are.

Wond'ring aloud will a son one day be born to share in our infancy in the child's path we've worn. In the aging seclusion of this earth that our birth did surprise we'll open his eyes. --Hoffster 11:58, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Moody Blues- How Is It?(We are here)

From the album "A Question of Balance." Check out the lyrics...'nuff said.

How is it we are here, on this path we walk, In this world of pointless fear, filled with empty talk, Descending from the apes as scientist-priests all think, Will they save us in the end, we're trembling on the brink.

Men's mighty mine-machines digging in the ground, Stealing rare minerals where they can be found. Concrete caves with iron doors, bury it again, While a starving frightened world fills the sea with grain.

Her love is like a fire burning inside, Her love is so much higher it can't be denied, She sends us her glory, it's always been there, Her love's all around us, it's there for you and me to share.

Men's mighty mine-machines digging in the ground, Stealing rare minerals where they can be found. Concrete caves with iron doors, bury it again, While a starving frightened world fills the sea with grain.

How is it we are here How is it we are here How is it we are here --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Yes -Don't Kill the Whale

From YES's 1978 album, "Tormato."

You're first I'm last You're thirst I'm asked to justify Killing our last heaven beast Don't hunt the whale

In beauty Vision Do we Offer much If we reason with destiny, gonna lose our touch Don't kill the whale

--- | ---

Rejoice They sing They worship their own space In a moment of love, they will die for their grace Don't kill the whale

If time will allow We will judge all who came In the wake of our new age to stand for the frail Don't kill the whale --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Van Halen - Right Now

From the album, "Best of Both Worlds."

Don't wanna wait 'til tomorrow Why put it off another day? One by one, little problems Build up, and stand in our way. Oh

One step ahead, one step behind it Now ya gotta run to get even Make future plans I'll dream about yesterday, hey! Come on turn, turn this thing around

(Right now) Hey! It's your tomorrow (Right now) Come on, it's everything (Right now) Catch your magic moment Do it right here and now It means everything --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Rush- Trees

This song tells a story of timber harvesting and the stuggle of a forest....

There is unrest in the forest, There is trouble with the trees, For the maples want more sunlight And the oaks ignore their pleas.

The trouble with the maples, (And they're quite convinced they're right) They say the oaks are just too lofty And they grab up all the light. But the oaks can't help their feelings If they like the way they're made. And they wonder why the maples Can't be happy in their shade.

There is trouble in the forest, And the creatures all have fled, As the maples scream "Oppression!" And the oaks just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union And demanded equal rights. "The oaks are just too greedy; We will make them give us light." Now there's no more oak oppression, For they passed a noble law, And the trees are all kept equal By hatchet, axe, and saw. --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Michael Jackson - Earth Song

What about sunrise What about rain What about all the things That you said we were to gain.. . What about killing fields Is there a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've shed before Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores?

Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah

What have we done to the world Look what we've done What about all the peace That you pledge your only son... What about flowering fields Is there a time What about all the dreams That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the children dead from war Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah

I used to dream I used to glance beyond the stars Now I don't know where we are Although I know we've drifted far

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah

Hey, what about yesterday (What about us) What about the seas (What about us) The heavens are falling down (What about us) I can't even breathe (What about us) What about the bleeding Earth (What about us) Can't we feel its wounds (What about us) What about nature's worth (ooo,ooo) It's our planet's womb (What about us) What about animals (What about it) We've turned kingdoms to dust (What about us) What about elephants (What about us) Have we lost their trust (What about us) What about crying whales (What about us) We're ravaging the seas (What about us) What about forest trails (ooo, ooo) Burnt despite our pleas (What about us) What about the holy land (What about it) Torn apart by creed (What about us) What about the common man (What about us) Can't we set him free (What about us) What about children dying (What about us) Can't you hear them cry (What about us) Where did we go wrong (ooo, ooo) Someone tell me why (What about us) What about babies (What about it) What about the days (What about us) What about all their joy (What about us) What about the man (What about us) What about the crying man (What about us) What about Abraham (What was us) What about death again (ooo, ooo) Do we give a damn --Hoffster 13:14, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Rick Wakeman - The Forest

Journey on through ages gone, to the centre of the earth Past rocks of quartz and granite, which gave mother nature birth Burial ground of ancient man, his life no more is seen, A journey through his time unknown, I wonder where he's been Wonder where he's been, wonder where he's been, wonder where he's been The shore now gone behind the hills, a forest in our sight, Rocks and distant mountains, bathed in waves of blinding light Forests from far gone time, no living man has seen, A private prehistoric world, for you and I a dream Brownish hue dicates my eye, no colour hides their fear, Flowers faded, dull and cold, now bleached by atmosphere Creatures twisting under trees, huge monsters soaked with rage Hidden deep below our earth, a frightening, bygone age Their shepherd came, now long extinct, a huge primeval man The three men filled with disbelief, just turned as one and ran. --Hoffster 13:26, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Kansas - Death of Mother Nature

Every day she gets a little weaker The beauty she once knew has come and gone We've murdered all her sons and all her daughters The blood is on your hands, the time has come And now she's gonna die We've strangled all her trees and starved her creatures There's poison in the sea and in the air But worst of all we've learned to live without her We've lost the very meaning of our lives And now she's gonna die Once she ruled the earth with love and wisdom But we were much too smart to live her way With greed and lust we tried to rise above her The ignorance of man will reach an end 'Cause now we're gonna die--Hoffster 13:26, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Neil Young - Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)

Oh, Mother Earth, With your fields of green Once more laid down by the hungry hand How long can you give and not receive And feed this world ruled by greed And feed this world ruled by greed.

Oh, ball of fire In the summer sky Your healing light, your parade of days Are they betrayed by the men of power Who hold this world in their changing hands They hold the world in their changing hands. [ ]

Oh, freedom land Can you let this go Down to the streets where the numbers grow Respect Mother Earth and her giving ways Or trade away our children's days Or trade away our children's days.

Respect Mother Earth and her giving ways Or trade away our children's days.--Hoffster 13:26, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Rolling Stones - Salt of the Earth

Say a prayer for his wife and his children Who burn the fires and who still till the earth And when I search a faceless crowd A swirling mass of gray and Black and white They don't look real to me In fact, they look so strange Raise your glass to the hard working people Let's drink to the uncounted heads Let's think of the wavering millions Who need leading but get gamblers instead Spare a thought for the stay-at-home voter Empty eyes gaze at strange beauty shows And a parade of the gray suited grafters A choice of cancer or polio And when I look in the faceless crowd A swirling mass of grays and Black and white They don't look real to me Or don't they look so strange Let's drink to the hard working people Let's think of the lowly of birth Spare a thought for the rag taggy people Let's drink to the salt of the earth Let's drink to the hard working people Let's drink to the salt of the earth Let's drink to the two thousand million Let's think of the humble of birth

--Hoffster 13:26, 4 September 2007 (PDT)



Marvin Gaye- Mercy,Mercy,Me

1971.This song is a clasic. Over three deccades have passed, and we continue to fight the same problems...

Oh, oh, mercy, mercy me Oh, things ain't what they used to be, no, no Where did all the blue skies go? Poison is the wind that blows from the north and south and east

Oh, mercy, mercy me Oh, things ain't what they used to be, no, no Oil wasted on the oceans and upon our seas fish full of mercury

Oh, oh, mercy, mercy me Oh, things ain't what they used to be, no, no Radiation underground and in the sky Animals and birds who live near by are dying

Oh, mercy, mercy me Oh, things ain't what they used to be What about this overcrowded land? How much more abuse from man can she stand?

Hoo - oh no - oh my my my --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)



Bob Marley - Concrete Jungle

This song may be found on Marley's widely published "Catch a Fire" album. This song of reminds me of urban sprawl and the environmentally-unfriendly practices of industrial development in economically poor/developing nations.

No sun will shine in my day today The hich yellow moon won't come out to play I said darkness has covered my light And the stage my day into night Where is the love to be found Won't someone tell me Cause life must be somewhere to be found Instead of concrete jungle Where the living is harder

Concrete jungle Man you got to do your best No chains around my feet But I'm not free I know I am bound here in captivity yeh-I've never known the happiness I've never known what sweet caress is Still-I'll be always laughing like a clown Won't somebody help me 'cause I've got to pick myself from off the ground In this ya concrete jungle I said what do you got for me now Concrete jungle ah won't you let me be now --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Steele Pulse- A Who Responsible?

From the album, "True Democracy."

And the struggle goes on---

Some say the earth Will keep on turning Dread times are near And I'm not joking I a warning As we continue that same old moaning The chosen race just keep on begging yeh And I wanna know who's responsible? They don't give a damn no

Mother's joy turn to Pain and hollering Weeping for their babes and sucklings Spirits of the innocent wandering Sufferation everlasting But I wanna know who's responsible? They don't give a damn no

Oh Papa dem chest keeps on burning Fist clench tight a grit dem teeth And blood is boiling The price is high yet they keep on paying The little bundles of love They are all missing And I wanna know who's responsible? They don't give a damn no

Brothers and sisters This plight we're facing Get involved problems to solved Yourselves concerning Divided we are so One by one we are falling The front line of the battle is hottest Your duties calling I demand to know who's responsible? They don't give a damn no

Talking down south Atlanta killings Talking down south Deptford bombings Talking down south Azania coming

They'll cut your hearts out And I'm not joking Turn no blind eye brothers be willing Yeh the front line of the battle is hottest Your duties calling --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Global Warning by Steel Pulse

Global warning Looking for love Stand up and be counted Never let them chop us down Global warning Cause you got to know — oh yes Stand up and be counted Don't ever let them cut us down, hey. The storm of life has come to Wash away my fears In dis ya sacrifice we make a change The preservation of the ancient forest growing Is our common goal to re-arrange What about the wild life Save them from extinction Have a sense of purpose Putting up resistance Destroying earth was not Jah's plan It's the work of man

Global warning We servants of creation Mother nature calls A weeping clouds above with a acid rain The smell of the pollution poison in the water Oh help us save our world from so much pain

Give me a reaction For some satisfaction Not into submission Dis ya revolution You're just as guilty standing there Come show me that you care

Global warning A message of hope Stand up and be counted don't ever let them chop us down A plea to humanity To stop this insanity oh It takes you and me To make a change We talking solidarity To have some authority It takes you and me To bring about — a change, a change, a change change, change

Global warning Cause we've had enough Stand up and be counted Don't ever let them chop us down Never let them Never let them

Bob Marley - So Much Trouble in the World

So much trouble in the world now [repeat] Bless my eyes this morning JAH sun is on the rise once again The way earthly things are going Anything can happen

You see men sailing on their ego trips Blast off on their spaceships Million miles from reality No care for you, no care for me So much trouble in the world now [repeat] All you've got to do is give a little Give a little, give a little One more time ye-a-h! ye-ah! [ Lyrics accessible from ]

So you think you have found the solution But it's just another illusion So before you check out your tide Don't leave another cornerstone standing there behind We have got to face the day, ooh we come what may We the street people talking, we the people struggling

Now they are sitting on a time bomb Now I now the time has come What goes up must come down Goes around comes around So much trouble in the world So much trouble in the world So much trouble in the world There is so much trouble, there is so much trouble There is so much trouble There is so much trouble in the world There is so much trouble in the world--Hoffster 17:33, 4 September 2007 (PDT)


String Cheese Incident- Black Clouds

Black clouds rollin’ up the valley. Black clouds cover up the sun, Black clouds rollin’ up the valley, How can I be sure that you’re the one?

Rivers rushin’ through the canyons, Rivers rollin’ through the hills, Rivers rushin’ through the canyons, I’ve got a restless heart I can’t keep still....

See this path we’re on coming to a fork now, The forest blocks the light of day On this pathway we must make a choice now, Stay together or go our separate ways.

Thunder clappin’ in the treetops Sparks shoot out in the night, Thunder clappin’ in the treetops It’s hard to say who’s wrong and who is right.

Fire ragin’ in the woodlands, Smoke blows across the fields Fire ragin’ in the woodlands, You don’t really know the way I feel. --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Jam Bands

String Cheese Incident - Rollover

This band encompasses a multitude of genres, so i listed them as a "Jam Band." To me, this song reflects the natural and unnatural shifts of the earth....

"Imagine standing on a mountain top in Utah Seashells at your feet Ravens rising everywhere Their crying fills the air It’s so hard to believe That ten thousand years ago Could it really be Where you're standing was the sea? She's cried out before rising from her core Now we're looking through that door

Is she going to Rollover? Rolling over you and me Rollover Rolling over could it be? All the cities are going to be Two Thousand feet under the sea Rollover Rolling over you and me

Walking through the city of Jerusalem They said it will be washed clean It's getting pretty dark out there No one doesn't seem to care Looking for my submarine A voyage to the ocean floor To find a city lost in lore So many things left unseen Don't believe We will have the final say Cause she will always find her way She might roll over Rolling over you and me Rollover Rolling over can't you see? can’t you see that we're going to be Two thousand feet under the sea? Rollover Rolling over you and meRollover Rolling over you and me Rollover Rolling over could it be? All these cities are going to be Two thousand feet under the sea Rollover Rolling over you and me Rollover Rolling over you and me Rollover Rolling over can’t you see? Can’t you see that we’re going to be two thousand feet under the sea? Rollover Rolling over you and me..." --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

String Cheese Incident - Sirens

From the album, "Untying the Not." When performing this song live, String Cheese often projects images onto the curtain at the back of the stage. The images they chose to represnt this song where ones of industrial pollution, migratory whales being hunted, polar bear searching for food, global warming...ect....

Sirens are calling for someone there on there way Which house is it gonna be

The wailing and crying comes closer still It's on our street today

A roll of the dice fate comes a knocking And takes one more away

For all of their careful planning Never thought it could end this way

I just want to say I love you And make sure you feel it everyday 'Cause if today had been my last chance It's just something I wanted to say

But this is not my time to go Grace has brought us another day But if tomorrow were to bring my turn What would I have left unsaid? What would I have left undone? What would I have left behind? --Hoffster 12:03, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

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